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      It was only a few days since the ambitious and loyal warrior, Honey wing, had died and her clan still felt grief and guilt. Her clan had exiled Honey wing as an apprentice because they had thought she had attacked there now former leader, Jay star, only later to find out jay star had attacked honey wing's father and she was only protecting him. Honey wing came back moons later, weak and sick, she killed the evil and power hungry leader, dying in the process. Dust tail limped around camp waiting for the dawn patrol to come back, his left shoulder wrapped tightly in cob webs. He was injured in a wolf attack as an apprentice, to which he lost his front left leg, another reason he missed the tan she cat...she is the only reason he lives past that day. He let out a miserable sigh, remembering the cat he had loved.

"You should of had a real warrior ceremony, with me, silver and emerald. You shouldn't of died because we were blind to the truth." he muttered. he hadn't even realized the patrol had come back until silver storms silver tail touched his muzzle, 

"We all miss her, she was a great friend." she sighed, her expression had frightened worry. 

"D-dust tail..." she mewed shakily, "We were patrolling the border, and we came past the training and emerald gaze went to see honey wings grave but when we went..." she stopped, a tear ran down her cheek. Dust tail licked his sisters cheek, 

"The grave was dug up, nothing was left of it...I'm sorry." Emerald gaze finished his mates sentence. Dust tail was astonished at how the cowardly, weak, mud clan apprentice had become such a strong, brave, dependable cat. Dust tail shook the though, fully realizing what his old friend said, 

"What do you mean dug up?! I'll flay whatever disturbed her grave!" Dust tail spat, his claws unsheathed. 

"I mean it was dug up, nothing left. You know what your capable of, you cant even flay a blind fish in the river, let alone whatever dug up the grave." Emerald gaze mewed diplomatically 

"But we know he would try." Panther heart- now panther star mewed-. His black and dark grey  spotted, tabby pelt groomed neatly. Silver storm and Emerald gaze dipped there head in respect for there new leader, but dust tail stayed still his blue eyes flared like small flames. 

"I know your anger dust tail, but there is nothing we can do now. I'll have to send out more patrols to look for whatever dug up the grave It could be a fox or badger or a wo-" he cut himself off as dust tail looked at his leader.

"Or a wolf." Dust tail hissed. His heart sank as he imagined a wolf ripping into the dead, pretty she cats flesh all to clearly. his expression showed his anxiety, 

"You three go and get some fresh kill." A skinny, brow tabby tom mewed. Dust tail recognized the small elder as thorn, honey wings father. Dust tail dipped his head, even in his anger, he respected the tom greatly.  Two of the cats nodded, dust tail still singling himself out, 

"I-i want to see for myself...i don't have the apatite. Prey is scarce with the outsiders and all, a half eaten piece of prey would be a waste. " Dust tail mewed bleakly. 

"May i join you? " Thorn asked. Dust tail nodded, 

"Very well." he sighed. Panther star hesitated to let the toms go but then let them go off. 

"I'm worried about dust tail." Silver storm she spoke anxiously. Emerald gaze and Panther star nodded, 

"As am i." Panther star sighed, padding to his den. 

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