four ☮ safe haven, never leave again

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Juniper's head was bopping up and down as she was dragged into camp by two Guards. She just remembers being knocked out by the barrel of a gun. She turned to her left and right, to see Clarke and Archer in the exact same state as her. Expect, it did not look like Archer was even breathing, he had been that beat up really bad.

All Juniper could hear was Abby's voice.

"She's not a prisoner. She's my daughter." Juniper sighed with relief, cause they were finally home. But who was home with them.

"Mom?" Clarke whispered as she felt her Mom's hand on her bloody face. Abby gasped as she saw Juniper beside Clarke.

"Damon!" Abby screamed as Damon came running over. Little did he know he was going to be reunited with his daughter.

"Abby, what is- Juniper." Damon whispered as he immediately chocked up. He ran over to Juniper and hugged her. Taking her away from the guards.

"Dad." Juniper cried, for a moment she just wanted her Dad to hold her. She forgot about how mad she was at him in that one moment.

"What the hell have you done to my daughter?" Damon screamed at the Guards and that rage was able to spark the rage in Juniper.

"How could you?" Juniper whispered as she felt herself falling asleep a little.


"Mom's alive. Why didn't you tell me?" Juniper cried out and Damon's face immediately fell. He wanted to tell Juniper at the right time. 

"We need to get them to medical! Now!" Abby screamed as they began to run to the medical center.  

"Who is he?" Abby asked curiously as she pointed to the unconscious one. 

"Archer, he's a Grounder who is-" Juniper began to say but she could feel herself falling asleep. 

"Who's what?" Damon shouted as he tried to get his daughter to stay awake. She could not fall asleep. 

"Going to help us." Juniper croaked as Damon placed her down on a medical bed. Abby began her work on the kids.

"Juniper, I wanted to tell you." Damon whispered to Juniper as he began to smooth down her hair. Juniper moved her head away from him.

"Don't ever speak to me." Juniper croaked as she turned to her side. All she could see was Abby treating Archer, who looked on the brink of death. Juniper began crying, she could not let him die.

"Are they alright?" Byrne asked as she walked into the tent.

"They will be. Hopefully, he pulls through. What were you thinking, he could die from the tramua." Abby answered and Juniper cried louder at the thought of Archer dying. Damon cried as he wanted to comfort his daughter, but he just couldn't. Juniper would not let him near her.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. We had no idea who they." Byrne apologized as she walked closer to Clarke, Juniper watched from the corner of her eye. "Where have you been?" Byrne asked.

"Mount Weather." Clarke answered and the adults were confused. They thought the Grounders were the enemy.

"The Grounders took you to Mount Weather?" Bryne asked confused as Juniper tried to sit up.

"No. The mountain men. We have to get them out." Juniper groaned as she still tried to get up, but she had no use. Jackson held her down as he fixed her saline drip.

"We're not doing this right now, Major Byrne." Damon stated and Abby nodded her head in agreement. Byrne nodded her head before she walked out of the tent.

"Did anyone else make it here?" Juniper asked. 

"Yes. 6 of you did." Abby answered and Juniper clenched a little, she wanted to know but at the same time didn't, she couldn't face Bellamy not being one of them.

"Finn, Octavia and Bellamy?" Clarke asked and Juniper's heart dropped. This was going to be the moment, the moment that was going to shape her life forever. She was just praying for him to be at The Ark, that he was alive. That they could finally be together, not the way they used to be, but as in a couple. Abby slowly nodded her head and Juniper cried as she rested her head in her hands. 

"Oh my god. He's alive." Juniper cried out as she lay back on the bed. She wailed out with tears of joy as Clarke did the same, but she was holding onto her Mom. Juniper could not even look at her Dad. Eventually Juniper had cried herself to sleep. 

Juniper slowly sat up as she groaned a little. Abby walked over to her and pushed her back down. Juniper was in no state to stand. She looked to her left to see that Archer was still sleeping.

"How long have I been asleep?" Juniper asked as Clarke was already sitting up, she smiled over at Juniper.

"About 10 hours." Abby answered and Juniper began to sit up again. This time, Abby just left her too it. She could not tell these girls to do anything.

"Mom, we need to move against Mount Weather. How many guards are here? Where are Finn and Bellamy?" Clarke asked repetitively, clearly it took a strain on her. Juniper looked down to see she was wearing new clothes. A grey vest which showed her mid-drift, cargo trousers and a black shirt. 

"Clarke, please. You need to rest." Abby sighed as she walked over to her daughter's bed.

