Pups and the Bear

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Requested by Writing4Life123 on FanFiction.Net

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Marshall's current teddy bear wasn't his first one. But what happened to his first teddy bear, and why is Chase afraid of talking about it?

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Being a police pup means that you have to brave your fears in order to do your job. But when Rubble asked him if he had seen Marshall angry before, Chase shivered and tried to dodge the question.

However, fate had other plans for him.

"Hey Rubble, hey Chase," the fire pup greeted as he walked past them.

"Hey, Marshall," Rubble greeted back cheerfully.

"H-hey Marshall," the police pup said, smiling nervously.

Marshall tilted his head to the side. "What's wrong, Chase?"

"I, um, well... Rubble was asking if I had seen you angry before and..."

"...you don't know how to tell him?" the dally finished with a smile. "How about we all go inside and I'll tell you the story."

Marshall skipped on his way inside, miraculously not tripping over anything. Rubble followed him, eager to hear the story. Chase, on the other hand, seemed to be dragging his paws forward.

When the got inside the Lookout, they found the other three playing Pup Pup Boogie on the big screen.

"Hey pups!" Marshall said cheerfully, maybe even too cheerfully.

"Hey Marshall, Chase, Rubble," Rocky greeted back before turning to watch Skye and Zuma go neck in neck in the game.

"Who's winning?" Chase asked, trying to stall time.

"Zuma," the mixed breed replied. "Ever since he got into the finals for the first time, he has been relentless in beating everyone."

And the game ended with Zuma in the lead and Skye not far behind.

"When did you get so good?" the cockapoo panted, flopping down on the mat.

Zuma chuckled before turning to the others. "Hey dudes. What's up?"

"Marshall was about to tell us the story of the first time Chase saw him angry," Rubble said in excitement.

"Ooh, an angry Marshall is a scary sight," Skye said, shivering slightly.

"Wait, you've seen Marshall angry too?" the construction said in surprise.

"Only once. I'm just glad it wasn't directed at me," she replied.

"Wanna hear the story too, Rocky and Zuma?" Marshall asked, getting comfortable with his red bean bag.

"Sure," the gray pup replied, laying down on his own bean bag, Zuma doing the same beside him.

The fire pup chuckled at their eagerness and Chase whimpered. He did not want to relieve this. He'd take Humdinger and his kittens any time.

"Before I start, do you know why Chase is afraid of dentists? Or any doctor in general?" Marshall asked to which everyone shook their heads.

"I was actually the reason," he admitted with a rueful smile. "It was the day I finished training as a medic pup and Ryder gave me my EMT gear."

"Wow, Marshall, you look great!" Chase exclaimed when the newly-trained medic pup showed him his new gear.

"Thanks, Chase," Marshall replied. "I'm glad my training was over. I don't think I can handle all those tests again."

"I thought you like learning," the police pup asked in confusion.

"I do, and I could give you all the names of the bones in the human body," the dally replied. "I just don't like sitting for a long time and answering all those stupid questions. Seriously, I'm training to be a medic pup, not to be a historian."

Chase chuckled. "Of course you are."

Marshall grinned at him. "I think I'm gonna read about hypothermia again. Winter is coming and I want to be ready, just in case."

"I didn't know Marshall was such a nerd," Rocky teased and the said pup blushed in embarrassment.

"Only about fire and medical things," Marshall retorted.

"Really? What's The Woosh's car again?"

"It's not just an ordinary car, it's a racecar," the fire pup corrected automatically. "It's got a triple turbo supercharged powerplant, interchangeable torsion bar suspension, and a high-performance braking system. But that's only the best parts."

All the other pups laughed at how much he knew about The Woosh's racecar. Marshall blushed.

"...this doesn't prove anything," he glared at the mixed breed who put his paws up in surrender.

"I think you're just doing it for Everest," Chase teased.

"Am not!" the dally said indignantly. "I just... want to help her... you know what? Nevermind. I'm just gonna go read that book. I'm gonna be at the beach if you need me."

"I'm sure Everest will be impressed," the police pup couldn't help but shout to the retreating pup, chuckling.

"It was then that Chase decided to do something that he thought would amuse me," Marshall said darkly.

"I already said sorry," Chase whimpered when he heard his best friend's tone.

"I know, Chase. I forgive you. It's just..." the fire pup sighed and continued the story.

Marshall left the beach, smiling widely. He had talked to Everest about the medical emergencies related to the cold weather, and he was happy with the number of things that he learned. 

But when he came back to the Lookout, his good mood deteriorated. Chase was at the corner, playing surgeon on his favorite teddy bear.

"Oh hey, Marshall!" Chase said cheerfully, getting a needle and some thread. "I think Mr. Cuddles needs some stitches."

Marshall would've laughed if he wasn't so angry. Chase looked silly with his undersized EMT gear, and the fact that he was playing a childish game didn't help matters.

"I guess he does need a LOT of stitching," he said instead, looking at how battered-looking his favorite toy is.

"Then Doctor Chase is on the case!"

Marshall could only watch in horror as Chase destroyed his toy. The teddy bear was stitched badly, with stuffing leaking out of the ripped areas.

"Um..." Chase looked at his handiwork. "Ta-da?"

The dalmatian pup just stood there, tears springing in his eyes. Mr. Cuddles, the last thing he had of his family, lay completely destroyed on Chase's mouth.

"Alwight, that was just cwuel, dude," Zuma admonished the police pup.

"I know, I know," Chase whimpered. "I didn't know what I was thinking at that time."

"Okay, but what happened to make Chase so scared of the doctor? He just played surgeon like a happy pup, he must've liked doctors before," Rocky asked.

