Dawn paw

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"HELP..!" a cat called from the swollen river.

"Sounds like a cat trapped in the river ill go see.." honey paw offered so she could get away from the situation . Jay star flicked her tail and Honey paw... again ran into the rain with Silver, dust and emerald paw on her tail towards the river. Than indeed, honey paw was right there was a gray and black tom thrashing in the river rapidly.

"Dawn Paw! Well help you!" Emerald paw yelled at the tom. Silver paw glanced at emerald paw this there empty eyes and dashed into the water and in a few heartbeats she came back with Dawn paw in her jaws.

"Th.. thank yo.. you." Dawn paw shivered, shaken with fear.

"Why were you in the river?" Silver paw asked acting friendly.

"I needed to give you a message from gem star." Dawn paw answered as he calmed down.

"About what  ?" Honey paw was curious about why gem star would want to speak to Jay star when there clans are not friendly .

"Gem star said she will let your clan seek shelter in crystal clan camp  because she thinks if the river rises too high you wont have a camp to seek shelter in." Dawn paw explained with worry in his eyes. Honey paw stood in her place trying to poses what she had heard.

"Crystal clan and rain clan are not friendly towards each other why is gem star being so kind now, it sounds suspicious." Dust paw spoke challenging dawn paws word. Than the apprentices heard leaves crack and honey paw instinctively went into a crouch and unsheathed her claws, than a cat came out of the brambles behind them and honey paw leaped up and tried to bite the cats shoulder until she heard an impressed purr from the cat... it was Panther heart.

"Nice grip honey paw but I'm your metor you can let go." Panther heart joked but his face became hostel when he saw dawn paw.

"Why are you in our territory?" Than dawn paw told panther heart what he told the other apprentices.

"I am quite sure that rain clan can take care of them self we don't need the pity of gem star." Panther heart retorted but he had a worried look on his face. "

Was panther heart scared about the storm? Honey paw thought.

"We need to get out of the storm, Dawn paw you may go see Jay star." Panther heart ordered as he padded towards camp. 

"Be careful around jay star, she might claw your muzzle." Honey paw grumbled as she licked the wound on her muzzle awkwardly.Dawn paw's eyes widened, 

'J-jay star did that to an apprentice? I bet you were scared!' Dawn paw mewed amazed. Honey paw huffed, 

'Scared? I would of clawed her if my father hadn't called me away." she growled.  Panther heart swung around and faced his apprentice with a stern, hard glare. 

"If you kept your mouth shut she wouldn't of clawed it!" He growled. Honey paw had a lot of respect for her mentor and she let her head down sadly. Panther heart sighed and licked her ear, 

"Just because you were still wrong doesn't mean i sided with jay star, a leader shouldn't attack their clan mates. I you stay quiet you wouldn't get her sharp tough." Honey paw nodded bleeckly. 

Honey paw stayed in the far corner of camp curled up under the willow tree which kept her dry from the rain.

"Gem star that fox dung, she thinks I am not able to lead my clan leave before your crow food!" Jay star hissed from her den at dawn paw who coward in the corner of the den. As soon as Jay star fell silent Dawn paw ran out of the den towards his territory. He cant swim across the river now its a rapid, honey paw thought as she sprang up with her newly groomed fur.

"There is a fallen oak near the other side of camp you can cross there!" Honey paw yelled at dawn paw. Dawn paw spun around and nodded his head and ran back out of camp.

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