"I don't need to rest. I'm fine. And I don't need you to protect me." Clarke stated coldly, Abby was taken back by that statement. "What I need is to save my friends." Clarke said empoweringly and Juniper nodded her head as she got off from the bed and tried to stand. Byrne came marching into the tent.

"Ma'am. Movement in the north woods." Byrne instructed and Juniper looked over at Clarke. It could be their friends.


"I don't think so." Byrne answered before she walked out, Abby followed behind. Then, Juniper helped Clarke off the bed and they followed after.

"Don't shoot them this time!" Juniper shouted angrily as she looked over to see Archer, he was still asleep. The Guard had fairly beat him to get him into the camp. Juniper was still annoyed, obviously.

Clarke and Juniper left the medical tent to see Raven waiting for them. She had a stick and a brace. They were not able to save her, but luckily, someone was.

"Hi." Raven grinned as she stood up from the rock and the three friends hugged each other tightly. This seemed like a pipe-dream for some of them a few days ago, but now it was a reality.

"I've been waiting out here all night. Abby said you needed sleep." Raven explained just as Clarke noticed the brace on Raven's leg. 

"Raven, I..." Clarke began to say but she could not form the words. They were truly sorry that they could not help her when she needed it. All they remember was that she was stuck in the dropship alone when everybody else got taken to Mount Weather. The Guards must not have checked the dropship or they would have found her. 

"Sucks, but I'm dealing with it." Raven answered for Clarke as she laughed a little.

"I'm glad we are all okay." Juniper smiled before they heard the gate open. The three girls looked over to see Bellamy, Octavia, Monroe and Mel enter. Juniper swallowed as she watched Bellamy help Mel into the camp, she was clearly injured. 

"Bellamy." Juniper smiled as she felt faint. The tears had already started to well up in her eyes. He looked different, his hair was shorter, his skin was tanner, and by god his muscles were still the same amazing shape. But Juniper could sense their was a sadder aura about him, because he never found Juniper. Well, little did he know.

"Go. I'll catch up." Raven smiled at the girls and Juniper had already began marching up to him.

"Found her a day from here. No survivors. Lots of supplies." Bellamy said to Abby and Juniper stopped dead in her tracks. Bellamy just looked at Juniper, he could see that she was bruised, tattered and torn. But at the same time, he had never seen anyone as beautiful as her. 

"Juniper." Bellamy croaked as he tried to hold back his tears, he thought that she was gone. Juniper ran up to him and immediately jumped onto him. Bellamy was hesitating for a second, he never thought he would be able to touch her again. Then he grabbed onto her and lifted her slightly. Juniper missed being in his arms, they were her safe haven. He was her Safe Haven.

"You had one job." Juniper whispered in Bellamy's ear as she wailed with tears. Bellamy slowly brought Juniper to the ground before he held onto her face. He slowly wiped away her tears.

"I've always promised that I would come back to you." Bellamy whispered before he planted a kiss on Juniper's head. Something he had longed to do.

"I thought you were dead, I saw a skeleton holding the necklace." Juniper whispered before she realized something. "The necklace." Juniper smiled to herself as she pulled the necklace out from Bellamy's top. 

"A grounder grabbed my neck by the necklace and began to choke me, I knew the fire was coming so I ran, he pulled the necklace off. But-" Bellamy began to say as he placed the necklace over Juniper's neck. 

"You knew Parrassite doesn't burn." Juniper answered for him as she touched the necklace. Bellamy laughed as he nodded his head. He had never been so happy for Juniper to finish his sentence. "You cut your hair." Juniper laughed as she ran his fingers through his curly hair, it was shorter than the last time she saw him. 

"Are you okay?" Bellamy asked as he rested his head against Juniper's. Juniper nodded her head as she placed her hand next to Bellamy's ear. He was looking at the bruises on Juniper's face and the cut down her lip.

"I'm glad you're ok." Octavia said to both Clarke and Juniper as Juniper took a step back and Clarke held onto Bellamy. Clarke and Bellamy were finally friends, they cared for each other deeply and it made Juniper's heart warm. That the two people she loved most in her life, loved each other platonic. 

"Octavia, I'm so glad you are alive and well." Juniper smiled as she held onto Octavia. As Octavia pulled back as she shrugged her shoulders.

"What is well?" Octavia asked cynically and Juniper could see she was heartbroken. Lincoln clearly was not with her anymore. 

"How many are with you?" Bellamy asked as he held onto Juniper.

