Pups Fight Fire

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This is going to be Marshall's biggest mission yet. When Mr. Porter's cafe caught fire, it was up to the Paw Patrol to contain it before it spreads out on the nearby houses. However, to make matters worse, someone was trapped inside the cafe. How would Paw Patrol save the day?

The day started out normally. Chase, as usual, was the first one to wake. He turned to each of the pup houses to wake the others up.

"Good morning everypup! Rise and shine!" the police pup said, circling amongst the pup houses.

Skye shook off the curler in her headfur. "Good morning, Chase!" she greeted, giggling a bit.

Rocky and Zuma yawned and stretched in their pup houses before lazily walking out. "Morning, Chase."

Rubble was still snoring from his pup house, which made the others chuckle. 

"Wake up, Rubble," Chase said, nudging the construction pup. However, Rubble remained asleep. 

The police pup tried to wake him up using his megaphone but to no avail.

"I know what will wake him up," Skye giggled. She went to grab a metal spoon and lightly hit a metal bowl with it, producing a soft ting

The effect was instantaneous. Rubble shot up from his sleep and started running around in circles.

"I'm up, I'm up, I'm up. Is it breakfast time already?" he barked excitedly which made the other pups collapse in a fit of giggles.

"Hey, where's Marshall?" Rocky asked after they all finished laughing.

"I don't know," Chase frowned. "He wasn't in his pup house when I checked."

"Maybe Wyder knows where he is?" Zuma asked.

"Good idea. I'm gonna go ask him." The police pup smiled at the labrador and made his way to the elevator. 

Ryder did know where Marshall is since the fire pup was practically curled up in the boy's lap. When Chase reached the top of the elevator, Ryder mentioned for him to be quiet and beckoned him closer.

"Good morning, Ryder sir," Chase whispered, his eyes resting on the Dalmatian. "What happened to him?"

Ryder smiled at the police pup's concern. "He went up to me last night when all of you are sleeping. He seemed to be anxious about something and it took me a long time to calm him down enough to get him to sleep."

"Did he say why?" Chase whispered, flopping down beside the sleeping Dalmatian.

"He did," Ryder frowned. "He said that he keeps dreaming about a fire. A big fire, to be exact."

"Why would Marshall dream about fire?" the police pup asked in confusion, resting his head on his front paws.

The ten-year-old boy just stroked his head. "I don't know, Chase. But I have a feeling that it's gonna be bad."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As much as Marshall tried to hide it, it was blatantly obvious to the other pups that there's something wrong with the fire pup. He's mostly distracted and is clumsier than ever.

After his twentieth crash in the past ten minutes, Chase finally had enough.

"Alright, Marshall," the police pup sighed. "What's wrong?"

"Wrong?" the fire pup forced a smile while slowly backing away. "N-nothing's wrong with me. It's not like I'm anxious about something."


"I-I'm fine, really. I, um..." Marshall turned to look at the direction of the town proper and paled under his fur. "Oh no..."

"What is it?" The rest of the pups followed his gaze. "Uh oh..."

There was a thick black smoke rising up in the air. And as Marshall keeps saying, when there's smoke, there's fire.

As if on cue, their pup tags blinked. "Paw Patrol, it's time for an ultimate rescue!" Ryder's voice said from their pup tags.

"Ryder needs us!"

Marshall didn't join the others on their usual catchphrase as he bounded up towards the elevator on top speed, the other pups right behind him. It was odd that they were all still standing on the elevator as it moved upwards, but no one commented on it as the situation was dire.

When the elevator stopped right behind the Paw Patrol logo, robotic arms came to life and donned them in their respective fire gear. It only took them a few seconds and they all continued to the top of the lookout, fully-geared.

Upon hopping to their respective positions, Chase saluted. "Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder sir!" He looked at his and the others' outfits and continued in amazement. "Fire pup style."

Ryder walked out of his bedroom, donned in his fire gear as well. "Pups, we've got a serious situation." 

The screen blinked to show a cartoonized version of Mr. Porter's cafe, which was on fire. 

"There was a gas leak in Mr. Porter's which ended up with his whole kitchen on fire, and it was spreading to the rest of the building fast. To make matters worse, Mr. Porter said that Alex was trapped inside the building in his bedroom. We need to act fast." 

"With a situation as big as this, we're going to need a lot of fire pup power, so this is..." Ryder pressed a button on his watch and the screen showed an enlarged logo of Marshall's pup tag. "...an ultimate fire pup rescue."

Ryder swiped through his watch and clicked on Marshall's logo. 

"Marshall. You're the expert at fire safety and firefighting, so I need you to lead the other pups and show them what to do."

The fire pup stepped forward and adopted a serious look. "I'm ultimately fired up!" 

Ryder's expression was also serious. "With a situation as sensitive as this one, we need all paws on deck. The rest of you pups, be ready to follow Marshall's lead and put out the fire as fast as you can."

"We're on it," the pups simultaneously said.

"All right! Paw Patrol is on a roll!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There was a reason Marshall was a racer. He drove the ultimate fire truck like a pro and sped up to the direction of the burning building.

When they arrived at Mr. Porter's the fire had already engulfed the whole building.  With no time to waste, Marshall immediately barked out orders.

