Chapter One

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Happy birthday to @MGShips I hope you enjoy this story!

"You say you don't know, I tell you don't lie. You work with a smile," Bad Day ~ Daniel Powter

   It had been a long day for Marinette. She was late to class, again, and got scolded by the teacher, in front of Adrien of all people. Then, Chloé dumped sour milk on Marinette's head, ruining the design she was working on, tripped on the stairs and fell on top of Adrien, and to top it all off, Alya wasn't there for any of it.

So it's easy to say, Marinette was more pissed than confused when she found herself with Chat Noir inside of a tiny white room, with barely any space between her and her partner.

Though, her story might be easier to understand if she went back and explained it to you.


    Marinette woke up to the sound of her alarm going off and Tikki yelling shouting loudly at her, telling her that she was late for school. She sleepily dug her face into her pillow, trying to soak up every bit of comfort it could give her before groaning and getting out of bed.

Being Ladybug really took a toll on her, especially during the winter. Tikki had explained to Marinette that she would get some changes, acting in some weird ways like a ladybug, same as Chat and how he purrs when he's scratched. And one of those changes for her was being sleepy in winter, like Tikki. Now, Marinette had never been a big fan of winter. Never. Not even when she was a little girl. She didn't like the cold wet snow to begin with, so being constantly sleepy made it a lot worse.

She sleepily changed out of her pyjamas and into a pair of black leggings and an oversized pink sweater with her normal flats.

"Marinette!" Tikki called for her holder's attention again.

"I am gonna be so late!" Marinette yelled before grabbing her purse and running down the stairs, sloppily putting her midnight blue hair in to her signature pigtails as she nearly face planted down the stairs.


    Marinette quietly opened the door to her classroom, trying her best to sneak in against the wall, which Adrien quite frankly enjoyed watching. Seeing Marinette silently tiptoe into the class was usually the highlight of his day. That is until Chloé stood up from her chair and pointed at the bluenette, not only ruining his entertainment but also the happy mood he had been in for the day.

"Marinette's late!"

"Brat..." Marinette muttered before unlatching herself from the wall. She sat in her seat, all eyes on her, before Mme. Mandeleiv, their cranky and a little bit of a sociopath, science teacher began to scold her in front of her classmates yet again as the tattle tale blonde smirked deviously as she sat back down in her seat next to Sabrina.

"Marinette! This is your third time being late this week!" The pigtailed teen bowed her head in shame and Adrien and Nino winced in pain for her. "This will not be tolerated. Go to the principal's office!" Ms. Mandeleiv practically threw herself as she pointed at the door. Chloé's snickering caught Adrien's attention as he drew his shaped brows together at the mean blonde's rude antics. Marinette nodded and got up, heading out the door, all eyes on her until the door was securely closed behind her.


The rest of the morning had been fairly peaceful, up until lunch came around. Marinette was sitting at a table with her design book open, and was shading away at the paper, her bag of lunch pushed aside as she concentrated at her newest design. That is, until she heard the annoying voice she had grown to hate- er, strongly dislike. Tikki told Marinette a few years ago that Ladybugs don't hate civilians, that they can dislike them but, hating them would effect their job.

"Hey, Maritrash. How was the principal's office?" A certain blonde girl teased, filing her nails with her so called best friend behind her. Sabrina giggled a nasty cackle as she complimented the mayor's daughter for her 'smartness with nicknames' whatever that meant. Maybe she was being sarcastic?

"Yeah, Maritrash. Did you get a detention?" Chloé and Sabrina laughed at their snarky comments, making Marinette's eye twitch in annoyance. Nope, definitely not sarcasm. Sabrina was officially as stupid as Chloé after spending so much time with the blonde.

"Just leave me alone today Chloé. I don't want to deal with you." Marinette said as she continued to sketch in her design book. She was currently working on a silk blouse she was planning on entering into a competition that was going to be starting soon. She heard a "Tch!" come from Chloé before she felt a cold liquid pour down on her head, streaming down her neck and dripping on to her design

The milk on her paper soaked the design, smearing it all over the paper before seeping to the papers below it, ruining all of her previous designs. She didn't feel any anger at Chloé though. She felt sadness more than anything. She watched as the design she worked so hard on washed away in a flood of sour milk. All the hours she spent hauled away in her room or by the Eiffel Tower, slaving away in her small pink book, hunched over and neck bent as she perfected her penciled lines, darkening them with large strokes of her wrists. And it was all gone, as if it had meant nothing to her, which to Chloé it probably didn't.

