Terms and Conditions

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Coin-Nuggets are used to fully experience and get the most out of this account and what it has to offer. These simple rules are here to ensure this can be enjoyed by all people on Wattpad. The breaching of any of these rules causes the whole system to shut down for a week, with all points wiped and memberships refreshed.

So, don't break these rules.

#1: Don't lie about your current balance. We can easily check what amounts of points each member has when they decide to make purchases. If you do not have enough to purchase something, but comment anyway, we will decline the request.

#2: Do not manipulate admins into giving you more points. This is not on and if we catch this happening the system will shut down, and the admin expelled.

#3: Respect other members. Trading of points is not allowed, nor can it commence, so do not ask. As well as this, do not force other people to buy adoptables, resources for Clan-Dom, etc, with their points and give them to you.

These are the terms and conditions you agree to when filling out the form in the previous chapter. Please follow these or the consequences will be severe for all  members.

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