"Just a Grounder. A Grounder Friend." Clarke answered and Bellamy raised an eyebrow as his eyes shifted from each of the girls.

"A Grounder friend?" He asked strongly, endurance radiating from his voice.

"His name is Archer." Juniper answered as she looked away for a second. 

"Where's Finn?" Clarke asked hopeful, but Bellamy did not. He shifted his eye line before he swallowed nothing.

"Looking for you." Bellamy answered and Clarke sighed before she marched off. She needed time to be along, Clarke needed to think of a way to save Finn. "Are you happy you saw your Dad?" Bellamy asked as he held onto Juniper, he was too scared to let her go again. He never wanted to let go of her again.

"He can stay the hell away from me." Juniper answered as she looked away. Bellamy knitted his brow as he held up Juniper's face with one finger.

"Hey, talk to me." Bellamy whispered kindly as he bled warmth. 

"My Mom is alive. He lied to me." Juniper said as she held back her tears. Bellamy could ask her anything and Juniper would tell him. She was in love with him completely.

"What? Your Mom was floated." Bellamy asked louder, he was just as confused as Juniper was about the whole situation.

"No, she was the first woman on Earth from The Ark." Juniper stated as she looked away. Bellamy sighed as he decided to take the moral and fair high-ground. Allowing Juniper's Dad the fair shot in explaining his story before Juniper jumped to conclusions and went back to hating her Dad.

"Do you not think he has his reasons?" Bellamy suggested and Juniper stayed silent for a moment. She needed to process what Bellamy had just said. What Bellamy had just implied. 

"What's your deal standing up for him?" Juniper asked frustrated, she wanted Bellamy on her side, but Bellamy and Juniper's Dad had became amiable with each other. 

"He's changed." Bellamy shrugged as he watched people looked over at the couple. Young love was a beautiful thing. Juniper scoffed as she held onto Bellamy by his broad, muscular waist. She could feel him tense up as she rested her hands on him. "I had changed, but you still took me back." Bellamy offered and Juniper laughed before she kissed him on the lips.

"Wouldn't change a thing." Juniper grinned as Bellamy pulled her closer. There was nothing between their bodies. "I want you." Juniper admitted as she avoided his eyes for a moment, scared of how he would react.

"What about Clarke?" Bellamy asked, thinking that Juniper would want to be helping her friend. Not that he really wanted her, he wanted the same thing as Juniper.

"We have time, she needs to speak to her Mom." Juniper explained as she took Bellamy's hand.

"Do you not want to talk? Where were you?" Bellamy asked as they quickly walked behind a piece of The Ark. They were wedged between The Ark and a fence of electrical wire.

"Please, I just want you." Juniper whispered as she took off her black shirt. Bellamy began to slowly take off Juniper's grey vest. Juniper did not even want to think about Mount Weather, she just wanted to be reunited with Bellamy.

"I thought I would never hear those words again." Bellamy admitted as he swallowed a little before he slipped off his top. They both stood and looked at each other topless just as Bellamy grazed a finger slowly down the side of Juniper's bare side.

"Don't ever leave me again." Juniper whispered as she closed her eyes with Bellamy's gentle touch.

"Never." Bellamy admitted before he cupped Juniper's face and they slowly started to kiss.

Bellamy and Juniper were holding hands as they raced through The Ark to find Clarke, she was speaking to her Mom about what they were going to do about Finn and Murphy.

"Where have you two been?" Clarke asked angrily as she was already standing with her Mom. Turns out Abby, had told her that she was cutting Finn and Murphy loose. Juniper glanced up at Bellamy smirking.

"Catching up." Bellamy coughed a little as Juniper began braiding her hair. She quickly secured it as Abby finished talking.

"Sweetheart, we don't have the manpower to send out two separate rescue missions and protect our camp."

"Mom. They're in trouble. They're either gonna get themselves killed or they're gonna make things worse with the Grounders, who we need to get our people out of Mount Weather." Clarke explained seriously.

"I know you feel this is unfair. But our priority has to be with Chancellor Kane if there is any hope for peace." Abby explained as Juniper rolled her eyes before she took a step forward.

"If you wanted peace, you shouldn't have killed the Grounder who was gonna help us. Or hospitalized the other." Juniper explained as she thought about Archer, and how he was.

"I'm sorry. The decision's been made." Abby said with an unapologetic feel before she turned to leave.

