Time Flies

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Part 2 of Immortality. Ryder had always known he had to face the pain of losing his pups, whether it be from an accident, or of them dying of old age. But no amount of preparation will get him ready to face the real thing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I've always known that I would outlive my pups.

I mean, I'm a human, and our life expectancy is at least thrice that of a dog's. Not to mention that our job is dangerous in nature.

But my pups... they grew up so fast. It seems just like yesterday that I cradled a tiny Marshall in my arms. That Chase chased that criminal down. That Skye and the others joined in.

But now... they're getting older. Having mates. Having pups of their own. And it seems like every moment that I spend with them is not enough. Will never be enough.

The past year was a whirlwind. The pups had finally finished their training, and they were more than ready to take over their parents' jobs.

Of course, Chase and the others couldn't be happier. They were becoming too old to continue on their jobs, and they were proud of their children to continue their legacy. 

I had spent the past year watching the pups grow, to become the new generation of the Paw Patrol. It was like watching their parents grow, and I couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rocky, Rubble, Zuma, hell even Everest and Tracker, they all hold a special place in my heart. I've never been more proud to call them mine.

But now... I've got to take them to the vet. I can't stand to see them suffer even longer. It might be selfish, but I want for their last moments to be with me.

I want to see them smile at me for the last time before I let them go.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ryder entered the hangout area, pup pad in hand. He had just finished talking to his girlfriend who promised him that she'll be with him every step of the way.

But no amount of preparation will ever prepare him in what he was about to do.

He had spent the past few hours crying in his room. Just the thought of losing his pups made his heart ache, and now, that was about to come true.

He'd miss his pups. Sure, he now had new pups to take care of, but he will always cherish them. His original pups.

Fighting back the tears in his eyes, he knelt down in front of Chase, who seemed to be the only one awake.

"Chase?" he whispered, afraid that if he made his voice louder, it will crack up.

"Yes, Ryder sir?"

Ryder let out a strained smile. Even after five years, Chase still hasn't lost his professionalism. He had to swallow in order to keep his tears at bay.

"It's time," he whispered, his voice breaking towards the end.

He saw Chase's ears flatten against his head. He knew that it pained his pup as much as it pained him. He couldn't help but reach his arms out and hug his pup.

"Will you be with us, Ryder?" Chase whispered as he carried him towards the sidecar of his upgraded ATV.

"Until the very end, Chase. Until the very end."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ryder drove silently towards the clinic. In the corner of his eye, he could see some citizens waving after him. Normally, he would greet them back with a smile, but he just couldn't find the energy to do so. All he could think about is his pups.

He was really grateful when he saw Katie at the door of the clinic. Ryder hopped off his ATV and immediately hugged his girlfriend, holding on to her for dear life.

"Thank you," he whispered hoarsely against her shirt.

"Anytime, Ryder. Anytime."

Ryder let go of the hug and smiled at her. He had comforted her when she lost Callie a few months ago, and he was glad that she'd do the same for him.

He turned back to his pups and saw that they were all awake and smiling at him. Ryder once again fought back the tears gathering in his eyes. 

With a heavy heart, he took his pups inside the clinic one by one and placed them on the floor. This is it. This will be the last time he'll ever saw them again.

Ryder sat on the floor, his pups gathering around him. He reached out his arms and brought them all into a big hug.

"Thanks, Ryder, for everything," Chase whispered against him.

"Yeah, we love you, Ryder," Marshall added.

"Don't you ever forget us," Rubble whimpered.

"I love you too, pups," Ryder said, his voice cracking. "I'll cherish all our adventures, our rescues, and all the moments in between."

"Have we been good pups, Ryder?" Zuma asked, resting his head against the boy's legs.

"You've all been such good pups." Ryder couldn't help but shed a tear. "I'm so proud of you and what you've become."

"Promise us you'll take care of our pups," Skye whimpered. "And yourself and Katie too."

"I promise, Skye," he whispered, hugging the cockapoo.

"Will it hurt, Ryder?" Rocky said, his puppyhood innocence flashing for a brief moment. 

"No," Ryder cried against his head. "It will be just like falling asleep."

"Are you ready?" the vet asked from behind them, knowing the answer to his question. No owner would want their pups to die in front of them, especially not Ryder who had a special connection with his pups.

He didn't want to do this, to kill off the pups. To take them away from their owner. But he knew they're going to die soon anyway, better to die together and have their last moment with their owner.

Biting his lip, the vet set the robotic injection machines beside each of the pups, which will simultaneously inject the medication on each of the pups as per Ryder's request.

Ryder refused to let go of his pups until they all closed their eyes and fell limp against him.

And that's when he cried.

He pulled his pups closer to him and cried like he'd never cried before. His sobs echoed against the walls of the clinic, and could even be heard outside. 

The sky outside was dark and small droplets of rain fell from the clouds. No one questioned the abrupt change of weather, knowing that the skies were crying with the heartbroken boy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm not crying, you are.

Now where did I put my tissues again? I swear I had a whole pack beside me.

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