Rescuing Will

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Third P.O.V

Kill and Bill got up after their few hour long nap. Bill was in a foul mood since his dreams weren't very pleasant which was one of the reasons why the dream demon didn't sleep anymore since all he has are nightmares very rarely can he sleep well. Kill slept just fine and was getting everything ready letting his younger brother be for a bit knowing he's temper is short when he's in a foul mood. The one to piss Bill off during the morning may lord have mercy on their soul because the dream demon is not a morning person nor will he handle any business or bullshit during the morning because his patience just won't last with that and he'll most likely kill them slowly unless he tortures them till he feels better or his foul mood is gone which is long time to be tortured even for a demon it would be too much and a human won't last more than an hour with it. Kill knew this well since he has witnessed it when they were little so he avoided it while Will was pretty much the only one who could happily go to Bill during the morning's and he would be perfectly fine the entire morning despite Bill being in a foul mood.

Kill found it odd how Will could so easily without a fear talk to them even when they had completely lost it and they'd just listen and calmly speak with him despite their anger or foul mood. It was a very weird scene to stumble upon seeing the two older demons at their last nerve be so calm with their youngest brother who rarely ever lost his temper it was almost unheard of for Will to lose his temper and lash out at everyone and anyone except for his two older brothers. Will made it very clear he loves the two dearly and has never ever denied it he'll admit it in a heartbeat while Kill and Bill rather die then admit it though Kill has admitted it once before unlike Bill who refuses to admit it but he does sometimes show that he cares for the two. Those moments are extremely rare but if you look closely you'll see the very faint smile when he is around his brothers and he'll be a lot calmer and a bit nicer while with the two. Those who have known him for thousands of years will notice the difference but others won't notice it since it's a very small difference to begin with.

Once Kill had everything prepared and he had double checked that he had everything and hadn't missed anything he got his still in a foul mood brother and teleported them to Reverse falls into the forest very narrowly avoiding being seen by Burning tree who was taking his usual morning walk. Kill knew Bill would have snapped at him if it weren't for the male being within an earshot of the two. He waited till the Gleeful male was gone and he sighed as he got out their change of clothes and handed Bill his before he started changing into his own. Once the two had changed into the clothes that would help them fit into this town the two grabbed the bags and headed into town. "Fucking had to teleport us close to him didn't you?" Bill said lowly with a small growl. "I didn't think he'd be in the fucking forest. You'll get to take your anger out on a self centered bitch," Kill lowly said back with a small growl.

"Don't fucking start with me Kill I'm not in the fucking mood to hold back from beating your ass," Bill growled lowly to Kill. Kill glared at him due to that but backed off knowing they don't have time to get into a fight or get revealed while in Reverse falls before they get to their brother and can get him out. Bill huffed and muttered lowly a thought so as they continued to walk towards the Gleeful tent to get to the show on time and a little early since they needed to catch their attention to get called on stage to join the show. They had to make this plan work and they had to succeed they don't get a second chance to do this it has to go right in one go there's no other way for it to go but the way they have planned it. Very rarely one of the brothers back of when they get into a fight but right now they don't have much of a choice but to deal with each other so they can at least save and free their youngest brother without further problems by complications for not following the plan.

The two got to the Gleeful's tent and they entered it keeping their profile low, as they acted like curious humans that are new in town. They knew that Mabel loved to scare new comers and would pick them over anyone due to the fun she gets out of their terror. The two knew that when she doesn't get her satisfactory reaction she'll be in a foul mood for the rest of the day and will be more reckless with her actions due to her anger which they can use to their advantage later when they sneak in to get their brother. They could already sense him behind the curtain and they know Will can sense them. Will indeed could sense his brothers and it made him happy to know they were there to get him out and he knew that only because they wouldn't come here otherwise without a plan to get him out. He knew that both of his brothers were cautious and planned everything down to every last detail to ensure the success of the plan working.

The two took a seat somewhere in the middle rows which was even better for them drawing even more attention to themselves since very rarely anyone starts from the middle rows especially if they're new in town so they knew Mabel would for sure call them upon the stage since they could feel her staring at them like they were they're her new targets for her wicked twisted game she likes to play to draw the fear and terror out of those she thinks are below her which is basically everyone except for Mason Gleeful he most certainly is above her in every level he's the brain of the whole show. 