"You're sorry?" Bellamy asked loudly and all three girls looked over at him. "Finn and Murphy are out there looking for your daughter with guns you gave us, and now she's home, you're just going to abandon them?" Bellamy asked and Abby stayed silent, implying the answer again. "If you can't spare the guards, we know the terrain, we have a map. We can do it ourselves." Bellamy suggested and Juniper nodded her head in agreement.

"Absolutely not." Abby stated bluntly. "I just got you back." Abby whispered to Clarke, despite Clarke's restraint. Jackson interrupted the staring contest between Abby and Clarke as he ran up to them.

"Abby. I'm sorry. We need you in medical." Jackson said awkwardly as he could feel the tension. Juniper's breathe hitched as she looked at Jackson with wide eyes.

"Archer?" Juniper asked worried and Bellamy looked down on Juniper. His face was unreadable, you could not tell how he was feeling. Jackson shook his head and Juniper sighed with relief. 

"You better go." Clarke stated to Abby with no emotion.

"Byrne?" Abby asked as she looked behind to see Byrne. Juniper just glared at her, there was something about Byrne that Juniper did not like. "No one leaves this camp." Abby instructed and Juniper just chuckled to her self.

"Unbelievable." Juniper cocked. But at the same time, it was all an act, because Juniper had a plan for them sneaking out and getting their friends back.

"Yes, ma'am." Byrne answered and Abby walked off, making sure to have a stare down with The 100 as she did it. 

"When did we ever listen to parents?" Juniper asked smirking as she walked up to Clarke. 

"We're gonna need guns." Clarke stated and Bellamy nodded his head.

"Clarke makes packs, Bellamy gets guns and I'll speak to Raven about shutting down the electrical fence, that's how we can get out." Juniper instructed and before they knew it, everybody had gathered in the secluded area where Juniper and Bellamy had been before. Bellamy smirked as he looked over at Juniper.

"I scored you a couple extra clips." Raven stated as she showed Bellamy the bag as Juniper giggled to herself.

"Hey. My mom's in surgery and the team going after Kane just left. We should, too." Clarke explained as she put the guns down in front of them. Juniper took one, even though, she had no intention of using one.

"Did you find Octavia?" Bellamy asked and before he could answer, Octavia came walking up to them.

"No. I found you. I'm not letting you leave here without me."

"Octavia..." Clarke began to say but Octavia cut her off.

"Finn and Murphy are headed for Lincoln's village. I've been there. Have you? Has they?" Octavia asked aggressively as she pointed to Bellamy, Clarke and Juniper. Octavia had changed, she was a lot more tougher and meaner. She could stand her ground now. She was a Grounder, thanks to Lincoln.

"I have." Archer answered as he came up behind Octavia. Everybody was staring at him just as Juniper smiled to herself.

"Archer." She sang a little as she held onto him tightly. "How are you?" Juniper whispered as she got out of the hug, just in time for Clarke to hug Archer.

"Good. They got the bullet out." Archer said as he looked at everyone. Nodding as a way to say hi. Juniper touched his bruises before looking away with sadness.

"I'm sorry about Anya." Clarke apologized and Archer just swallowed a little. He decided it was best to change subject.

"I'm going to help you all, because Juniper saved me life, more than once." Archer stated and Juniper smirked to herself before she looked up at him. 

"It was your lucky day." Juniper teased, as that was the first thing she ever said to him. Bellamy looked over with a hint of jealously, he thought he was the only person who could make Juniper smile like that.

"Thanks, Archer. It means a lot." Clarke smiled as Bellamy began handing everyone their packs. 

"What's this?" Octavia asked as she looked down at the back.

"Your packs." Bellamy said loudly as he looked at everyone. Juniper handed Archer her pack without saying a word, she could easily share with anyone. "Lead the way." Bellamy smirked at Octavia who was eager to leave. She took a step towards the gate but Raven stopped her.

"Whoa. Not so fast, Pocahontas." Raven instructed as she placed her walking stick on the electrical fence. Electricity just crackled at the touch of the stick. Juniper looked at Raven with a wide mouth, Juniper was given one job- to get the electrical wire off.

"I thought you said it was handled." Juniper hissed in Raven's ear.

"It is." Raven said as she held her radio up to her mouth. "Shut her down, Wick." Raven instructed and a few moments later they heard a few beeps.

"Handled." Raven said just as she tapped her stick against the fence to reveal it had been shut down. Juniper looked at everyone, slowly, one by one.

"Let's get our friends back." Juniper sighed as she squeezed Raven's hand before the five of them went through the fence and began to run. Their bodies were hunched over so less people would see them.

They could not get caught, they had to find their friends.

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