12| Adraea: Doors

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Moguire scandalously only spoke to the Lady Saya for the whole dinner. After all, children --especially girls-- were to be seen and not heard. What exactly could this young woman have to say that was so interesting?

Even more puzzling was when he called the girl in for a private audience in his chambers after the meal. Young court-goers who wanted the most shocking story possible wondered if he had sexual desires for the girl, or if she was perhaps his secret daughter. Old court-goers remembered Moguire's close friendship with Saya's late father and chalked it up to that. Wise members of the court, however, knew that it was something much bigger; quite likely an arranged marriage to Duke Callen, which would probably secure the boy's spot as heir. Of course, that could mean a shift in the religious factionalism that built the politics of Adraea. The wise ones began plotting their own moves. 

Aled Wick followed behind as she was led to the King's chambers in order that an air of propriety could be kept, but once he closed the doors he remained silent and expressionless. 

Saya's muscles tensed so that she could hardly move, and her eyes flitted quickly between the pairs of feet belonging to the subjects of her observation. It was rude to look a superior in the eye. 

Moguire finally spoke.

"Do you know why I called you here?"

"No, Your Majesty," Saya replied honestly. "In fact, I'm rather confused as to why you would be paying someone as unimportant as I am any attention at all."

Moguire nodded slowly and sat on the edge of his desk, which Saya thought a little too casual of a King. "It's important to make friends with those below you. Remember that."

Saya curtsied slightly, muscles still tense. "I am grateful for any advice your Grace is kind enough to—"

"Speak simply, girl. For a moment, let's have a conversation that is entirely apolitical. There is no need to fear me. Why was your mother so reluctant to bring you to court?"

Saya said nothing, instead opting to look at the floor again. She wished she could be the floor.

"A young girl so capable of impressing a King over dinner cannot answer a direct question now?" Moguire asked, not unkindly. 

"I'm sorry, your majesty, but I am confused as to what to say," Saya replied. "I don't believe apolitical conversations exist."

"Alright, then. Your mother is a silly, stupid woman who has earned not an ounce of respect from anyone at this court."

Saya felt the majority of her fear melt away in the flames of indignation. "She told me that the Empress Yerisa was long ago engaged to her brother for a time! She is a fashionable woman with a great name!"

"House Baetz is a dead house," the King replied patiently. "At its height, it consisted of distant relatives of royals who did nothing worth mentioning. If you have a scrap of greatness in you, it's from the Shriyer side, no doubt. Your father was just on the cusp of highborn, it's true, but he honorably fought by my side during the Invasion of Sudevia, and was one of my truest friends in life."

Saya breathed slowly, containing herself. She felt a lump grow in her throat, but she forced herself not to cry. Though she was unaware exactly of what was happening, she was still hoping for a union with Duke Callen. Saya was not going to jeopardize her dignity or future for the sake of weeping. Moguire observed this steely forcefulness, but said nothing.

"I know I am of blood far more common than anyone else at court, including my own mother. It is a deep shame of mine, to carry the flimsy banner of a man I barely knew," Saya finally explained. "I hope you can understand, Your Majesty... my mother's blood is my validity."

Moguire's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "I know I've been harsh, but if you are going to succeed you will have to be honest with yourself about those you love. I was told that you argue about everything and constantly question those who instruct you. It is disappointing that you do not have the same ability when it comes to your mother."

The King watched the gears turn in the girl's head before she replied.

"Your Majesty, if my mother is as negatively regarded as you say, I fear my marriage prospects will be limited. Seeing as you were so close with my father, I was wondering if you would be so generous as to assist me in this matter."

Moguire glanced up at Wick. She was certainly an impressive little thing.

"Interestingly enough, that was the purpose of this meeting. I needed to meet you first, just to be certain."

"Forgive me, your Highness, but I am unsure as to your meaning."

King Moguire lowered his voice confidentially, gazing at the girl intently. "What I am about to tell you must be held in your deepest discretion, Lady Saya. There are greater forces at play than you know."

Although Saya's face was unreadable as she nodded, Moguire watched her emerald eyes brighten in curiosity. He looked to Wick and asked for the Lady Zena to be sent for.

"Tomorrow, you will depart for Zahran," the sovereign explained. "I am arranging a possible marriage for you. Not just to anyone, but to the future King."


The next morning, the Vistilian diplomat to Adraea opened his eyes only to find that he had awoken with Lady Zena. Celik Mir's brain pounded against his skull as his bedmate got dressed for her suspicious journey. 

"Oh, you're finally awake!" Zena exclaimed while she rolled up her stockings. "Well, I woke up some time ago and lay naked beside you for what seemed like hours until I realized that the sun was almost at the second rung on the window. Well I have a very busy morning and can't be late, so I've gone and put on clothes just as you wake up. Are you very disappointed?"

"No. I mean—yes, of course, but I know how busy you are. It's not your fault you're so important." Celik really should not have had so much wine. 

"Well, I'll tell you a secret. Everyone thinks I'm so blessed, but really, it's such a burden, being so influential at court. One of these days I'm going to leave it for good. That's what I said last time, I said, 'Really, court life isn't for me, please let me live a simple life free of all this nonsense.' But a few weeks ago the King wrote me and practically begged me to visit. He even told me I could bring little Saya along so that she might learn from me how to be a shining woman of the court. Well, I desperately want to see little Saya married, so naturally, I was reluctant to bring her at first. She makes a much better miniature painting than a girl. I mean she's hardly marriage quality, being so awkward-looking, and all that meaningless yapping—"

"What's it like having the King rely on you so heavily?" Celik interrupted. He was in no mood for his typical subtlety and he didn't think his target would notice anyway. "He spoke with you and your daughter for some time last night."

