The Brother | John/Tommy

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Warnings: Kinda smutty/Language

Word Count: 1109


"John, i don't know..." You said, trying to pull out of your boyfriend's hand.
"They'll love you" John turned around, connecting his lips to yours, momentarily taking your mind off the world around you.
You sighed.
The words he had said stayed in your mind, calming you.
"Okay..." He took your hand again and pulled you through the door to Tommy's office; the rest of the Shelby family staring at you.
You'd only been with John for a couple of months and you hadn't yet been introduced to his brothers, only Ada and his Aunt Polly.
You gripped John's hand harder, looking for some kind of reassurance in his actions.
He leant into your ear, his voice hushed.
"They'll love you"
You sighed again, plucking up the courage to let out a small "Hi". You spoke timidly, slowly itching towards John's body, searching for safety.
"Come in, come in!" Ada said, taking your arm and pulling you away from the comfort of your boyfriend.
"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Tommy questioned his younger brother, his gaze meeting yours.
"Oh yeah, this is Y/N!" He replied, his face beaming down at you.
Ada had now pushed you into a chair, supplying you with an aray of biscuits and a cup of tea.
"Nice to meet you" Tommy said, tilting his head in your direction.
You felt a heat rush to your cheeks at his words and you tried to hide it by bringing the cup of tea up to your lips.
"John has told us so much about you" Arthur, the eldest of the Shelby brothers, said; taking your hand and shaking it firmly.
"Yeah..." Tommy muttered, twisting a cigarette between his fingers, his eyes still set on yours.
"So how long have you and John been together?" Arthur asked, breaking the silence in the office and you cut your gaze away from Tommy.
"We met at the Garrison" You said, smiling at John, your cheeks slowly cooling "He saw me and... I guess the rest is history".
John let out a small laugh, sitting on the chair arm next to you, his arm around your shoulder.

A few hours passed; the boys talking business while you, Polly and Ada gossiped, whiskey slowly filtering out the cups of tea.
Your eyes kept meeting Tommy's, as if he hadn't taken his gaze off you since you walked in.
"Should we take this to the Garrison?" Arthur asked, to no one in particular, but the room nodded in agreement nontheless.
"You go ahead, i've got some work to finish up..." Tommy announced, pulling a cigarette from his inside pocket.
"I'll tidy up" You said, placing your hand on Ada's stopping her hands from collecting the whiskey glasses.
"Oh no, don't worry!" She replied, however you insisted, telling the rest of the Shelby's to go and have a good time.
"See you later, love" John said, giving you a quick peck on the lips as he was pulled through the door by Arthur.

"So..." Tommy mumbled, finally lighting the cigarette hanging from his bottom lip.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You spoke, sitting opposite him, your voice hard, jaw clenched.
"What?" He questioned; his voice seemed genuine.
"The way you were looking at me..." You said, leaning into his desk slightly, hoping to God you hadn't misread the signs.
"I'm with John. I love John..." You spoke simply, crossing your arms, leaning back into the wooden chair.
Tommy gulped, this time he was the one who leaned in, folding his hands and placing them neatly on the table in front of him.
His eyes, though icy blue, were soft and almost caring. From what you'd heard on the streets, this was not the Tommy you were expecting.
"You love John?" He repeated your words, twisting them into a question you didn't want to answer.
"Yes..." You nodded, further confirming your response.
"If you loved John so much... You wouldn't have returned my looks".
He lifted his eyes to yours, the words he had spoken seared into your mind and your cheeks flushed red once more.
You knew he was right.
"Listen..." He spoke, stubbing out his cigarette and standing up from his desk, moving around it to stand in front of you.
Your breathing increased.
You stood to meet him, your noses mere centimetres apart.
"I won't tell John if you don't..." He spoke softly, his face closing in on yours.
Your lips met, the taste of whiskey and smoke filling your mouth.
"Tommy..." You breathed, knowing your actions were wrong.
You loved John.
You tried to pull away but your body said otherwise. You stayed where you were, your hands making their way up to his head, fingers moving through his hair.
"We can't..." You breathed into his mouth; you didn't believe your own words.
You wanted this.
Tommy laughed, grabbing your leg, lifting you onto the desk.
You giggled with him, removing your cardigan and flinging it onto the floor next to you.
You loved John...
You did...

The door to the office opened softly. You peered around Tommy's arm, your body going into shock.
"What's wrong?" Tommy asked, following the gaze of your glazed eyes.
In the doorway stood John, hat in hand. His face looked weak, soft.
"John..." You tried to speak.
"John I can explain" Tommy began, removing himself from your body, his hand held out in surrender.
"Just..." John spoke, his voice small and timid. He stormed out, slamming the door behind him, Tommy following in his wake.
You buttoned up your blouse, running after the brothers, tears filling your eyes.
"How the fuck..." John's words were soft, you could tell he wanted to shout, to scream the house down.
But his voice didn't allow it.
"John, please" You said, tears forming a steady stream down your cheek, blurring your vision.
"Brother..." Tommy held out his hand again, slowly moving towards John. Your breathing faltered with each sob and you gently touched Tommy's back, shaking your head slightly.
"Let me..." You said, loud enough for just the two of you and he nodded, stepping back, rubbing his hands through his hair.
"John, darling" You moved in front of John, bending your knees slightly to look into his eyes, your hands gripped firmly on his arms.
"I'm sorry" You didn't know what more you could say. You genuinely were sorry.
"Don't..." He pulled out of your grip, a disgusted look set deep on his face.
"Just...! Don't Y/N" With this he walked away, you dropped to your knees, sobs catching in the back of your throat.
You were alone.

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