A Thousand Candles | John

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Warnings: ------

Word Count: 525


"Polly where are we going?" You moaned, trying to wiggle out of the grip of the woman.
"Now now, we're nearly there" She taunted you, bringing her cigarette to her lips and taking a long drag.
You came to a stop, the dusty doors of The Garrison facing you.
"But... Its just The Garrison..." You turned to Polly, your eyebrows furrowed slightly.
"Come on" A comforting smile sat on Polly's lips; as if she had a secret she needed to tell you. She pushed open the doors to the Shelby owned pub and your face relaxed.
Stood in the small hallway was Arthur, his face beaming.
"Hello, Arthur" You said, feeling as though everyone was in on something you weren't apart of.
Arthur's reply was a simple, toothy grin that set you on edge.
What was going on?
"Through here m'lady" He suddenly spoke, his voice formal and steady. Arthur held the door to The Garrison open and your face beamed.
The pub was lit with thousands of candles, the glass chandelier twinkling in the dim light. Red drapes covered the vast aray of whiskeys and wines behind the counter and stood in the centre of the room was John.
Dotted around the outside were familiar faces; Tommy sporting a smile you rarely saw; Ada, hankerchief in hand, her free arm wrapped around Finn.
"What's going on?" You asked, walking over to John, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
He took your hands in his, bringing them to his lips and kissing them.
"Ever since i met you" He began, tears welling in his eyes "I knew I loved you".
You heard Aunt Polly sniffing behind you, and Ada leaned against Finn, sobbing into his shoulder.
"Y/N" John's voice broke, his breathing becoming unsteady. He got down on one knee and pulled out a neat box from his inside pocket.
"Will you marry me?"
The box opened. Placed inside was a small silver band, a large rock delicately sat atop it.
Your eyes grew teary and sobs caught in the back of your throat.
"Yes, yes, yes of course!" You squeeled and John stood up, grabbing your waist and lifting you into the air.
You held his face, kissing his lips.
"I'm happy for you, brother" Tommy strolled over, patting John on his back, pulling him into a hug.
Ada ran over to you, wrapping her arms around your neck.
"Oh come here!" Polly said, intercepting your hug with Ada and kissing you on the cheek.
"Now, now!" John called above the celebrations, clapping his hands together.
"I would like to have some alone time with my new fiancée" Tommy side-eyed John, a smirk spread across his face.
"You heard the man, go go!" Tommy yelled, hearding his family like cattle.
"Now then, soon to be Mrs Shelby" John said, moving over to you, biting his lip.
"How about we... Take this to the other room" He gestured to the small seating area next to the bar and you leant into his ear.
"I would like that very much, Mr Shelby" You whispered, giggiling as you took John's hand.
"Follow me"

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