Paws of Magic Prologue

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~(Edited and rewritten January 20th 2021)~

      Two people stood in front of a big tree. One was a girl about five and a half feet tall, spiky gray hair pulled back into a ponytail, and gray wolf ears. Her tail flicked nervously.

"What do you mean you don't know? You're the Elder, you're supposed to know everything!" She whimpered and her ears flattened. The person in question was sitting in the tree, he was old and also seemed part wolf but instead of gray he was white. He had faded blue eyes which sparkled with concern as he answered the young lady.

"I'm sorry Alpha, this prophecy confuses me." He turned to the third and final person there, she was a few inches shorter than Alpha but unlike the others she was part fox. She had red ears and a big fluffy tail.

"Please tell us the prophecy again." He asked her, and she nodded. His face lit up as she recited the prophecy,

"Two shall find their way into our ranks, one boy and one girl, together they will bring both destruction and peace, for the tribes to survive we must listen to the will of the earth, sky, desert, and sea, before our downfall we'll see." The glowing faded and the fox girl leaned heavily against the wolf girl who didn't seem to notice the weight.

"Please Elder Paw you must know at least a bit of this prophecy." Pleaded Alpha. He shook his head,

"Leave me please. I will ponder on this and may ask the other Elders for guidance." Alpha growled,

"Elder Scales let one of his warriors attack Mitzi when she was ore gathering! Are you sure you can trust them with this information?" Elder Paw nodded,

"Is Mitzi all right?" He asked. The fox girl nodded her head.

"She had a few cuts but she is recovering fine." She said her voice now sounding like honey.

"Thank you Amara. You are a great healer." Said the Elder and he waved them away. They bowed their heads and left, the Elder looked troubled.

"There are rough times ahead for the tribes. Hopefully we are all strong enough for it."         

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