Chapter 3 - Horrors of the Xenozoo

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Bython led the group through the halls of the hunting lodge and into its newest addition: the Galactic Xenozoo. A rustic sign over the door identified it as such.

"Prepare to be amazed," said Bython as they passed through the threshold. "I spared no expense in the creation of this zoo, because what is mere money compared to the possession of this indisputable monument to my personal greatness?"

Bython led them further on. The zoo itself formed a circle of exhibits. A single path led from the entrance, around the circle, and then back down to the entrance. A force-railing marked the boundary of the path.

Following the path the group came upon the first exhibit.

The sizable terrarium was filled with rocky terrain. Crawling all around it were radially symmetrical ten-limbed creatures covered in semi-rigid keratin hairs. Tiny three-fingered grasping talons tipped each limb.

The creatures wandered around gathering stones and piling them up into a large heap. Then they rearranged the heaps of stones into intricate almost fractal like cyclopean edifices that served no clear purpose. As soon as they finished they immediately abandoned their creation, and before long its fellows will have pulled it apart to use the stones in their own edifices.

"These are Xalaxian stone-stackers," explained Bython with a flourish. "They have a really stupid name in that screaming cacophony the Xalaxians call a language. They stack stones, you see, into beautiful works of abstract art for no obvious reason. The behavior is most pronounced when they're stressed so we keep a little subsonic emitter in there we can turn on to make sure they aren't boring when people are watching."

<This monster,> Ophelia signaled Decker, while she stood directly beside Bython smiling at him.

"I realize Xalax is hardly what you'd call exotic but bear in mind these are extinct in the wild. Over poached."

Bython led the group along the force-railinged pathway over to the next exhibit.

Another large terrarium contained tiny squeaking puffballs in a field of yellow fungus-grass. They were covered in something that looked like a cross between finely groomed fluffy hair and downy feathers. This 'fur' was a rainbow of brilliant hues in numerous almost intentional-looking patterns. It brought to mind the wings of butterflies.

"These things have a name unpronounceable by the human tongue, and I'm not going to debase myself by using technology to force myself to say it. So I just call it a color fluff from the planet Dumb Language. I should point out that the planet Dumb Language is untamed, quarantined, and quite off-limits. Exotic. Usually the little beasties only have that vibrantly colored plumage during mating season which is like 1/8th of the year but my galaxy-class zoologist have devised a cocktail of hormones that keeps them pretty all year round."

<QX, change of plan,> Ophelia signaled Decker. <I'm just going to kill everyone here and save all these animals. I might let you live I'm going to play it by ear.>

<We don't have habitats for any of these alien animals on the ship,> replied Decker. <Please just stick with the plan.>

<No promises.>

Ophelia continued to stand right beside Bython. She rubbed his back a little with one hand.

"If you were impressed by this exhibit," said Bython, "you will be mystified by this next one. Come, come!"

The group continued along the path to the next exhibit.

This was a long transparent tube connected to both the ceiling and floor, humming with hundreds of fields, filled with tiny points of light that swam around inside it like fish. Bython tapped on the tube.

"These things are mentioned even in the oldest data archives of long-extinct civilizations. They're native to outer space. The Erkglurk call them Star Children, and in the ancient religions of the Inxon they were alternatively the spirits of dead gods or the seeds of new ones. They are one of the few true mysteries left in the universe. It took a lot of tries before we could build a field that can contain one without killing it. There's nothing but a vacuum inside. How unique!"

<I'm not kidding I'm going to kill him Sam,> Ophelia signaled.

<Just wait,> replied Decker.

<I will but I'm doing it before we leave here.>

"Come!" said Bython said, taking Ophelia by the hand and dragging her behind him, "the next exhibit awaits! This one is my favorite!"

He pulled Ophelia, with the group right behind them, over to the latest exhibit.

Here a full-sized Tyrannosaurus Rex was pinned to the ground by an array of strong black bindings. They criss-crossed the dinosaur's entire body and allowed it virtually no movement whatsoever. There was no terrarium separating the monster from the crowd, but there was a sealed metal dinosaur-sized doorway directly behind where the creature was bound.

The chest of the Tyrannosaur rapidly rose and fell as it struggled to breathe while being held down so tightly. Yellow reptilian eyes watched the approaching humans.

"Don't be afraid," said Bython. "Nobody be afraid he's quite tame. Well not really but he's not going anywhere. Totally secure! You can even go up and pet him."

Bython grabbed Ophelia by the shoulders from behind. He pushed her forward slightly.

"Go on," he said, "why don't go for try? Show everyone how safe it is."

"Pet him?" asked Opheila, trying to laugh.

"It's quite safe," said Bython. "Don't you trust me?"

He smiled at her.

Ophelia gave him a weak smile and tentatively inched towards the dinosaur. The pupil in the yellow eye narrowed as it focused in on her approach. She reached out her hand.

Ophelia stroked its nose softly.

"Revenge," she whispered to it.

The whirled around and ran back to Bython.

"That. Was exciting," she exclaimed.

"Wonderful," said Bython, clapping his hands. "See how nature's greatest monsters must bow before the power of true wealth? In my zoo even this harmless young girl can pet a Tyrannosaurus! Come along! There is more to see. So much more."

Bython led the group along the path to the next exhibit.

This one was an aquarium filled with water. The tank wasn't nearly large enough for its inhabitant, which appeared to be an ordinary bottlenose dolphin. It swam around excitedly when it saw the group.

"This specimen is quite a gem. It's one of the talking dolphins from our collective ancestral homeworld. There's currently a jamming field around its tank because to be perfectly honest it never shuts up and it can be quite a dour conversationalist. I much prefer to admire it without having to interact. It's important to note, though, that it does talk for being-impressed-by-it purposes."

"How interesting!" exclaimed Opheila. She leaned forward and touched a small transparent tile to the side of the tank. It clicked into place like a magnet as a microscopic tractor beam engaged.

Decker maneuvered to the front of the 'aahing' crowd. He went up and tapped on the glass with one hand, to distract from him placing a similar tile on the other side of the tank.

<Just need the back now,> Decker signaled.

<See if you can slip around,> replied Ophelia. <I'm too conspicuous at this point.>

<Can you cause a temporary distraction?>

<Like you even had to ask.>

Ophelia grabbed the sides of Bython's uppermost cape, pulled him to her, and kissed him. The crowd began to clap and shout encouragements.

Decker really didn't see why that was necessary.

He edged his way along the side of the tank towards the back where it was nearly flush with the wall. Once he made it all the way there he placed another tile at the corner.

There are all kinds of ways you can distract people. She's obviously repulsed by the guy's behavior. Why did she have to kiss him?

"Hey!" shouted someone. "What's he doing back there?"

Suddenly all eyes were on Decker. He was easily visible through the glass tank full of water.


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