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At the end of the conversation the patrol was sorted out- consisting of Dust tail, emerald gaze, swift foot, oak whisker, and Mouse paw. The young apprentice's eyes shone with determination, he wanted to avenge his brother more then anything. "You have never met the outsiders mouse paw, you weren't alive then. The outsiders are a blood thirst band of cats full of former rouges and loners. They have no moral codes so they wont think twice about killing you" Swift foot mewed, his voice full of experience. Mouse paw nodded, "They have killed many cats, one outsider was our leader for star clans sake! We all know how many cats jay star killed, i know the real importance of this." He mewed, dust tails gaze burning into his fur. making his flinch. "Lets go while i'm still a warrior." Dust tail growled irritably. Swift foot leaned over to emerald gaze, "I liked him better when he was in the medicine den." he muttered. Emerald gaze shot him a warning glance, "You know why he's acting like this. He has to prove he can be a warrior." He hissed quietly. Swift foot nodded, "Recent events don't help that" he mewed understandingly. The patrol set off through the thorn bush entrance, their pelts brushing against it. Oak whisker lead the patrol to where  fierce paw had died, at the starry hollow. Emerald gaze's heart lurched, he haven't been around the starry hollow since he found out honey wing's grave was dug up- which was at least a few moons ago... three of four maybe. He had tried to avoid it, like most cats did. No cats have died since then, not counting fierce paw. He could see dust tail take a glance at the dug up ground, a loud hiss escaping him. The cats found a scent trail that lead close to the mud clan boarder. "We cant cro-" Mouse paw was cut off by a terrified squeal.  "What was that?!" He hissed. "Whatever it was, it cant be good. Lets investigate." Dust tail mewed, stalking off. "Mouse brain." Oak whisker hissed, stalking after him with the patrol on his heals. Soon the cats made it to a clearing of sand right along the boarder. There were four cats, three attacking one. The attacked cat was a black and white tom- maybe a bit younger then oak whisker. One attacker was a cream colored she cat, the other two she cat's where ginger and the other was so covered in blood it was almost impossible to see her real pelt color... it was maybe tan. Dust tail flexed his claws, "The bloody one must be the leader of their patrol." He marked. Emerald gaze took one look at the muscular she cat and sprang at her, claws extended.  "Emerald!" Oak whisker hissed, going after the ginger and brown tabby tom. The cats poured into the clearing, fighting the she cats... more appearing out of the bush. Emerald and the bloody she cat were in a mix of limps and tail, kicking up sand and dirt as they fought. Emerald gaze then look a good look at the she cat, meeting her hostile gaze. 

Those eyes....those cyan eyes....

"Hello Emerald." Honey wing smirked 

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