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Vegito moved swiftly to avoid the big bang kamehameha, escaping it unscathed as he looked at the currently SSJ4 Gogeta who's icy blue eyes looked into his. The orange haired male looking at him with confusion, as normally Vegito would have counter attacked by now. 'What are you planning Vegito...?' Gogeta thought to himself before being left surprised as Vegito suddwnly flew up, in a streka of white ki as he flew off.

The fur of Gogeta's tail bristled in frustration as he placed two index fingers on his forehead, sensing for the other's ki, locking onto the energy and teleported to the other using Instant Transmission, technically both Fusions were capable of using it. He appeared infront of the Potara Warrior who did a sudden barrel roll, moving to the side. In the split second that their eyes met, Vegito's eyes holding no childish gleam to them as he looked serious. Gogeta quickly turning and flying after the other as he dived down when Vegito did, flying through the forest in hot pursuit as he then stopped, noticing how the environment wasn't natural.

Hovering above the ground as he looked around at his environment, the forest tree's colors faded to a lighter green as vines hung down, adorning small yellow, pink, white and orange flowers, for a moment did the Dance Fusion take in the sight before continuing forward, the bushes up ahead having large flowers blossoming on them as he slowly landed. The male then began to walk forward, coming to a clearing, his eyes adjusting as he dropped out of Super Saiyan Four, his turquoise eyes widening as he took in the sight before him.

A small opening leaving enough sunlight to iluminate the area, the crystal clear shallow water that had white flowers floating around in it, in the middle a large cherry tree, its beautiful flowers blossoming in full glory as they seemed to glow in the sunlight. He walked forward, the water was a bit deeper the further in he walked as he looked at the water, expecting it to be tainted but the water was still clear.

"Its lovely isn't it?"

Gogeta turned his head to look at the one he had pursued here, Vegito. The fusion was standing a good twelve feet away, small ripples going throughout the water as his eyes seemed to shine, a slight smile on the others lips. The golden potara earrings gleaming in the sunlight as he stood there, waiting for Gogeta's reply.

"Yeah...." The Dance Fusion anwsered as he then looked at the other with a raised eyebrow, what was Vegito up to, why bring him here?

"Lets take some time to relax for once."

Gogeta felt a chill run down his spine as he looked at Vegito in surprise, was this really Vegito? "You're serious?" He found himself asking and Vegito slightly chuckled at this. "Yeah, I am. I've come here a few times, decided it was time I showed you." Vegito said as he then sat down, laying down as Gogeta was left shocked by the fact the water didn't soak Vegito's gi or his hair, he watched as the Potara warrior closed his eyes.

Gogeta walked over, sitting down on the opposite side of the other,  sitting down as he felt the water with his hands as he laid down. The water washing over him a bit as ripples went throughout the water for a bit at his movements, the water covering over his stomach as he turned his head to look at the other face to face. He shifted his left arm, placing it under Vegito's head and resting his hand on the other's chest.

The water wasn't like normal water, it held an almost calming, healing vibe to it as it made any tense muscles relax. This place itself felt enchanted, like it had once existed in a fantasy world then warped itself to exist in this forest.

"Thanks, Vegito. For showing me this place." Gogeta said as he felt the other shift, a gloved hand placed ontop of his left hand as then he felt the other gloved hand slightly touching his hair which normally the other would smack his hand away but for this once, he wasn't going to. "No Problem." He heard the other say, the Potara Warriors eyes opening as he gave a soft smile as he closed his eyes again as Gogeta slightly smiled.

Both Fusion enjoyed the peace, this moment of which they shared together, silent but happy. Gogeta felt Vegito move his left hand away from his hair, before he felt a light tap on his lips, his eyes flew open as the other felt heat rush to his cheeks, a cherry pink blush dusting his cheeks as he was met with the onyx black eyes of the Potara Warrior who gave a smile.

Gogeta rolled his eyes as he then mumbled under his breath "Lovable Jerk." Followed by a quiet laugh from Vegito. "I know."

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