She could hear Nino's yells directed at Chloé and the sound of his sneakers slapping against the pavement as he made way to his dark haired friend, along with her other classmates whom she had stuck up for in the past. Even though she had them, they were drowned out by the words Chloé said next.

"Why do you even design Marinette? They're not good. Nobody would ever want to buy from you, so just quit. You will never become a fashion designer, and definitely not one as good as Gabriel Agreste. That's why you're doing this right? To become good enough to maybe catch Adrien's eye? It won't work, because he's already in love with me, not some poor baker's daughter who is aspiring to be something she can never become."

Feeling the hot tears well up in her eyes, Marinette quickly snapped her book close, before getting up and running away, the sounds of the other classes' laughter following her out of the gym. She dashed down the stairs, sight blurry from the unshed tears. She didn't care as she missed a step, before falling onto someone who had caught her.

That was, until she saw who caught her.

Adrien stood there, his hands tightly clasped around her waist as he held her upright, a mixed look of concern and surprise clouding over his face. His iridescent green eyes stared at her in curiosity, before noticing the tears rolling down her cheeks, leaving behind a trail of wet streaks in it's wake. He felt as if all the air was sucked out of his lungs as he saw her wet lashes, tears ready to spill over once more from her red eyes.

"Marinette? What's-" He was abruptly cut off as the pigtailed girl tore herself out of his grasp, blindly running out to the gates before turning right. Adrien had thought about running after her, already in the stance, but was stopped by Chloé draping herself on him, trying, and failing, to kiss his cheeks.

"Hey, what happened to Marinette?" Now that he thought back on it, her hair had been wet, and had a sour smell to it. Chloé better not have done anything to his princess. He didn't ever want to see the look he saw on her face two years ago.

"Nothing Adrikins. She only got what she deserved." Chloé shrugged in response before trying to drag him inside the school. He let her tug on him, but his eyebrows were drawn into a frown, thinking about what Marinette could have possibly done to deserve to cry.

He knew one thing for sure, though. He didn't like to see her cry. He didn't want to see her cry ever again. He would always be there to stop her tears, that was the promise he made to himself two years ago. It wasn't right. The one person who wipes away everyone else's tears, always wearing a smile that was so bright it could light up the world.

And he was sure as hell going to keep his promise to the girl who was the sun to his sky. And as the moon to hers, he would be there to make her smile again.

Well, Chat Noir will.


     "Marinette! Calm down!" Tikki's squeaky voice yelled as Marinette nearly slammed the door behind her as she entered her room. The little red Kwami flew out of the small handmade purse to go comfort the crying girl.

"Why are they never here when I need them?!" Marinette shouted, swinging her purse off her shoulder, before abruptly chucking it across the room, the small purse slamming against the wall, right next to her mirror. A boom echoed from it, followed by the sound of chains clinking together as it slid down the wall, the straps colliding with each other.

"Who Marinette?"

"My parents! They're constantly gone whenever days like this happen. I would like to have them here, just once. Just one time I'd like to have them here to make me feel better." Marinette sighed in exhaustion as she collapsed on to her chaise face first, burying her face into her pillow.

A few days back, her parents had gotten an invitation to go to New York for a week and a half to participate in a baking convention that was a worldwide competition. It was an honor to even be recognized by the members of the committee, and was an even bigger honor to be selected to compete such as her parents were. She was glad for them, as she knew she should be when she told them to go to it, by she still couldn't shake the feeling of wanting her parents to be at her side, telling her that it was okay, and that she would become the successful designer she had been dreaming about since she was a toddler.

"Marinette, how many times has this happened?"

"I don't know, three times? Four?"


"I'm fine now, Tikki." Marinette mumbled through her pillow, her voice muffled by the feathers and cloth. "I'm just worn out. I'll be okay Tikki, don't worry."

Tikki sighed before moving over to the makeshift bed Marinette had made her a while ago, underneath her loft bed. When Marinette heard Tikki leave, she turned her head so she faced her window, her arms still wrapped around the pillow. With one hand, she pulled the hair ties out of her hair, letting the dark blue locks cover her face like a curtain, dropping the hair ties next to her.

She felt tired, so tired. She wanted to sleep but she couldn't. Her eyes were shut, but the peaceful darkness did nothing to help her fall asleep. Though the silence in her room didn't last long as a loud rapping sound filled her room.