"Yes, he's always summoning me this way and that. Truthfully, this is my least favorite court of Adraea, I find it so gloomy and I hate how dark it is. In some of the nicer palaces, I wouldn't mind so much, but I hate meeting him in that dank council room. One can never get comfortable."

"What did he discuss with you? It must've been a matter of great importance. Is that why you're leaving so soon?"

"Oh, it was a matter of delicious detail. But you know I can't tell you. You'll just go right ahead and tell your Vistilian halfwit Emperor. I'm far too bright for that, my love."

"It breaks my heart to think that you believe me to be so shallow. And what? I suppose you think I slept with you for information?"

"Moguire warned me that you might."

"And you honestly believed him?" Celik replied, with a tinge of broken-heartedness. He had approached her late last night and confessed his deep love and admiration for her. It wasn't that she was so repulsive physically so much as she was repulsive in every other respect. It had been a night of torture.

"I'm a very powerful woman," Zena boasted pridefully. "I never know who I can believe."

"Zena, my... love. Perhaps I am the first man to ever see you not as a Lady, but as a woman. You fill me with such... passion. I've never admired anyone more in my whole life. I would do anything for you, and it hurts me that you should think otherwise." Celik placed his hand lovingly on her cheek. "I would have thought that you could tell me anything, as I feel I can do with you."

Quickly, Celik retrieved his hand and his warmth. "But so be it. I could be killed for making love to you. Perhaps this was inevitable; I don't think you'll ever be able to trust me as I trust you."

Immediately, Zena grabbed the man by his arm before he could turn away fully.

"Oh, Celik, I'm sorry! It's just that everyone always wants something from me. That's part of the burden I was talking about before. It's such a miserable life, life at court, life for those of noble blood. I do love you, Celik, you have to believe me." Her cries elicited no response. "Why... I'll prove it to you. I'll tell you what Moguire told me last night."

Celik finally met her gaze. "You will?" For the love of Yesh, his head hurt.

"Yes. After all, I really don't see what all the fuss is about anyway." Zena lowered her voice. "Little Saya and I are setting out for the Zahranese court. The carriage leaves this morning."

Celik could hardly mask his eagerness. "Really? But what do you expect to do in Zahran?"

"Moguire intends to marry Saya off to the future King, Yerisa's nephew Yuri Eskayov. I'm not meant to tell anyone. I don't expect you to understand, but it's a lot of subtle political things, if you know what I mean."

Celik nodded understandingly. "Did he say why it was a secret?"

"No, only that it was highly sensitive information that had to be treated with care."

Celik grabbed her hands with passion. "Oh, my love, I fear for you. I fear he is not telling you everything. He knows how intelligent and capable you are. Perhaps he worries you'll uncover a conspiracy of some kind. I won't be able to sleep at night from the worry."

"Sweet Celik, it's not so bad! No one would dare harm a Lady."

Celik's lips pursed for just a moment before he replied. "I'd feel so much better if you could write to me. Just once a week, that's all I need. Tell me about the goings-on, what you see and observe. Just so I know that I needn't worry about your well-being."

Zena blushed. "Well, I suppose I could. It may surprise you, but in the days before I was married, I had so many admirers that I became quite skilled at sending secret messages back and forth."

"A woman as alluring and clever as yourself? That doesn't surprise me in the slightest."


Saya stood outside a carriage at the bottom of the front stairway as her mother loudly ordered the servants around while they managed the luggage. The girl was clearly deep in thought, her eyebrows hugging the tips of her lashes. Suddenly, everyone started to bow around her. Saya looked up and saw the King approaching her, accompanied by the forever-present Wick. He quickly gestured for everyone to rise, and Saya resumed her deep thought.

"Your Majesty!" Zena exclaimed, somehow with more energy than usual. "Have you come to see us off?"

"Actually, my Lady, I just so happened to be taking my morning walk." The King turned to the woman's daughter. "Good gracious, Lady Saya, I don't believe I've ever seen a look like that on a face so young."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. My expression is out of exhaustion, not malice. I meant no offense."

"I understand perfectly. Lady Zena, have you spoken with my advisor in regards to the bandits? They're rarely dangerous, but we like to have a process in place."

Wick took Zena aside, leaving the King alone with the girl.

"Are you proud of being Adraean, Lady Saya?"

"I would do anything for my country."

"Good. This is what your country needs you to do."

Saya stared directly into her King's eyes.

"My country needs me to shed my language, culture, religion, and way of life? I must abandon the country of my identity in order to declare my love for it?"

It was her first moment of rebelliousness against the King, and it made the man a bit uneasy.

"Outwardly. But inwardly, my Lady, you can feel however you please. One day you can even use your power to protect your homeland."

"I'm not noble enough."

"Perhaps not. In which case, you will come right back home to Adraea."

"I could sabotage myself and ensure that trip home."

"If you did that, I would be more disappointed for your sake than the sake of Adraea. You'd never be happy again, your options obliterated in one move. No, you enjoy the game too much to let yourself do that. I can see it."

Saya curtsied demurely, her eyes once again finding their place at the feet of her King. 

"Pardon me, Your Highness, but the journey will be long and I do not wish to delay it further."

With that, she made her way to the carriage, rejecting the arm of the young man who offered her assistance. Her mother was already tucked in her furs. Saya was glad to have had the last word, but the King  stepped forward, placing his face close to the side.

"Remember, Lady Saya," he muttered, "that one name will get you through the door, and the other will keep you there."

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