"I'm getting there, Rocky," Marshall said.

Marshall bolted away from the Lookout and locked himself in his pup house. He was sad, he was hurt, and he was angry. Oh god, he was angry. He hated Chase for destroying his dad's last gift to him before he died. He hated Chase for destroying the last piece of his family that he had.

"I'm gonna get him," Marshall growled softly, wiping away the tears in his eyes.

That night, everyone was sound asleep, except for one.

Marshall, wearing his new EMT gear, went into Chase's pup house and opened it using the passcode Ryder gave him to bypass the lock on their doors. The passcode was supposed to be used only for emergencies, but Marshall wasn't really thinking straight at that time.

The dally quietly locked the door to the pup house and crept towards the police pup.

"Chase," he whispered sweetly on the shepherd's ear. "Let's play surgeon!"

The police pup jumped awake when Marshall practically shouted the last word in his ear.

"Marshall?" Chase yawned. "What are you doing here?"

"I think you know why I'm here," the dally smiled at him. "We're gonna play surgeon!"

Marshall was cheerful, too cheerful and it creeped him out.

"I think it's better if we play in the morning," Chase said nervously. "So the pups could join in as well."

"But I miss spending time with you, Chasey," Marshall pouted. "And we didn't really finish our game earlier."

"I don't think my pup house is a good place to play, Marshall." If Chase wasn't scared before, he was now.

"I think your pup house is perfect for playing surgeon," Marshall said cheerfully. "Now enough chitchat. Let's play! I'm gonna be the surgeon!"

The police pup tried to back away from the creepy dally but found himself unable to move. His pup house was only that big.

"Oh, Chasey," Marshall sing-songed, chuckling. "You can't escape your impending operation~!"

He got a dull knife from his bag and grazed the shepherd's leg with it. He put enough pressure on it to make hurt, but not enough to actually cut his best friend.

"Oh no," Marshall gasped in mock-horror. "Chase, you need stitches. Don't worry, Doctor Marshall is on the case!"

He took out a dull needle and poked the sides of a still frozen Chase, mimicking stitching his fur.

"All set!" the dally chuckled. "You just need some shots and we're done!"

This time, Marshall didn't even bother. He just took a real syringe from his pup pack and positioned it on Chase's stomach. 

It was then that the police pup snapped out from his frozen state and ran out of his pup house. Marshall chuckled in a mission well done and went back into his pup house to sleep.

"That was just brutal, Marshall," Rocky told the dally.

"I know, Skye," the dally sighed. "I know I didn't have to go that far, but I was so angry that I wasn't thinking straight. All I wanted at that time was to make Chase suffer."

"And suffer I did," Chase grumbled. "I had nightmares about that night for weeks!"

"I'm sorry, Chase," Marshall whimpered. "I didn't know."

The police pup moved on the red bean bag and nuzzled his best friend.

"It's okay, Marshall. We both made mistakes that day," he said.

"How did you two made up?" Rubble asked in curiosity. "I knew Ryder punished you, but after your punishment, it seemed like you and Chase were closer than ever."


Marshall was crying silently inside his pup house. Ryder had forbidden him to go on missions and confiscated his EMT gear. He also scolded him from what he did to Chase the night before. 

Marshall felt really guilty, and his only source of comfort was gone. He felt like a horrible pup, and he won't be surprised if Ryder told him to pack his things and leave the Paw Patrol.

"Marshall?" someone knocked from the door of his pup house. "It's me, Chase."

"Go away, Chase," Marshall said miserably.

Chase sighed from behind the door. "Look, Marshall. I'm sorry for destroying Mr. Cuddles. I didn't know how important he is to you."

Nothing. The shepherd's ears dropped and he walked away. However, he was only a few steps away from Marshall's pup house when he heard it open. The dally sat on the doorway, refusing to look at him in the eye.

"I'm sorry too, Chase. I shouldn't have done that on you," Marshall whispered, on the verge of crying once again.

Chase didn't want to see his best friend crying, despite how much the dally had hurt him. He was still his friend, and friends love each other.

"I accept your apology. You didn't know what you were doing," he said softly, going over to the distressed fire pup and hugged him.

"I want to give you something," Chase said as he pulled out of the hug.

"What is it?" Marshall sniffed, wiping his tears with the back of his paw.

The police pup rushed to his pup house and dragged a teddy bear out of it. Marshall could only freeze as Chase dragged the stuffed toy towards him.

"His name is Mr. Snuggles," the shepherd told him. "He could be your new snuggle buddy."

"Chase..." Marshall whispered, taking Mr. Snuggles with his paws and hugged him tightly. "Thanks, brother."

"Brother?" Chase asked in confusion.

"Well..." the dally scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "We're really close and we've been together for a long time now. Besides, we already act like one."

"I agree," Chase grinned at him. "I love you, brother."

"I love you too."

"Aww, that was sweet," Skye cooed at them.

Marshall grinned at her. "I didn't regret what I did to Chase because it was the reason we became closer."

"Same here," Chase said, nuzzling his brother. "But if there's one thing I learned that day, it's that I should never, ever hurt Marshall. You've seen what he did to Humdinger when he kidnapped Marshall."

The dally yawned and snuggled closer to his bean bag. "All these storytelling made me tired."

Chase yawned as well. "Agreed. Let's take a nap then."

Marshall only snored lightly in response. Chase giggled, snuggling next to his brother and falling asleep as well. The others decided to leave the two pups be and quietly went outside to play.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Paw Patrol: Ready, Race, Rescue

"Marshall Saves Himself" from this book

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