Hatching a plan to free Will

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Third P.O.V

Kill grinned at Bill, as he was getting excited since it was getting interesting to him to see his younger brother here to ask for help with something. "I'm in," Kill said, as Bill grinned and nodded. "Great! C'mon we have to go get Will. Those chains that hold him need to be broken before we can get him out of that damned Reverse falls," Bill said with a slight frown. "Let's hope our dear brother isn't too shattered from their actions," Kill said, as his grin dropped while his eyes swirled with anger and murder. "Let's hurry then," Bill said and the two were quick to teleport into the mindscape to plan how to get their brother back from the twins in Reverse falls. They know those two are the only ones out of every dimension that you can't easily beat due to them knowing more about magic than anyone else in the other dimensions of course Dipper in Gravity falls is the closest to figuring everything out about magic and he has the potential to be able to use magic without the amulets the twins in Reverse falls are using. Bill and Kill may have anger issues and they may dislike Will being overly emotional but they still cared for their brother and would do anything to protect him. They have helped him many times to get away from the twins for a while even if it was for a short time but when the twins in Reverse falls placed those chains on Will they couldn't help him out of there. Now they would search for a way no matter how complicated the method would be. They were determined to find a way to free their youngest brother.

Never before have they being able to get along longer than 5 minutes but here they are working together for hours on end to find a way to get their brother away from those brats. Bill was mostly neutral in terms of emotions he kept calm as long as he possibly could before snapping. Kill was the opposite he reacted strongly with anger the other emotions he kept under that anger. Will on the other hand is very emotional on all ends except for anger he can get angry but that is very rare for him. They were different when you compared them to each other but at the same time they were the same after all they are triplets three siblings with common ground when it comes to them caring for one another or when they plan their cousins murder. They hated Tad Strange they never liked him even when they were kids they despised him.

Kill's P.O.V

No matter how much we fight we're still siblings and we care for each other even if I don't want to admit it. But right now our focus is on Will to get him free and to help Bill get what he wants. I'm certain there's a good reason why he didn't take them by surprise and take over the dimension in an instant. He talks rather a lot about the Dipper in his dimension so I would guess even if he doesn't realize it he loves Dipper. He'll never admit it however even if his life depends on it. He'd rather die then admit having feelings for a mere mortal that is going to die eventually which is why I think he needs us because he's been locked away in a statue for a long time so his powers haven't generated back yet to their full potential which brings us in to help him do whatever he needs to get done. For example opening another rift between our world and the human world requires a lot of power to maintain it stable so it won't collapse in on everything and kill us all. That alone makes this far more dangerous than the first time due to it almost collapsing last time due to those foolish mortals banishing Bill into that statue prison without the Cipher wheel being complete.

I only know those things because Bill tells me almost everything. We talked a lot during him trying to take over Gravity falls. We may not get along that well but we still are open with one another after all we're siblings. I'm more worried about Will since he's really emotional so anything that happens to him he takes it rather hard. He tries to keep his emotions in check but most of the time he ends up over doing it which leads to him collapsing unless we can help him let it all out which we always do. But lately we haven't been able to be there for him due to the chains that keep him trapped inside the dimension and I have been busy with a problem of my own with fighter tree. Bill got imprisoned inside that stone statue so he couldn't go to Will either. I really do hope we aren't too late with trying to set him free.

Bill's P.O.V

Fuck my life with this complicated ass bullshit. I'm going to lose my fucking temper and kill Burning tree for this shit making me go all through this trouble to free my own brother. Oh I'll make him suffer with eternal nightmares the son of a bitch. Making me go through every single fucking book there is on magic more specifically for demons binding magic which is even more irritating than anything else. Even fucking Sixer can't make me this angry. No one ever has made me this angry and I'm fucking fuming with this shit. I'm so making sure to torture that little brat for all eternity the fucking nerve of him hurting my brother.

Couple hours later of Bill and Kill going through a book after another~

How the fuck have we not found anything that would help us to fucking find a way or to fucking figure out a way to free our brother? How in the fucking bloody shitty hell have we not found a way? I'm going to tear this fucking library apart if I do not find any leads or anything on this fuckery of sherades with burning trees chains on my brother.

Third P.O.V

It was very clear Bill was getting angrier by the second, as he was extremely frustrated with the fact that he and Kill had yet to find anything to help free their brother from those chains holding him captive. Kill was also angry and frustrated but not as close to loosing it as Bill was. It was weird for the one with the anger issues to be so calm while the other more neutral one was so close to losing his shit and burning everything down before going on a murder spree like a homicidal serial killer. 

Kill knew if they didn't find anything in the next few books than he would have to stop his brother from destroying everything in his way that included the books that hold the answer to their problem. He started sorting the books in a way that would speed their search putting aside the books on magic and only left the books with demon bindings or other books like that of using magic to seal something or making a trap to keep demon in one place. He handed Bill another book. "Read this one it has some spells of chains and their origins it could have something useful to us," Kill said, as Bill grumbled and took the book before he started reading through it going page by page since the book went over the full history of chains and how they got infused with magic so every page could hold something valuable to help them break those chains on their brother. Kill started reading another book that had more on the origin of creation and fusion magic. He thought it would be very useful for them to be able to hatch a plan to save their brother.

An hour later they had finished those two books and Bill had calmed down, as he had found a lot of useful information on chains and how they were fused with magic. Kill had also found quite a bit on fusion and creation magic that is also useful to them. Soon enough they had found the correct spells that had created those binding chains on their younger baby brother. They grinned as they started creating a spell that would shatter those chains into pieces and free their brother from them for good. They would never let their brother be trapped like that ever again so they were going to make a spell to prevent that from happening again. They were working together and moving swiftly to get those spells done, as they weren't going to waste any more time and let their brother wait. Both were motivated to save their brother, as they were going to save Will and after that Bill would tell his full plan to them so they could help him take over Gravity falls and the rest of the world.

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