Home Late | John

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Warnings: Swearing, fluff

Word Count: 669


"Ugh" You groaned, collapsing on the bed next to John.
"Don't you have work?" He questioned, looking up from his newspaper. You crossed your arms.
"Yes... But i have to work late" You huffed, sticking your bottom lip out like a child.
"Again?" This time it was John who moaned, folding the paper and placing it beside him, "I thought i told Tommy to give us some time together?" John leaned into you, removing the cigarette from his lips, kissing your cheek.
"I mean we are newly weds after all..." You giggled, and he lifted a finger to your chin, turning your head to face him.
He blindly stubbed out his cigarette in the ash tray, kissing you with more and more passion.
"John..." You moaned, pulling away from your husbands lips.
"I have to go..." Your voice came out as a whisper; a reminder that you had to leave the comfort of your bed.
"I'll see you tonight" You said, placing another kiss on John's lips.
"See you at God knows what time!" He called after you. You rolled your eyes, a small laugh bubbling in your throat.

Work dragged.
Your eyes kept glancing up at the clock, watching each minute slowly tick by. After each hour passed, you let out an exhausted sigh; the hope of leaving getting further and further away.
"Jesus christ" Lizzie moaned, scribbling in a large book on her desk. You walked over to her, your hands wrapped tightly around a cup of tea; grasping for any warmth you could find.
It was December, and the old Shelby Company Ltd building wasn't insulated. At all.
"What's wrong?" You asked, taking a sip from your cup, warmth radiating through your body.
"There seems to be more and more to do nowadays..." Lizzie's hands were working a mile a minute, her handwriting becoming sloppier with every word she wrote.
"Tell me about it" You grumbled, stealing a glance at the clock behind you.
Just two more hours.
"So, how's life for the newly weds?" Lizzie looked up at you, exhaling a heavy sigh.
"It'd be better if i wasn't here, let's just say that" You said, bringing your cup to your lips, inhaling the sweet aroma.
"Go" She said simply, looking at the clock then back to you.
"I can't... Tommy would kill me" You shook your head, dismissing her idea from your mind.
"Tommy can fuck off. You and John need time alone and he's just going to have to realise that..." Her lips formed a smug pout and she stood up, walking around her desk.
"I'll cover your work, tell Tommy you were ill and had to leave" She placed her hand on your back, guiding you to the door.
"Lizzie..." You shook your head, trying to resist her push.

"John!" You called out, stepping into the porch of the house.
"Wait! Wha-What are you doing home so quick?!" John exclaimed, hurrying over to you, pushing his hand up against your eyes.
"John, wh-what are you doing?" You asked, trying to pull his hand down.
"I... I set up a romantic meal for us" He opened the door into the living room, the lights dimly lit, a soft glow radiating from the candles set neatly on the mantle piece.
Your face beamed, eyes filling with tears.
"Oh John!" You flung your arms around his neck, softly kissing his lips.
"I thought you'd be home later I..." His voice trailed away, as if his efforts didn't mean anything.
"John... It's perfect" You kissed his lips again, lingering on your tiptoes for a moment before a small smirk tugged at the corners of your mouth.
"Because i'm home early..." You said, your voice higher than usual; a suggestive manner suddently desending upon you.
"How about we have a little dessert before our main meal?" John tilted his head, eyebrows raised.
"Right this way, mademoiselle" He took your hand and you giggled, leading you up the stairs and into the bedroom.

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