Bill and Kill sat down and waited patiently for the rest of the people to get there and sit down they still had quite a lot of time on their hands but they remained patient as they talked quietly among themselves making sure no one else could hear them, as they snickered every now and then as they included Will to the conversation through their mind link since they are triplets they have a bond that is unbreakable. The only way it could possibly be broken would be a very specific circumstances and quite a long list of things you'd need to break it even then it's not 100% certain that it'll work the lowest chance of it working is 0,0012% so extremely low and the highest chance it'll work is 2% only a completely insane and psychopathic human, demon or anyone else would try to break that bond between the triplets. They'll know instantly if the bond is being tested or if someone is trying to break it at that point you need to run as fast as you can because they'll rip you apart or torture you like no other will. No one has ever broken that bond between them nor has anyone lived to tell the tale of them trying to break it. They made sure to dispose of every last one of the things used to break their bond so it's extremely difficult to even gather the things required to do the spell.

How many times have they fought during their long lives only a few times out of the hundreds upon hundreds of times they have fought were bad the rest were playful or just them fooling around that led into a small bickering but they always made up and continued forward. They swore to each other when they were young that they'd never leave each other or betray one another. For thousands of years they have with held that promise and still are they have a way to know if one broke it their lives are one they know each other's pain and actions from simply closing their eyes and focusing on their bond keeping that promise in mind. Not once have they ever left one behind in face of danger not even when Bill told them to go that he got it handled even though he was badly hurt and practically on the verge of collapsing. Kill and Will didn't go they stayed by his side and helped him together they beat that anger they got out of it and survived. On their own each of them have weaknesses but when they work together they are absolutely terrifyingly unstoppable. Together they could easily take over every single one of the dimensions and worlds but they know if they were to do that they would have to make sure none of them collapse which takes way too much energy to do so they won't do that instead they focus on their own dimensions that they got assigned to them.

Imagine if they'd get an ultimate energy source they'd be able to do it and with hold it forever and anyone that opposes them would be killed in an instant without a second thought. Do you think people and demons would be able to live under the rule of three dream demons which out of each one it's a gamble to see who you get to speak to if a problem was to arise you might make it out alive with Bill but with Kill it's a game over if you anger him in any way with Will you'd survive with ease just don't upset him because then you're dead Bill and Kill will end you then and there without any warning. There's no way to guaranteed that you'd never get called to be in front of the three it's a game of survival at that point and you'd have to make sure to keep every rule in mind and keep in mind the three can see everything at all times and will know right away if you've done something wrong or broken a rule they have set for everyone.

Those ideas the three shook off as they could dream of it another time now that finally after a good hour and a half the show was starting as everyone had arrived and sat down. Kill and Bill sat patiently as they watched the scene play out waiting for the moment when they would be called onto the stage.

Soon enough though not fast enough in the two dream demons opinion but still they got called to step onto the stage to join the show. "Would the two new gentlemen join us on the stage for the next few parts?" Mabel's voice called out while using her right hand to gesture to Bill and Kill. Her voice was gentle bit that was fake from the real coldness that laid underneath that tone that Pacifica and Gideon Pines new well. Kill and Bill got up, as they walked to the stage joining the show. "We'd be happy to accept that invitation from a lovely young lady," Bill said with a grin his tone so fake gentle it couldn't possibly get any faker. Kill wanted hit his brother for the choice of words but didn't as he nodded with a smile. Mabel did a fake giggle that sounded happy yet the two could hear the dark undertone to the laugh. "Well if one of you could take a seat on the chair and the other go to the target wheel," Mabel said sweetly, as she got her throwing knives. Mason hid his irritation but strapped Kill to the target wheel and made sure he was secure before he moved to Bill and stood beside him.

Kill honestly found it ironic that these two hated each other so much in this dimension yet in the others they are close despite fighting like any other siblings do. Bill sat in the chair with amusement, as he spoke a bit more with Will getting the layout of the building from him. Mabel walked to the wheel and made it spin before standing a good few feet away before starting to throw the knives, as Kill stayed perfectly still despite the knives narrowly missing his face. Mabel was getting more irritated by this and after that part was done she gathered her knives with a smile and took a bow, as the people in the audience clapped for her. Kill got down after Mason undid the straps and he looked at Bill. 'I swear I'm going to kill her. She damn near fucking made a cut on my face from how she threw the last knife out of anger.' Kill told him telepathically. Bill held from laughing out loud before responding to his brother. 'Don't worry you can kill her later.'

Kill gave him a subtle nod, as he looked to Mabel. "You throw well though I'd appreciate if you could keep your anger in check. The last throw almost made a cut on my face," Kill said loud and clear doing this on purpose. Mabel lost her cool and went to attack him and Mason stepped in. "That's enough Mabel. Go upstairs to cool off. You've done enough damage to our show image," Mason said coldly to Mabel who stammered before storming off. Will didn't look at her or listen to her. He walked onto stage to be the helper, as he put on a soft smile. Mason continued on with the show and finished it marvelously with Will.

