No paw

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     It had been a few sun rises  since the wolf attack and honey paw woke up in rain clan camp, wrapped up in cobwebs. Honey paw glimpse at dust paw who was laying down next to her with his head on her side, also wrapped up in cobwebs. Honey paw tryed to raise her head but her muscles ached in protest.

"Your alive! " Dust paw spoke with joy as he licked her cheek briskly. 

"Your not dead!" Honey paw purred happily. Dust paw stood up revealing a nub were his left leg used to be.

"I'm so sorry.. what did Jay star say about it?" Honey paw felt guilty for running out of Light clan   camp that day.

"Nothing, twisted tail just makes me do exercises so I can walk on three legs so maybe ill still become a warrior one day." Dust paw answered a little sour, Honey paw could tell he was trying to convince himself as well as honey paw. 

"How are your wounds, I saw you while you fought you took quite a few hits , thank you for saving me." Dust paw also felt a little guilty for not being strong enough to fight off the wolves.

"I just wish I could of saved all of you." Honey paw muttered "I still ach quite a bit but other than that I'm be fine." Honey paw spoke louder so he could hear that comment.

"Glad to hear it paws, I was worried about you two." Snow fang spoke as he padded into the den.

"Oh and dust paw, twisted tail wanted me to make sure you did your exercise." Snow fang added

"I did them already, look at this." Dust paw spoke joyfully. Dust paw ran around the den, everytime dust paw had to land on his front paw he would shift his right paw in the middle of his chest to balance himself.

"Nice, its like you still have four paws!" Snow fang praised. Honey paw tryed to stand but twisted tail ran into the den and stoped her.

"Don't strain yourself, you'll reopen your wounds!" Twisted tail scolded.

"Sorry, I didn't know I just need to get some fresh kill or ill never get better, I'm not some quarter moon old kit. " Honey paw retorted feeling offended.

"Sorry your a very capable cat you just haven't waken up in forever so I've been worried." Twisted tail apologized. Honey paw felt taken back, she didn't know twisted tail really cared for honey paw, after all thorn was his favorite cat as an apprentice and honey paw was what soiled thorns former good name. 

"You all need to have faith." Honey paw answered. Dust paw helped honey paw up and the two cats limped over to the fresh kill pile when swift paw walked over to them.

"Hay look, its no paw and scared paw!" Swift paw taunted.

"I'm no scared paw!" Honey paw growled feeling the fact that dust paw was keeping her up right was not helping her case.

"If anything your the scared paw, you would of ran with your tail between your legs!" Honey paw added. Honey paw looked at dust paw but he was looking at his nub with dull eyes.

"Leave them alone, swift paw." Poppy wing spoke as she walked over to the fresh kill pile. Swift paw bowed his head grudgingly, grabbed a water vole and walked over to sage paw.

"Don't mind him, you were brave... both of you." Poppy wing reassured them.

"And bonus points for that come back honey paw." Poppy wing whispered.Honey paw purred and grabbed a fish and dust paw grabbed a shrew. Than they could see silver and emerald paw panicking, running around the camp.

"I wonder if there looking for us."dust paw lauphed. Than the friends padded over to there frantic friends.

"Ah! what is the name of star clan you had us worried!" Silver paw yelled startled.

"Sorry we didn't mean to scare you." Honey paw answered.

"Well you did, oh and Dust paw you sure didn't need me!" Silver paw scolded. Honey paw felt even worse about running out of light clan camp.

"Ow.....that bite on your neck is going to leave a mark." Emerald paw gazed at honey paw neck which was completely covered in cobwebs.

"Ya...because of us the spiders are going to have to work over time." Dust paw joked as he sat down akwardly and started eating his shrew.

"Oh.. do you want me to get you some fresh kill, in need to stretch out my leg anyway." Honey paw offered.

"No thanks, we just went on a patrol and ate." Silver paw answered. Honey paw stared into silver paws dead eyes to see if she was hiding something but found nothing. Honey paw ate her fish in a few big gulps and layed down. Her muscles still ached every time she moved but she ignored it so her friends wouldn't worry.

"Why do I have to be such a mouse brain? " She silently cursed herself. 

"Well your quiet, what's on your mind?" Silver paw asked. Honey paw didn't realise how deep in thought she was.

"Oh nothing.....just thinking." Honey paw replied.

"Well that's not skechy at all.."emerald paw joked. Emerald paw was right she was thinking of many things, how her muscles ached, would Jay star let dust paw become a warrior and how she even made it back to camp. Than dust paw gave honey and silver paw a brisk lick behind there ear and he limped away.

"Its about dust paws leg isn't it.." silver paw spoke saddly. Honey paw couldn't denie what silver paw said so she looked over her back to see is dust paw was in ear shot and when he wasn't she poored out.

"Yes it is, what if he never becomes a warrior now am I just suppose to look like nothing happened well I cant I ran out and he ran after me so its my fault ok!?"Honey paw spat frantically.Silver and emerald paw listened with wide eyes surprised by how honey paw was acting.

"Calm down it will be fine." Silver paw spoke calmly to try to calm honey paw down. Honey paw wished she could believe her friend but she couldn't. 

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