Chapter 4

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Went my stupid alarm clock the next morning. I groggily sat up in bed checking out my surroundings before hopping out of bed. I stumbled to my closet opening it and went in. 'What should I wear today?' I thought to myself and looked around. Picking out a short purple skirt, white shirt, and my grey converse I put those on and grabbed my backpack heading downstairs.

When I got to the foot of the staircase, I took two deep breaths and counted to ten. Putting a grin on my face I hopped into the breakfast room. Mum wasn't up yet, but dad was putting down a plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I ignored his greeting and sat down taking two pancakes, a slice bacon, and a pile of eggs. Pouring myself a glass of apple juice, I turned to Anthony who was gulping down his eggs. "Good morning little brother, how did you sleep?" I asked purposely ignoring my father who was sipping his coffee watching me.

Anthony looked at me with a weird expression on his face. "Good?" He asked with uncertainty. I smirked into my bacon eating that. Alexis, then came downstairs wearing a green shirt and white shorts. She grabbed three pancakes and two slices of bacon before sitting down at the table. My phone buzzed telling me that Kenzie was out front. My best friends and I have a schedule for school. On Mondays and Wednesdays Kenzie picked and dropped us off. On Tuesday's and Thursday's I picked and dropped us off. On Friday's we didn't carpool because I had drama in the morning and Kenzie had tennis practice in the afternoon. Elenor didn't have a car yet so she just rode along.

"Good bye Anthony, Alexis, and Amanda who just came downstairs" I said waving goodbye to my siblings. Kissing dad on the cheek, I ran out the door to be greeted by a smiling Kenzie. Hopping into her car, I  turned on some Taylor Swift and we swerved out of my drive way preparing to pick up Elenor. "How was your weekend Al?" Kenzie asked as I put my backpack on the floor and accepted the steaming hot coffee she handed me. "Same old, same old. Unless you count Nate Millerson buying me ice cream and my parents setting me up on a blind date.

Kenzie stared at me wide eyed before squealing. "Oh, Allie I ship it already! Were you two on a date?" She asked as we pulled to a red light. I looked at her flatly with an 'Are you serious?' look before answering, "Yes, I was totally on a date with the school's bad boy who also happens to be a nerd and he was buying me ice cream." I managed to put sarcasm into my voice, though I am terrible at it.

Knezie giggled and closed her mouth not responding to me. We pulled into Elenor's house and waited for her to come out. It took five minutes before our friend rushed out of her blue house wearing a denim skirt, pink shirt, and three inch heels. "What the heck Ellie?" Kenzie asked as she handed her a coffee. Elenor looked at us before jestering to her heels. "What? We have swimming pictures today!" She cried buckling her seat belt. Ellie was into swimming, but she was a super fashionista unlike Kenz and I.

"The Vanderlim train is pulling out of the station. Next stop Waterloo High School!" Kenzie did a conductors voice before taking a right and driving to our school.

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