Bill and Kill talked with Will telepathically the entire time. They were talking about the layout of the building and how they have a plan to free Will. Will was excited and happy to get to be free finally to him it had been ages since he had been free from pain. He wanted to see his brother's more often and to spend time with them but it was difficult to ever get that chance since he was chained to this dimension by the Gleeful twins. Nothing would make the memories go away or heal the pain he went through. He always hoped and held hope that Mason would change and apologize before setting him free but that never happened. It still hasn't happened and he knew it never would no matter how hopeful he was or how much he loved Mason. 

Kill and Bill knew how Will felt about Mason it was one of the many reason's they decided not to kill him. They also knew in each dimension Mason was important in each one no matter what name they called themselves mostly it was Dipper but there were few Mason's as well some even used the nickname they have from the Cipher wheel. There are thousands of dimension's and most of them the three can't access so the balance remains because it wouldn't be good if all Bill's from each dimension met and combined it would cause a domino effect and everything would collapse in on itself. So naturally they stayed out of the dimension's that held another Bill, Will or Kill. Of course each place on it's own can be tied to the nightmare realm it just works a tad bit differently for each one. It's complicated to even explain and thinking about it even makes their heads spin but they do sometimes talk about the possibilities other than that they left it alone. They have their own laws to follow in this matter that Time Baby has set and they follow a few of those rules just not all of them which is one of the many reasons why Time Baby doesn't exactly like them.

Bill, Kill and Will have each done some things that pissed Time baby off but those memories can be told another time. After all what's the fun in revealing all before they even have gotten themselves out of the danger that lies ahead. Kill had knocked Mabel out and was tying her up to take his anger out on her for almost cutting his cheek. Kill had managed to sneak to the back without anyone noticing so he was all good to do as he pleased with Mabel. He got Mabel down to the cell's of the place before waking her up by jamming a knife into her thigh and twisting it. Mabel screamed in pain, as she tried to pull her leg away from Kill. "AAAHHHH!!!!!! ARE YOU INSANE!?" Mabel screamed out at Kill. Kill grinned wickedly, as he revealed who he really is. "Yes in fact I am insane. And you nearly cut my face." Kill said lowly and darkly before he got another knife and stabbed it into the other thigh chuckling darkly. "We'll have so much fun~" he said darkly, as he grinned wickedly. Bill stayed and watched the show as Will helped Mason finish the show. Of course Mason also goes by Tyrone here and there but mostly Mason in this place. Will's the only one able to call him Tyrone when they're alone.

The show was over after a while and the people all left except for Bill who stood up and used magic to close the entrance curtains. "Hello Mason. I'd like my brother back," Bill said, as he revealed who he was. Mason frowned and glared at Bill. "Why should I? He's mine and I'm not setting him free," Mason stated, as he made the chains appear around Will and his wrist. "Did you forget that he is bound to this realm? There's nothing that can break those chains," Mason said confidently almost cockily. Will looked down sadly, as he felt the heartbreak once again that the one he loves doesn't love him back. "No I didn't and I can break them," Bill said, as he grinned wickedly. "It's time for payback," He said lowly and darkly, as Kill came back to him all bloody. "Oh dear you were about to get started without me?" Kill said chuckling darkly. The two interviewed their hands and both started glowing blue and red indicating their power's were now combined. Their eyes glowed both the ones that were in view and the ones behind their eyepatches. They grinned wickedly together before they started chanting a spell, as they focused on Will and freeing him. Mason tried to stop them but it was too late the chains started cracking and within a few minutes they shattered and Will was free. He went to his brother's and hugged them tightly sobbing saying thank you over and over again while clinging to them.

Bill and Kill hugged him back rubbing his back as they comforted him. "C'mon let's go home," Bill said before they disappeared leaving a stunned and shocked Mason behind on the floor of the tent. Once back home Bill and Kill continued to console Will and helped him calm down. "It's okay one day he'll realize his feelings," Bill softly said, as he comforted his heartbroken brother. Kill just hugged and comforted him with his actions, as he wasn't too good with words like Bill. They did care for each other would do anything for one another that was clear to anyone who'd see them together. Anyone fortunate enough to witness this never speaks a word of it because for one they'd die for two Kill and Bill don't like anyone knowing that they can be soft. To them it was more important to keep their image of cruelty than let anyone know they are soft for their baby brother but everyone knows it even if they do not act on it because no one has never ever survived using one of the brother's against the other's.


Sorry for the long wait guys I've been super busy with school and work so I've been getting adjusted to a very new schedule for me. I'll do my absolute best to update more often and this chapter hopefully makes up for the long wait with how long it is. Do tell you opinion on what you think of the story so far cause I'd be happy to know what you guys think and what parts need improvement. I'll be writing more chapter's and make them long to make up for the long waits you guys have to endure. Thank you for being so patient for this chapter and I'll see you guys in the next one.

Remember reality is an illusion and the world is a hologram bye gold bye!

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