7| Vistile: The Gardens

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The ball was winding down. Many people were trying to subtly pair off as they bled into the darkness of night, seeking the sweet release of warm bodies pressed together as one. 

Asa stumbled towards the newest member of the court, holding out his hand jaggedly.

"I am Boluk, Boluk Asa," he slurred. "Welcome to the, to the capital of the whole damn world!"

Edgar smiled knowingly, shaking Asa's hand. "I am happy to be here, Boluk Asa."

Asa smiled hazily. "And wha-what's your name?"

"Edgar Myrdoch," was the response. 

"Myyyyyrdoch. Where have I heard that before?" Asa asked.

"I'm the cousin of the nephew of King Moguire," Edgar replied, looking around the room distractedly. "The Myrdochs are a very powerful family in Adraea."

Asa hated him already. 

"Very nice. Verrrrrrrry nice. Have you seen the gardens here?" 

"The-- the what?" Edgar replied. 

"Yes. Very pretty. The Empress takes long strolls through it at night."

This got Edgar's attention. 

"What did you say, friend? The garden?"

Asa giggled drunkenly. "Very pretty garden."

"I would love to see the garden. Do you know where I can access it?"

Asa smiled. "Well, you can't go there at night, Pasha! Imagine how funny that would be!" Asa began to laugh. "You'd have to climb the eastern courtyard wall or something! You'd look ridiculous!" 

"Yes, ridiculous! A very funny picture, indeed!" Edgar replied. "I hope you can excuse me, but I really must go, good Boluk."

"Very pretty gardens."

Edgar nodded awkwardly and quickly walked away from the conversation. 

Once Edgar was out of sight, Asa began trailing behind him on steady feet. 

"Should I meet you upstairs?" Fitnat whispered as she approached him.

"I will be there momentarily, Fitnat. I have some brief but important matters to attend to."

Fitnat rolled her eyes but nodded. "If you aren't there in ten, you'll be looking for comfort elsewhere."

Asa gave a quick nod back and kept walking distantly behind his target. They were on the eastern side of the courtyard in minutes. The boluk smiled to himself as he slipped under a fat nearby bush. It was unlikely that Edgar would actually attempt to climb it, but the ambassador would find the weakness in the wall soon enough. 

It was a small hole that had been weathered away over the course of many years that no one had bothered to fix. It was roughly the size of an eye, but a desperate man could find anything. 

Sure enough, Edgar found the weakness in just under a minute. Asa slyly watched the man as he stupidly peered into the hole. After a few minutes, it was obvious that the pasha had seen something. Shockingly, he spoke.

"They say you sleep poorly," Edgar said, speaking through the hole.

What an introduction! Asa could hardly keep himself from laughing. 

"So all the world knows that the Empress of the most powerful land on earth wanders through her relatively unprotected garden by night in nothing but a silk shift?" Asa heard the faint reply of the Empress.

What in Yesh's name would turn this woman off?

"You really need better guards. And perhaps a new walking route," Edgar replied smoothly. 

"Where else do you suggest, Pasha Edgar?" The Empress replied sarcastically. 

"Well, perhaps I could accompany you. It's not as if I can stop you from walking, and you need better protection."

It was all Asa could do not to gasp out loud.

The voice that replied was much harsher than before. "You overstep your bounds, Pasha Edgar. My husband the Emperor would be more than willing to offer me his company."

"Then why isn't he here now?" Edgar replied boldly. 

Jabria lowered her voice to a hiss, and Asa struggled to pick up every word. 

"Because I like being alone every once and a while so that I can be free from certain patronizing members of the court! I order you to desist in speaking to me at this hour and under these circumstances. You make me nervous, approaching me in this manner."

"Yes, Your Imperial Highness. A million apologies. But before I go—"

"Do you wish me to call for the royal guard?"

Asa heard something get shuffled through the hole and wondered what it could be. There was a moment of silence. When Jabria spoke again, it was obvious that something had touched her heart, despite her harsh words.

"This is wholly inappropriate and completely insulting. I am the Empress of Vistile, and the future mother of the next sovereign. How dare you be so presumptuous!"

Another pause.

"Pasha Edgar?" she called out. No response. She sighed. She must have thought that the pasha had already left. 

But Asa watched as Edgar reeled against the wall, eyes filled with stars. He was holding several forget-me-nots against his heart, and smiling up at the moon. 


Want to cast the characters in this book? Go to mycast.io and search for "Pawn" to vote on your favorite choices for each role, and even suggest some actors of your own!

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