Pups and the Plane Crash

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A passenger plane crash-landed in Adventure Bay Beach. With many of the passengers hurt or injured, Ryder decided that it's time for an Ultimate EMT Rescue. It's up to Marshall and his Ultimate Ambulance to save the day.

Adventure Bay is not a stranger to death. Although it was rare, the town had its own experiences of death. Whether it be the death of an animal or the death of a loved one. 

But nothing to this scale.

One night, the citizens of Adventure Bay were woken up by a loud crash that seemed to come from the beach. Captain Turbot, having lived next to the sea, had immediately seen the rising smoke from the crash site and called the Paw Patrol.

The Lookout was quite far from the beach, so Ryder was surprised to get a call at 2 a.m. Yawning, he went to answer his pup pad.

"Hello. Ryder here," he said, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Hey Ryder. Something crashed in Adventure Bay Beach and I see smoke coming from the crash site," Captain Turbot told him worriedly.

"Hold on, let me check." Ryder clicked a button on his pup pad and the periscope viewer dropped down from the ceiling. He went to look at it, his eyes immediately finding the crash site.

"That is bad. But we're on it! No job is too big, no pup is too small!" the ten-year-old boy told him, now fully awake. "Also, can you tell Mayor Goodway about this?"

"No problem, Ryder." With that, the marine biologist ended the call.

Ryder opened the sliding mechanism of his pup pad and clicked the button on it. While he didn't want to disturb the pups' sleep, he knew they had to move.

"Paw Patrol, it's time for an Ultimate Rescue!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

All of the pups were light sleepers. It wasn't much obvious to Rubble and Marshall (who can only be awakened by food), but whenever Ryder calls them in the middle of the night, they all shot up, awake.

"Ryder needs us!" they all simultaneously said before rushing to the elevator.

Of course, a Paw Patrol mission wouldn't be complete without a wipeout. Marshall forgot to remove the bedsheet off him and tripped over it, sending him rolling towards the other pups and crashing into the elevator. The bedsheet ended up covering Chase.

"I didn't know we were gonna chase ghosts," Marshall remarked and they all laughed.

The police pup shook the bedsheet off him as the elevator ascended. They stopped for a moment behind the Paw Patrol logo to change to their gear before continuing up.

When the elevator reached the top of the Lookout, everyone hopped into their respective positions.

"Ready for action, Ryder sir!" Chase announced before looking at his outfit. "In EMT gear?"

All the pups frowned in confusion as Ryder emerged from his bedroom, also wearing his EMT gear.

"Sorry to interrupt your sleep pups, but we've got a situation."

Ryder clicked a button on his pup pad and the screen showed something that made the pups gasp in horror.

"As you can see, a plane crash-landed in Adventure Bay Beach. Since it's a passenger plane, a lot of people might be stranded inside, either unharmed or not. With a situation as big as this one, we're gonna need all paws on deck."

"You might be wondering why I put you guys in EMT gear when you could've done this mission with your regular uniforms. But since a lot of people might need medical attention there, Marshall's gonna need all the help he could get. So this is gonna be an Ultimate EMT Rescue."

Ryder took a deep breath and swiped through his pup pad, clicking at Marshall's logo.

"Marshall," he said. "You're our medic pup here, so I need you to lead the pups and show them what to do. I'll also need you to put out the fire on the plane once we get there."

"I'm ready for an ultimate ruff ruff rescue!" Marshall called out.

"I'll also need..." Ryder swiped though his pup pad and stopped at the police pup's logo. "Chase. I need you to keep people away from the scene as we work. We don't need any more incidents."

"Chase is on the case," the police pup called out.

Rubble's and Rocky's logo appeared on the screen. "Rubble, Rocky, I need you two to clear the debris around the plane. But be careful, there are a lot of people inside that may be hurt by the debris."

"Rubble on the double," the construction pup said.

"Green means go!" Rocky called out.

"The rest of you pups, get ready to follow Marshall's lead. This is a delicate situation and we need to act carefully. You will also see a lot of things there, so if you ever need a break, come to me or Marshall, alright?"

All of the pups nodded somberly, knowing that what awaits them will ruin their innocence forever.

"Alright! Paw Patrol is on a roll!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Marshall's ultimate ambulance is like a hybrid of his fire truck and the Paw Patroller. The main controls are up on the front where all the pups sat. The next section of the ambulance was where the pups' vehicles are stored, all equipped for a medical rescue. The last section of the ambulance is the interior where the injured are put to be brought to a hospital.

The medic took his position on the driver's seat with Chase seating beside him. The other four pups sat on a large bench-like sofa at the back of the control section. Marshall started up his engine and drove towards Adventure Bay Beach, his sirens blaring loudly in the night.

"Mawshall?" Zuma asked timidly from the back seat.