"Chase, use the mini cab at the back to put out the fire at the top of the building. Zuma and Rocky, use your sprayer and extinguisher to put out the fire on the sides. Rubble, use the water cannon cart to cool down the front. Ryder, use the hose to help out with the pups. Skye, I need to ride in the cab with me. Mr. Porter, do you know where Alex is?"

"The last time I saw him, he was in his bedroom on the second floor," the restaurant owner answered worriedly.

"Don't worry, we'll save him. Cab up, arf!" Marshall barked out, lifting the main cab up to the second floor.

"Skye, I need you to use the sprayer on the cab to put out the fire from the windows. I'm going in. Arf! Windows down." 

"Be careful, Marshall!" Skye called out just before the fire pup jumped into the fray.

"I will. Now spray!" With that, he jumped inside the window of the burning building. 

Marshall activated his water cannons to clear a path for him towards the direction of Alex's bedroom. He also activated his oxygen mask to enable him to breathe properly.

"Alex! Alex!" he called out.

"Over *cough* here!" Alex's voice came from a room on the farthest right.

Marshall sped towards the room. "I'm coming, Alex! Hold on!"

"M-marshall! You came!" Alex said in between coughs.

The fire pup steadied Alex as he swayed in his spot. "Easy, Alex. Get down on the floor and wear this." Marshall removed his oxygen mask and put it on the blonde kid.

The Dalmatian tapped his pup tag. "Ryder, I've got Alex. We're on our way out."

"Good job, Marshall! But be quick, the building is getting unstable," Ryder's worried voice came from the pup tag.

"Got it, Ryder. Skye, can you clear a way out from the window I came from? And Chase, switch places with Rubble, and deploy your net below the window. Alex and I are jumping out."

"You got it, Marshall!" the two simultaneously said and did as they were told.

Marshall guided Alex towards the window he came from, coughing from the smoke. Without the oxygen mask, he was prone to inhale smoke so he had to act fast. 

The fire pup looked below the window and saw that Chase had already deployed his net. He removed the mask from Alex and it retracted back to his pup pack along with the water cannons.

"Jump, Alex! I'll be right behind you," Marshall said to his companion who nodded.

Alex jumped off from the window and into Chase's net. Mr. Porter immediately attended to his grandson, hugging him tightly.

"Thanks for saving my grandson, Paw Patrol," Mr. Porter said gratefully.

"No problem, Mr. Porter. But our job isn't done yet. We still have to put out the fire in your restaurant," Ryder said, glancing at the pair while aiming his hose on the front door.

Marshall jumped from the window and into the cab. He and Skye went even higher and helped Rubble put out the fire at the top of the building.

With the continued efforts of the entire Paw Patrol, the fire was out. However, Marshall, still driven by the anxiety from last night's nightmare, asked Chase to use his heat vision visor to check if there's any fire they overlooked.

"Negative. All fires are put out," Chase told him as he disabled his heat vision visor. 

"Marshall, pups, we did it! We put out the fire!" Ryder exclaimed happily.

"And saved Alex too!" the police pup added.

"Not yet. We're not yet done." Marshall moved over to Alex. "Does anything hurt, Alex?"

The blond kid gestured to his right arm. "Only a bit. I think I bumped into a hot metal pole in my bedroom."

"Let me see." The fire/medic pup looked over the affected area with a critical eye. "First-degree burn. Just soak it in cool water for about ten minutes and apply petroleum jelly two or three times a day. Cover the burn area with a nonstick, sterile bandage and if blisters form, don't pop it. Let it heal on its own while keeping the area covered."

Alex looked dazed with the onslaught of information but Mr. Porter nodded his head. "I think I got it, Marshall. But would it be possible for you to visit every day just to check on him?"

"I could do that," Marshall said, his tail wagging happily.

"Thanks again, Paw Patrol, for putting out the fire in the restaurant and for saving Alex. How can I ever repay you?" Mr. Porter said gratefully.

"It's okay, Mr. Porter. Whenever fire erupts in your house, just yelp for help!" Ryder told him, smiling.

"I'd give you treats, but my restaurant needs to be fixed first." The Porters looked at the destroyed building.

Ryder chuckled as Rubble barked excitedly at them. "I think Rubble just volunteered to help with the reconstruction, Mr. Porter."

"I'm definitely glad for the help," the restaurant owner said as the other pups barked in excitement.

"How about we start tomorrow? I'm sure you pups are tired," Ryder said while picking up a sleeping Marshall on the ground.

The other pups yawned in agreement and jumped into the ultimate fire truck. The sound of Chase accidentally hitting the siren button jolted Marshall out of his sleep and he jumped out from Ryder's arms.

"Sorry for falling asleep, Ryder," the fire pup yawned as he jumped into the driver's seat.

"Are you sure you can drive, Marshall?" the ten-year-old boy asked.

Marshall smiled at him, all the anxiety from the previous night gone. "I'm fired up."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Finally done with this one. I would've cut this in two parts but I thought otherwise.

I don't really know how firefighters work so forgive me if there are any inaccuracies. And I did modify the description of Mr. Porter's cafe here, making it a two-story building instead of just one.

Anyway, hope you like this story.

Lovelots, Glace

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