•Chapter Seven•

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=Chapter Seven=
Totally not helping

Technically I should obey a dude like Batman. I'm sure he's got it covered, but also..

When have I ever done as I was told?

I left my pasta to help so I'm not about to let it go cold for no reason.

I did start walking, but not back home. I turned to the nearest building and started climbing the fire escape.
It was old and rusted, and it shook with every step I took. I mentally prepared myself for it to break under me, but thankfully it didn't, and I made it to the top of the fire escape to the roof. I peered over the edge, watching the chaos, Batman still fighting the person who I guessed was a villain or something.

What on earth is he wearing..
The villain was like a crazy bug with a flame thrower, and Batman seemed to be having trouble getting up close to the crazy bug guy due to said fire.

I scanned the skyline for any sort of water that I could use to put out the fire. The ocean or rivers were too far away to pull in unfortunately, and the clouds in the sky wouldn't produce much liquid to help.

My last resort was a pool. To which..
ah ha! Bingo.

Not too far away, a fancy apartment complex had a roof top pool. It wasn't a whole lot of water, but it would be enough to sedate the flames until the fire department could arrive.

I did one last scan, this time searching for anyone who might be looking mine or the pools way, because I sure as hades didn't want to get caught holding a massive ball of water.

I took a small breath to calm myself, wanting to remain focused.

I could totally move the water with my mind, however for some reason, using my arms and hands to help direct it was just a given.

It looks cool, what can I say.

Hand outstretched, I will the water out of the pool, and carefully hover it over the burning building.

I let it drop slowly, so it would hopefully look like a freak micro-rainstorm.

It managed to douse the fire a little, definitely manageable enough now that I felt comfortable letting the fire department take over when they get there.

Luckily nobody seemed to notice me up here, and i managed to carefully climbed back onto the fire escape, and started moving down.
I winced with every creak the tall metal ladder made, treading lightly over the rusted grates and bars.

"Woah-" I gasped as the last bar broke beneath me.
I hit the ground about five feet below with a thud.
"Ow.. ow.." I sat there on the ground for a moment.

"Okay.. not my best landing.." I mumbled and got up, dusting myself off.

Thankfully, nobody saw that.

The walk back home was mostly uneventful, although it was dark.
I guessed the fire and that villain guy scared everyone else away?
I mean, obviously. He was crazy. Id stay home today if I were a regular criminal too.

Not that people who are criminals are regular. There's just some like the crazy flame thrower guy that make them seem normal when compared.

Next thing I knew, I was back in my kitchen, warming my pasta back up in the microwave.
I had just sat down at my table when I heard the doorbell from down stairs.
"Who could that be..." I wondered, getting up once again from my poor pasta. I went down stairs to the door and noticed Hermes outside.

"Oh hey!" I said opening the door with a smile.

"Hey Perce." Hermes said holding out a package. "Delivery!"

I took it. "Thanks Hermes, you're a life saver!"

"Always happy to help." He smiled fondly, "see ya."

I waved and closed the door, letting Hermes continue on with his deliveries.
I brought the package to the counter and looked at the label. Unsurprisingly, it was from Annabeth at camp halfblood.

I found some scissors in the drawer behind the counter and opened it up.
Inside was a brand new pair of glasses, wrapped neatly in bubble wrap, a few drachmas as well as a bar of ambrosia.
I smiled at the sight of Annabeths gesture, knowing she worried about me and wanted to make sure I'd be okay out here.

I unwrapped the glasses to realize they were fully customized, which literally made my day.

Along the golden edges, little blue waves were decorated across.

I tried them on, pleased with how well they worked.

I packed up the other goodies inside and headed back up the stairs, placing the box on my table next to my once again cold pasta.

But hey, I got cool glasses now!

Whoever customized them was really fast. I wasn't expecting to get glasses same day delivery, although it sure was amazing.

And for the second time that night, I put my bowl of pasta back in the microwave.


^^ I did a little design to show off her new anti-dyslexia glasses. I just stole a photo off of Amazon and drew over it lol.

Shorter chapter today. Sorry for the delay. I've been struggling with names of villains or monsters to put in here. It's been a hot second since I last read the Percy Jackson books, and I never read any comics from DC, so my knowledge is lacking atm.

If you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate it!

Also I'm thinking about updating every other day, until I find a decent schedule I want to follow. Every day like what I previously was doing was kinda hard, although I already had 6 chapters written before I originally published, lol.

Once again, thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed. :)

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