"Yes, Zuma? What is it?" the medic pup replied, not taking his eyes off the road.

"N-no one's gonna die, wight?" the water pup whispered.

Marshall sighed and contemplated for an answer. "Death is inevitable, Zuma. People, and even animals, die in the end. Sometimes, people die early. What we're going to see there, it's not gonna be pleasant. But what I want you all guys to understand is that we can't save everyone."

Zuma went silent as he and the other pups pondered over what he said. Chase was the one who broke the silence.

"You know, Marshall? I think your jobs are the hardest and most dangerous among all of us here. Fighting fire? Saving people from a burning building? Being an emergency medical pup? People literally depend their lives on you. I don't know how you manage it, but I'm impressed," the police pup muttered from beside him.

Marshall forced a small smile on her face at his best friend's statement. "It's hard, but people need my help. That's all the motivation I needed."

The rest of the ride went silently and soon, they arrived at Adventure Bay Beach. 

The scene was awful, with broken parts of the plane scattered everywhere and with the engine on fire.

"Alright, Chase. You know what to do," Ryder said to which the police pup nodded. He got his police cruiser from the ultimate ambulance and started putting cones a few feet from the crash site.

"Please keep away. The scene is too dangerous," Chase barked out through his megaphone.

The curious citizens of Adventure bay heeded his words and stayed clear of the area. Mayor Goodway, however, made her way to the front.

"How's everything there, Chase?" the mayor asked.

"We've got it under control, Mayor Goodway," Chase told her, his megaphone retracting to his pup pack. "Now please excuse me, I need to help Ryder and the pups."

Marshall was putting out the fire with his fire extinguisher cart since his EMT pup pack doesn't have a portable water cannon. Rubble, on the other hand, was clearing the broken plane parts around the crash site with his rig. Rocky was helping the construction pup. 

Skye and Zuma circled around the crash site with Ryder, trying to find the safest way inside. Chase caught up to his owner and told him that the site was cleared of people.

"Good job, Chase. Now we just have to get the people out of this plane and stabilize them before bringing them to the hospital," Ryder said.

"I'm on it!" the police pup barked and started to circle around the crash site.

"Ryder! Ryder! I think I found a way inside!" Skye's voice rang from the pup pad.

"We're on our way," Ryder replied as he and the pups dashed to where Skye is.

"Hmm..." He inspected the area and was happy with what he saw. "Good eye, Skye! Now, Rocky. I need you to use your tool arm to open up the hatch big enough for multiple people to come out."

"I'm on it, Ryder!" The mixed-breed barked out a screwdriver from his pup pack and started unscrewing two of the medium-sized panels with Rubble pulling them out with his crane.

Marshall brought out some stretchers from the ultimate ambulance and set them on the ground near the entrance. Knowing that he needed another set of hands for the job, Ryder pulled out his pup pad to call for backup.

"Katie? Hello?"

"I'm at the back of the crowd, Ryder," Katie's voice said from the pup pad.

"Would you mind helping get the people out of the plane?" Ryder asked his long-time friend.

"I'm on my way."

Ryder dropped the call and contacted another friend of his.

"Hi, Jake! Is Everest there?" he asked the skiier.

"Yep! We got word of the crash in Adventure Bay Beach and was about to go there to help," Jake told him.

"Great! We could use some helping hand in here, especially in getting the people out of the plane," Ryder told him with a hint of exhaustion in his voice.

"Don't worry, dude. Everest and I will be there soon," Jake smiled at him before ending the call.

Ryder turned to his pups who were struggling to get people out of the hatch. "Good news, pups! Help is on the way."

Marshall smiled gratefully at his owner as he checked over a person's responsiveness. Beside him, Chase was checking a person's pulse rate and breathing.

Not a few minutes later, Katie arrived with his medical kit and started helping Ryder move the people out of the plane and into the empty stretchers. They had the mostly uninjured people rest in Marshall's ambulance while they check over the critical ones. 

The job was very tedious so they were all glad when Jake and Everest arrived, with the latter going to Marshall's ambulance to change to her EMT gear.

"I can't do this," Rubble whimpered after seeing the particularly gruesome sight of a person that Jake and Ryder was getting out of the plane.

"It's okay, Rubble. Can you tend to the people on the ambulance instead?" Marshall told his friend who nodded gratefully at him.

The construction pup tended to the wounds of the mostly uninjured people and calmed them down. He was soon joined by Zuma who, like him, couldn't stand the gruesome nature of their mission.

"In watew wescues, the wowst thing that could happen was people inhaling a lot of watew and had to use CPR to save them," the water pup told him.

"Good thing that I never usually have to deal with such things as a construction pup," Rubble shivered as he put the last of the bandages on a kid's arm. 

"I nevew knew Mawshall had to deal with these things," Zuma said in awe of his friend's bravery.

