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      The next morning was even colder than the last and honey paw could never forget about the other nights events and honey paw felt her anxiety cover her again. She thought, which her friends always said was dangerous, no more sleeping under the willow tree with thorn, no more hunting early in the morning with her friends, no more curling up in the den with dust paw, and finally no more rain clan, rain clan was now on the other side of the battle field.

"You look troubled honey paw." Droplet spoke.

"I already miss my clan, I miss my father, I miss my mentor, and I miss my friends." Honey paw said bleekly as she got up and stretched.

"But there is nothin I can do, as long as Jay star is leader I will never be able to go home, and even then my clan will still think I'm a traitor and than what word will I own, ya they'll believe that." Honey paw added as she padded out of the barn.

"Yay lets take a walk around, your are an interesting cat.....could you teach me some things." Droplet spoke not giving honey paw a chance to say no, for he was already darting out of the barn. The two friends ran around twolegg place and saw many things that she didn't quite know they were.

"What in star clan is that!" Honey paw exclaimed as a tall animal with long tail fur and a long mane came trotting past. Droplet giggled at how clueless honey paw was about the life outside the borders.

"Its a horse, sometimes twoleggs ride on there backs there a lot less dangerous than monsters but they still hurt if they step on you." Droplet told honey paw. Honey paw could hear a ting of laughter in his voice.

"They must have beetles in there brains if they let two legs on there backs!" she exclaimed. Droplet chuckled. 

"I would take my mate and kits around here all the time." He sighed. 

"Wait, you have kits, and a mate?" she mewed confused as she looked around. 

"Had." he rasped. Honey paw flattened her ears and licked his ear in comfort.

"If its not to much trouble, may I ask what happened?"  She mewed. Droplet sighed and nodded. 

"My mates name was willow, she used to be apart of a rouge group but she escaped and became a kitty pet close to here. She often visited the barn and we would walk around here every day. Soon we became mates and had three kits, stich, amber, and pumpkin. I had thought everything was great, I thought nothing could go wrong." 
He choked on his words and she pressed her shoulder into his. 

"That was my mistake, I could barely raise a claw let alone save my whole family, but I thought a never had to. One day a patrol of cats came to my barn, they were cats from willows old rouge group. They recognized willow and attacked her, they fought back and forth while I took the kits to safety. .But not quick enough.  I turned my back for a moment, everything was quiet, willow was limp in the grass, her beautiful brown tabby pelt covered in blood." He shuddered. 

"out of anger I didn't think, I launched at one of the cats sinking my teeth into its scruff. the cat kicked me off with ease  and I fell into the fence and a bit of wood crashed down and trapped me. the Largest cat took amber, my oldest kit, I guessed she was the leader of the patrol. and the others took stich and pumpkin, I watched me kits get taken away I could do nothing. The cats had to of killed my kits by now." he sighed. With a jolt honey paw knew what he was talking about. 

"Was the cat black and grey? If so that's nightshade the second in command of the outsiders, she had killed my mother and blinded my friend Silver paw." Honey paw growled. 

"Actually, no the she cat was grey with black and brown spots. But the outsiders part is true, finally I remember the name." he huffed. Honey paw looked at droplet wide eyes, there were only two cats what had that pelt, Jay star and swift paw, and droplet said a she cat and she didn't think swift paw was  a she cat, at least she hoped not. 

"oh no... J-jay star!" she yowled. honey paw started to dash across the field till droplet came in front of her and she stopped. 

"I have to go tell my clan! Jay star on her own was bad enough but if she is apart of the outsiders star clan knows what she'll do!" she hissed. Images flooded to her, she could see torn flesh and fur scatter the clearing. Bloody bodies of cats she knew, cared about sprawled out in the clearing. 

"Are you crazy! You cant go on your own and I cant and wont help you. If you die what help would you be to your clan then!" Droplet hissed back. Honey paw felt like yowling to star clan for guidance. 

"Then what can I do, stay here?" she whimpered. Droplet nodded his head, 

"You are exiled, you cant help. you have to have faith in star clan to save your clan." Droplet mewed softly. Deep down honey paw knew he was right, and she huffed and nodded.

The cats continued to walk around the fence. Every time a twig snapped or leaves shuffled honey paw light up and swung around hoping to see her friends but every time was a disappointment. Everyday for four moons it was the same thing, the same walk, that same hope and the same disappointment.

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