Family and Friends acting strange?

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Author's Note:

I'm so happy right now!!! The reason why I'm so happy is because I have already little bit over 50 fucking reads. Yes I know I'm over excited about it but it makes me still happy cuz this is my first book so I was pretty worried that no one would read it but anyway let's continue with the story. I also decided to make little change to the portal incident that is coming in this book so don't be mad at me when the time comes cuz I know you will hate me about it. And I'm so sorry I know I promised this to be out sooner but I was so damn busy with school work that I totally forgot about this I'm so sorry!

Dipper's P.O.V

When I woke up the next morning I looked over at Mabel who wasn't on her bed. 'Where did she go?' I got up and changed from my pjs to my daily clothes that are red t-shirt, light brown shorts, blue vest and white socks. After I was done with changing and brushing my teath and hair I put my blue white cap with pinetree on the middle on and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

'She isn't here eather... Where the hell is she and where is grunkle Stan...?' I was so confused at this usually Mabel would have woken me up at 7.00 am to work at the shack and grunkle Stan would be doing stancakes. I cringed at the thought.

(We all know the reason to that don't we and those who don't it's bc stancakes has always Stan's hair in there)

I just decided to eat cereal. When I was done I washed the dishes and went to the gift shop to re-full and clean it so it was ready when Stan opens the shop. When I was done I also noticed that Soos and Wendy hadn't come to work yet. 'That's odd... They usually are here already when me and Mabel are eating breakfast.' I pushed the thought away.

Just then I heard the doorbell. "COMING!" I yelled from the shop side. When I opened the door I was suprised that there was Mabel, Stan, Wendy and Soos. "Where the heck have you all been I was starting to get worried?!" I questioned them and by the look of it I'm not gonna get an answer... So I just stepped aside and let them in. "Grunckle Stan you need to open the shop now." I called after him when he was going in to the living room. "Yeah right kid can you open it and take turist to the rounds and deal woth the shop?" Grunckle Stan asked and my jaw dropped to the floor 'are you serious!' I thought. "Uh... Yeah I can but why?"

"Because... I have something important to do." 'Ok that of something is wierd cuz he never has anythong more important than money and if there is it's mega rare!' I thought. "Ok sure." I said while walking back to the shop side and opening the shop. "Welcome to mystery shack! I will be your guide today and if you have any questions all you have to do is ask." I said. "When will the route for turist start?" Someone asked from the group. "It starts in about 15 minutes you can go around the shop till then." I answered.

"Time for the turist route!" I yelled so everyone could hear me.

😂Time skip brought by Bill Chiper fucking Dipper no Pinetree!😂

Once I was done with the turist routes and the shop I decided to go into the forest to look for new creatures. "I'm going into the forest!" I called before leaving. "Stay safe!" Came grunkle Stan's reply. "Ok!" I yelled back. Once I was in the forest I went to one practical place it was an opening that was full of roses that were yellow, red or blue

(Ring any bells??? What theme are we talking about or should I ask who are we talking about??? Yes I'm making the rose opening by Bill's colors yellow his normal color and red when his angry color and blue the color of his flames)

It made me feel relaxed and calm around there I found this place the other day. I toon a seat from the middle of the roses and opened the journal 3 from Bill chiper page. My face went little red and I slammed the book shut. "You know the book didn't do anything wrong." Came the familiar voice from behind me.

I jumped a little and I think it was a mistake cuz next thing I know I'm sitting on Bill's lap. "B-Bill?!" 'Why the heck did I have to stutter' I thought. "Your cute when you stutter you know that." Bill said while smirking I don't have to even look at his face to know that. "Damn it I totally forgot you could read minds." I said under my breath. "Why are you here?" I asked trying to sound braver than I was feeling. "You still haven't figured it out? I must say I'm little disappointed in you Pinetree, but sense you asked nicely and I'm in a good mood I tell you I came to check on you and see if you told anyone, but by the look of it you haven't and your fine so I will just stay with you for a while." He answered.

"Ok..." I answered little awkwardly. 'Just stay calm Dipper. It's not that bad.... Maybe just maybe I could trust him.' I thought

Bill's P.O.V

'Just stay calm Dipper. It's not that bad... Maybe just maybe I could trust him.' Pinetree thought and honestly it caught me off guard.

'Hmmm... I can use that to my advantage.' I thought. I smirked once I had a plan in my mind ready and it's 'bullet' proof or should I say kid proof. "Pinetree~" I purred his name. "W-what?" He asked stutering this is gonna be fun. I put my hands to his tights and started rubbing them slowly right next to his dick. "Hng. B-Bill w-what are y-you doing?" He said between small moans and panting. "Just playing with my puppet." I chuckled after I had said that.

Dipper's P.O.V

"B-Bill s-s-stop." I said between pants. "Why? You seem to like it." I just know his smirking while his doing this. "No I don't!" I lied. "Don't try to lie to me I can tell when your lying. I can read your mind you can hide nothing from me for example your confused why I'm doing this but you feel left out by your family. They are acting strange like your friends that's what you were thinking earlier." I gave up after that little speech and just let him do whatever he wanted. "Do whatever you want..." "Good boy~" he purred into my ear.

Authors Note:

Hi! Sorry for this to be late but question do you guys want smut for the next chapter and I will fucking do it. It WILL be out today I promise no I swear on my life! But anyway just tell me in the comment if you want smut am I rushing things? Nope no way.

Remember reality is an illusion and the world is a hologram bye gold bye!

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