Routine | Tommy

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Warnings: It's cuteeeee

Word Count: 656


'Routine. Just a routine job, that's all'.
That's what Tommy had told you. You trusted him, you knew that he'd come home; he always did. But then Arthur arrived on your doorstep, a solemn look hiding his features. You'd never seen his eyes like this before; you never had reason to. Usually, the only thing Arthur had to be sad about was losing out on a bet at the races, or being too slow in a fight and taking a hit he knew he could have dodged.
However this time was different; his eyes had a genuine sadness about them.
'You'd better come with me...' He said, hat in hand, never lifting his eyes to look into yours, instead keeping them trained at the floor in front of your feet.
'What's wrong? What's happened?' You asked like you didn't already know the answer.
Maybe you didn't want to know
'Just... just come with me'

Now, you stood in the hospital, stood above the man you loved.
Tommy had taken a bullet. 'Not to any vital organs' The nurse had told you; but a bullet was a bullet nonetheless.
You tried to swallow, but you felt your heart in your throat, the incessant beating making it harder and harder for you to breathe. You wished it stopped, stopped beating all together. Maybe that'd make all this go away.
You took Tommy's hand in yours, kissing the back of it gently. You hated seeing him liked this; pale, weak, lifeless. It wasn't the Tommy you knew.
"Come back to me. Please come back to me..." You whispered into his hand, loud enough for only the two of you to hear.
"We need to talk to him..." John piped up, his words cutting through the thick silence of the hospital room "...The nurse said it might help-- that he can still hear everything. He needs to know we're here".
"Talk to him" You repeated John's words to yourself - to Tommy.
"Well, what do we say?" Arthur questioned, his voice gruff, looking around the room for an answer.
"We could ask him how he was so stupid?" You spoke to no one in particular, but you felt the eyes of everyone in the room searing into your neck.
"It was routine... It--" John began and you abruptly cut him off, lifting Tommy's hand back to your lips,
"Routine" You scoffed "Your stupid fucking routine got my husband shot" You mumbled this, hoping the nurse wasn't right and Tommy couldn't hear everything.
He couldn't know you lost all hope, that you were weak in his presence.
"Ey..." Tommy's fingers flickered in your hands and you leant into him, your breathing becoming heavy.
"Tommy? Tommy?!"
"Nurse! Can we get a nurse in here!" John shouted down the corridor, swinging on the door frame.
"Tommy, i'm here" You whispered "I'm here, love"

"He'll be fine" The nurse spoke to you softly, placing a comforting hand on yours.
"Thank you, thank you so much" She nodded, a kind smile set on her face.
The rest of the Shelby family had cleared out of the room, giving you and Tommy some space.
"How are you feeling?" You said, sitting in the chair next to the bed.
"You know, i've had better days" Tommy joked, his eyes resting on yours.
"Never do this to me again" You choked, tears filling in your eyes.
"I was safe... I- I followed my rules" You nodded, knowing Tommy wouldn't be as stupid as you thought. Of course he would be careful; he wouldn't just be risking his own life if something were to happen to him.
"It won't happen again" He assured you, bringing your left hand to his lips, admiring your wedding ring before kissing it.
"I won't leave you, love" He brought his eyes to yours, tears engulfing them; an ocean trapped.
"Oh don't worry, Mr Shelby. You're stuck with me"

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