Groaning, she wrapped the pillow around her head, covering her ears as she tried to block out the persistent knocking.

"Marinette, I'm serious about using cataclysm on this."

Marinette rolled her eyes in annoyance, before getting up and unlocking the latch to her trapdoor. She was greeted by a cheeky grin and nearly glowing eyes as Chat grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

"What do you want, you mangy alley cat?"

"Meow-ch, Marinette. Can't a knight come see his princess?" He slid inside the room, his chest pressing up against hers until she backed away from the strange male. "I saw you crying on your way here. I wanted to know if you were okay and what happened. Maybe I canhelp."

Marinette snorted at the thought. "And what could you possibly do to help me?"

"I can beat them up for you." He offered, half joking half serious. "No one can hurt my princess and get away with it."

"Ah... as great as that would be, I'm pretty sure you'd get arrested for beating up the mayor's daughter." She sighed again, slumping down on her chaise once more, Chat following her in pursuit.

"She's the one who made you cry again?"

"You make it sound as if I'm always crying, Chaton." She felt a weight added to her thighs as she glanced down to catch sight of Chat Noir using her lap as his personal pillow, nudging his head on her as he made himself comfortable.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm lying down."

"Get off my lap, Chat."

"Ugh... okay." He groaned as he lifted his head off of her lap and set it by her shoulder. "I know you don't cry often, because you are strong."

"So you say, I still don't believe you." The bitterness in her tone would shock anyone else if Chat hadn't been the one she was talking to. No one would expect such despair would come from the usually bright girl, not even Chat Noir, if he hadn't seen first hand how much she's been affected by Chloé.

"If you don't want me here, I'll leave. I don't want to make you any more upset." He got up to leave, but was quickly pulled back onto the chaise by a strong tank on his tail, arms hugging his torso tightly to the petite girl, as if she were afraid that if she let go she would be sucked out of reality and shoved inside the dark space in her mind, which she was exactly scared of at that moment. He knew, because he's been there himself too many times before, and he knew just how unpleasant, more like torturous, that feeling was.

"I never said I didn't want you here." Chat laid on his back with his hands folded on top of his toned stomach, overlapping hers with one arm around her neck. There was a strange, yet comforting silence around them, enveloping them with the thick air. It set a somber-like mood around them. "I like having you here. It makes me forget about the things I don't want to remember."

"Is that necessarily a good thing?" Chat laid on his back with his hands folded on top of his toned stomach. On the outside, he was calm and cool, but on the inside, he was worried like hell. He's never seen Marinette this quiet and solemn, aside from two years ago. He thought everything was getting better, he truly did. How could he not realize this, how could he not see that her nightmare was coming back?  He honestly wanted to somehow get a reaction from her, see her scream at him, or pretend he was whoever made her upset and have her hit him, hell, he'd even want her to tell him off and curse him or the world like there was no tomorrow, but he got nothing.

Marinette didn't answer his question as she silently turned to face the ceiling like him as the two sat in a warped silence. Her bluebell eyes, the ones he found so pretty, so beautiful and full of life, looking as if the entire solar system was reflected in them with their shining, shimmering stars, were now a dull and lifeless gray. When he turned his head, he noticed her soft, even, breathing. She was sleeping soundly beside him, his arm resting under her head, being used like a pillow.

Her serene look set some sort of skip in his heart, a heated blush peeking out from underneath the second skin mask.

He stared at her for what felt like hours, but was mere minutes. He turned his body to face her, getting a good look around her room. The pink walls had pictures of Marinette with Alya, Nino, and himself, all hanging above her desk in a beautiful collage. He turned his gaze to her bed, eyeing it up and down, taking in every detail. He noticed she had a cat body pillow on top, and underneath the bed were lights that dangled from the makeshift ceiling the loft provided.

He looked back at Marinette who was now hugging his arm that was her makeshift pillow. The newly added weight was more comfortable than he thought it would be as he sidled at her side, her back pressed up against his chest. He stared at her silently, pulling her hair back so the skin of her neck was exposed and softly kissed it, feeling her blood pulsing through her body. He glanced at her peaceful face one more time before falling asleep next to her, draping a lazy arm across her waist.

Hope you enjoy this new book! I'm excited for this one! Please tell me if you like it!

Word count: 2,851

Date, December 20th, 2016.

Until next time, peace!

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