Fill in part 2

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Author's Note:
So I haven't updated like in two to three months? (Jk I know it's been a bit or a well over a year at this point) I have 8,78 reads like what the actual hell! I'm sorry for not updating

Dipper P.O.V

They are definitely hiding something from me. I just don't know what it is and that bothers me. Mabel always tells me everything but now she's barely even talking to me. That's one of the signs how I know she's hiding something from me. She seems to be looking for something but I don't know what that something is. Even Wendy and Soos seem to be on edge and like they're hiding things from me. Grunkle Stan I can understand a little he has never been one to trust quickly but lately it's like he's doing something with all three that I know nothing about. My guess would be it's something they think I'll stop them from doing it. It's ridiculous to think my own twin would be hiding something from me. But I can't help the feeling like I'm being left out of something very important.

When we got here I have been keeping an eye on the weirdness levels and they have indeed being going haywire like when Bill was free and wrecking havoc everywhere. But something was off about it. I can't quite explain it but it was definitely different compared to the time he was trying to take over the world. It's almost like he's calling out to someone despite still being in the stone. But it's like I'm the only one that sees it especially when someone's next to me it won't do that but only does it when I'm alone. I think Bill is calling for me specifically but I don't know why. It's like when he was out and he would only talk to me alone and no one else. Everyone else was blind to it and didn't think anything of it that all he was an evil dream demon. I think there's something else to it that drove him to do all those things even if he did try to kill me. I'm not hundred percent sure of it but that's my take on it.

I always wondered why was he always the closest to me or why did he only talk to me alone. He never gave me the nightmares or night terrors he gave for my sister or the other folk of the town. It was like he was trying to protect me but why would he do that? I never thought about it too much since he was trying to over take the world well in his words this dimension. Now that he has been gone for three years I have been thinking about it a lot and I can't figure it out. That bothers me a lot. Three years of peaceful summers here and things been weird for me. I don't have that excitement that I had when he first appeared thanks to Gideon's stupid ass.

Over the years with the journal 3 I have solved mysteries on my own and made quite a few friends from the creatures from the forest and it's fun to be around them. They're actually quite nice and not like their written out to be. I wonder still who the writer of this journal is and why they wrote them out to be like that. Maybe they couldn't understand them or get to know them like I did. But I have memorized this book like the back of my hand even the hidden ink messages. A lot has happened in the last three years to me and I never thought those things would happen after all I did for this town. But at the same time I'm not surprised by it with how this town was before me and Mabel came here. I guess they blame me for the whole ordeal happening with Bill. I wouldn't really know why they did all that when we came here again for the next summer after the whole thing.

They honestly praised Mabel for the whole thing it was like she did all on her own with the other people who are part of the Ciphers wheel. But I figured all that out and I fought him more than they did. I got Mabel out of her little fantasy world and pulled Gideon out of that damn cage saving him from Bill but no they praised Mabel. I was angry with them, they blamed me for everything and shut me out while praising the others who of course let it get to their head. They haven't even followed the weirdness signals that much because they know I'll do it because I'm the brains they just want the praise for it. I'm sick of it and I haven't mentioned any of the findings or the journal I found in the forest by accident. I never told them about it while Gideon figured it out that I had it because he had the second one which suddenly disappeared with Grunkle Stan. He did show the secret lab to us and I have read the other two journals as well but I couldn't carry them with me because he didn't want to let them out of his sight so I made copies of them and have my own. I don't think he knows of the hidden ink but he doesn't know I have the copies of other two. I'm good at keeping secrets and even better at solving them.

I know I can figure out what they are doing and when I do I'll confront them about it but I just hope it won't be too late when I do figure it out. I took the blame from the towns folk and kept silent and watched as they celebrated the others. They took the praise and didn't even say a thank you to me. I could feel the hatred and anger towards them all rise but I never acted on it. I have kept it inside me for three years almost four years. We are turning sixteen this summer in about four weeks from now. I have been visiting Bill's statue every summer and the opening is filled with roses of different colors yellow, red and blue it reminds me of him. I guess I kinda do miss him and part of me wants him back to life. To prove everyone wrong about him that he isn't truly evil but the other part is still scared of him. I enjoy the opening there it looks beautiful and calms me down a lot for some reason. I get some peace there and I do talk to Bill well the statue of him a lot. I have poured my heart and soul to the statue like he could hear me. It feels like he can hear me even if he doesn't respond to me so he knows everything about me now and all my frustrations.

Even now I'm in front of his statue and venting to him about how my family has been acting lately. But this time it was different I saw a small blue flame flicker on his stretched out hand like he wanted to make a deal with me but I wasn't sure if it was that or a sign he actually could hear me. I didn't know which one it was but I didn't care it made me smile a little even if I didn't reach to shake his hand to make a deal. But you never know maybe I will make one in the future if I'm pushed over the edge I'm already on.


Here you have it! Sorry I took so long with it but as you know my life was a mess I had so much drama going on and then Covid-19 came and fucked everything up for me. Now I got my motivation back and I promise to you guys there will be more updates soon!

Remember reality is illusion and the universe is a hologram bye gold bye!~

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