"Me neither," Rubble agreed.

The pair heard more sirens coming their way and they looked around to see where they came from.

"Look! There's the ambulance!" Rubble pointed at the incoming vehicles.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ryder didn't waste time in helping load some of the stabilized patients in the ambulance while Marshall worked tirelessly on the critically injured. None of the pups had seen the dally be this serious before, and it's starting to unnerve them. 

"Ryder, this one needs to go to the hospital fast!" the medic pup barked as he tried his best to stabilize the patient.

"On it, Marshall," the ten-year-old said, calling over Jake and some of the paramedics to help move the patient.

Without missing a beat, Marshall moved to another patient whose body was failing and worked hard to keep him breathing. The other pups worked on the less serious cases like broken legs and shock while Marshall and the other paramedics worked on the seriously injured and dying patients.

"I think my respect for Marshall just skyrocketed. This is hard," Rocky muttered to Chase as he put the leg of a person in a cast. "But I could only imagine how hard it is for him."

The two watched as Marshall ceased his pumping on a person's chest and shook his head, declaring that the man was dead. 

"Agreed," the police pup said. "I wonder how he handles all this stress."

"Don't we all?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

With a lot of people (and pups) working hard, all the people are brought to the hospital, both dead and alive.

The paramedics thanked the Paw Patrol for their help, and Ryder accepted it with humility.

"No problem. Whenever you need people rescuing, just yelp for help!" he told them with a smile.

With one last thanks, the paramedics drove the mostly uninjured people to the hospital, just as the first hint of the sun rose from the east.

Ryder gathered all his pups on one side of the beach. "I'm so proud of you, pups. But our work here isn't done yet. We still need to clear the beach. However, that can wait until tomorrow. Or later," he chuckled when he realized that it's already morning. "I think you all deserve a rest."

As the six pups made their way to the ultimate ambulance, Ryder turned to his friends. 

"Jake, Katie, Everest, thank you all. This job would be a lot harder without you three," he said sincerely.

"No problem dude. We're happy to help. Right, Everest?" Jake spoke, ruffling the husky's head who barked in agreement.

"Same here. Besides, it was a good way to practice my medical skills," Katie smiled at him.

"I think we should all take a rest and meet up at the Lookout at, let's say 3 pm. Sound good?" he asked the two of them who both agreed.

Ryder hopped on to his ATV after saying goodbye to them and sped to the lookout with the ultimate ambulance in his wake.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In the ambulance, Chase was once again sitting beside the medic pup with the other four sitting on the back.

"Um, Marshall? Can I ask you something?" the mixed breed spoke up from his seat.

"What is it, Rocky?" Marshall asked, glancing at him for a moment.

"How do you handle it? Being a fire pup and a medic pup at the same time?"

"Do you really want to know?" the dally asked as he parked the ambulance behind the Lookout.

"We all do, Marshall," Chase spoke up from beside him.

The fire/medic pup sighed and rubbed his face with his paws. "The truth is that I don't. Most of the time, I just try to forget everything and have fun with you guys. But at night, it's a different story."

"Sometimes I wake up from a terrible nightmare where I failed to save a lot of people. I could see their burnt and mangled bodies, and it took all of my training for me not to throw up. I h-had to resort to s-sleeping with Mr. Snuggles just to d-dispel those h-h-horrible images."

Marshall was now crying, and Chase rushed from his seat to comfort him. Everyone else were in different states of distress, both from Marshall's story and the rescue they had just done. 

Skye was comforting a younger Rubble while crying herself. Rocky and Zuma were also crying as they both moved closer to the older pair, nuzzling the dally.

In their distress, the didn't notice the door of the ambulance open.

"Oh pups," Ryder whispered as he gathered them all in his arms. He knew how hard it was to the pups, especially to Marshall. His heart broke at how distressed his pups are, and started tearing up himself."

"I'm here for you, pups," he whispered, hugging them all closer. "We're all gonna be here for each other. No job is too big, no pup is too small."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jake, Everest, and Katie found themselves going to the Lookout earlier than the allotted time. They were all confused on how empty the tower is and tried to contact Ryder.

They heard his pup pad ring, but the sound came from the back of the Lookout. The three made their way there and saw that the pups were all sleeping peacefully, cuddled up against Ryder.

"I think we shouldn't wake them up," Katie whispered.

"Yeah. Let's go tell Mayor Goodway that the clearing of the beach will have to wait," Jake agreed.

Before they left, Katie took out her phone and took a picture of them.

"Get some rest, Paw Patrol. God knows you deserve them," she whispered into the wind before following after Jake and Everest.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You know, I wonder why they don't do some ultimate EMT or spy rescues. I hope I did a good job in this one.

I might make a Chase-centered oneshot next. 

Lovelots, Glace

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