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Authors Note:
Omg!!!! HOLY MOTHER OF THE MOON SPIRITS AND GOD OF ERERI RIREN BILLDIP DIPBILL!!!! OVER 200 READS YOU GOTTA BE KID-IN ME!!! I'm super happy thank you for your support and for your patience with me. And sorry for not updateing sooner. But let's get down to business.

Dippers P.O.V

When I got back to the shack I went straight to my room and to the shower to take care of my problem and I used hot water to get my tense muscles to relax. Once I was done with the shower I dryed myself and put on some pjs and went to bed.

Dipper's dream

I was at the mindscape and I looked around the I heard a familar laughter. "Bill!" I yelled. "The one and only!" He answered. "What do you want?" I asked. "Mhmhmhm... Pinetree." He chuckled and started playing with my hair. "S-stop." 'Damn it! Why did I have to stutter.' "I thought you would have figured it out." 'Figured what out?!' I yelled/asked myself in my mind. "Oh well I will be watching you Pinetree~" Bill purred to my ear.

End of Dipper's dream

The clock was 7:00 am when my alarm went off and once again Mabel wasn't in her bed so I putted my outfit on and when I went downstairs there wasn't anyone there neather in the shop. I did the same ruting as yesterday. 'Our birthday is coming up in two weeks 16 huh' I thought.

(Yes I made Dipper 15 years and Mabel is also 15 and there birthday is coming up and to clear the confusion I will make a chap where everything will become more clearer like a filling chap. So you don't have to bother your head with why the hell are they soon 16 or what the hell happend I will clear it up in the next chap wich will be a little filler chap so don't worry ok?)

Mabel's P.O.V

"Grunkle Stan you know how I hate to lie to Dipper don't you why won't we just tell him about this?" I asked from our grunkle. "Kid if we did he would most certainly try to stop us all  we need is the journals. Also you need to remember this is for the family." "Right. So chear up Mabel." Wendy said who is with us also Soos is here. "Ok! Let's get this done and out of the way so we can be together once again." "That's the spirit kid/dude/Mabel!" Wendy, Soos and grunkle Stan said in union.

Dipper's P.O.V

'They are late again... I guess I have to take care of everything again.' I sighted and started working. After I was done with the shop suddenly Wendy, Soos, Mabel and Stan walked in. "Where were you guys? Do you have any idea how worried I was that something had happened to you. Why are you even comeing here at this hour?" "Sorry dude we were busy with something." Wendy apologized. "It's fine I guess..." I sighted the millionth time today. 'With what are you gyus busy with?!' I yelled/asked from myself.

"We really are sorry bro-bro." "I already said it's fine!" I yelled they were suprised by my sudden outburst. "Sorry I don't know what came over me. I'm going out." I told them. "Stay safe kid!" I heard stan yell. "Yeah yeah." I answered while taking journal three with me and walking out of the door. I have kept this journal as a secret from everyone no one knows about it except me of course.

*Magical pause*
Me: Not again...
Bill: Oh come on! Don't be so downwards! *laughs crazily*
Me: Why are you doing this dorito?
Bill: *Turns red from anger* Do NoT cAlL mE tHaT!
Me: *Backs away* Ok geez sorry... No need to get crazy about it.
Bill: me? Crazy? Never. (See what I did there?)
Me: are you fucking kidding me right now?! Ok how about I give you your pov now and you stop interrupting with the book deal?
Bill: deal~ *shakes hands with me*
Me: Yay! Now along with the story! Oh right Bill you need to un-do your magic!
*magical pause un-done*

Bill's P.O.V

Now let's get started on my plan. All I have to do... Pinetree... Demons... (Not telling the plan yet my dear readers) Time to put this plan into action. He will be so suprised with me. I chuckled to myself at this. I can't wait to see his face when he sees me. I wonder how will he react to this? Well I will find out soon.

Author's Note:
I am so so so so so so so sorry for not updating sooner I really am. But the filler chap will be out soon not tomorrow but soon. See ya in the next chap.

Remember reality is an illusion and the universe is a hologram bye gold bye~!

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