Pups in 2020

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2020 has been one hectic year. Everyone in the world is affected by the events, and even Adventure Bay and Foggy Bottom are not spared. Here are some short drabbles regarding two of the most important events in 2020.

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COVID-19 pandemic


The other pups winced at the loudness of Chase and Marshall's combined voices. Both pups were wearing an angry yet worried look, and guess who it's directed to.

That's right, they're directed at Ryder.

"You're not going out of the Lookout, Ryder. It's too dangerous out there," Chase argued.

"Yeah, the virus affects humans, not dogs. It's just not safe for you to go out," Marshall added.

Ryder tried to compromise. "How about this, I'm gonna wear my helmet at all times and use a face mask. I'm also gonna wear a pair of gloves and wash my hands when we get back home."


Rocky snickered behind his paw. "There's no changing their minds, Ryder. Believe me, I've tried, but they're both pretty stubborn."

Ryder sighed in defeat. "Fine. I'm not going beyond the Lookout yard."

"I--- that's okay, I guess," Marshall conceded.

"Alright. But if we ever see a hide of you in town, we're locking you up, mister," Chase threatened.

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COVID-19 pandemic pt.2

"Where's Marshall?" was the first thing that came out of Chase's mouth when he arrived at the Lookout after a day of patrolling the town.

"He's staying at the hospital tonight," the muffled voice of Rocky said from his beanbag.

"Again?! That's the third time this week!"

"Can you really blame him, Chase?" Ryder said, entering the hangout area. "Marshall's job is very demanding. Even more demanding than yours."

"I know, I know," Chase whimpered, covering his eyes with his front paws. "I'm just worried about him. He's probably overworking himself again."

Ryder went to stroke his head. "We all are, Chase. But Marshall's strong. However, you can scream at him all you want when he gets home."

"Yeah. Just tell me when it is and I'll get the popcorn ready," Rubble piped up from his own beanbag.

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COVID-19 pandemic pt.3

Due to Chase and Marshall's jobs, they're barely at the Lookout anymore. When they are, they're usually snoozing away in their respective pup houses.

Sad life.

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Police brutality

Usually, the Lookout was full of laughter at this time of the day. However, only one voice resonated within miles of the tower.


Yep. You heard it right. Chase just cursed.

Ryder stood a little ways away from him, his mouth agape as Chase let out a string of colorful words directed at the police involved in unjustified brutality.


Skye just put her paws on poor inncoent Rubble's ears who was confused on what was happening.

Rocky watched in horrified awe while Marshall just snickered on the side as they both watched the german shephered rant on police brutality.

"Popcorn?" Zuma asked, sliding a bowl of popcorn in between them.


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Upcoming one-shots:

Zuma becomes blind because of an injury during one of their missions

Songfic of I'm Just a Kid by Simple Plan; how Ryder, Chase, and Marshall met

Songfic of Perfectly Perfect by Simple Plan: Chase x Marshall story

Ryder being done with Danny or Mayor Humdinger (request by Aketzali-chan)

Clumsy dare by Marshall (request by BluewolfBat)

Pups visit a cancer facility for children (Marshall as a voluneer on said hospital)

Ultimate Snow Rescue

Ultimate Jungle Rescue

Ultimate Snow EMT Rescue (hybrid ultimate rescue)

Mission PAW Ultimate Spy Rescue

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