Love is A Difficult Task

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A/N: It's a song lyrics, no poetry, so bear with it.

Love is all about trust,
And I don't know how to start;
Maybe givin' in a lot
Not for anything to got;
Maybe sharin' your home,
Taking few steps on your own;
Letting go of your strains,
Thrill poppin' in your veins!

But that's all off my chart-
I'm walking 'round the lonely park;
Going on trips on hills,
Having some beef from the grill;
I know it's so bad for the heart,
Still sippin' on the strong liqor,
Getting so fool n' drunk;
And hopin' that the stars would come.

Ohh oh oh, ooh ooh oh oh..
It's better know?
Ooh ooh oh oh
'Cause I know so,
Ooh ooh oh oh
Wish I'd have known...

Love is 'bout fightin'- mendin',
And I guess, it's so hectic-
Maybe lil' time on count,
All leaping off my bounds;
Maybe sleepin' on same bed,
Feelin' for what you wanted
Curled up on those long arms;
Maybe putting on some nerve;

But it's all off my chart-
I love to walk in dark;
My plate full of scorn and scars;
Those broken chords on guitar,
I forgot to make it work,
Rather just took a stroll;
Though it's so cold inside
And so I can't deny.

Ohh oh oh, ooh ooh oh oh..
It's better know?
Ooh ooh oh oh
'Cause I know so,
Ooh ooh oh oh
Wish I'd have known...

Whenever I tried to think
It's just that thought what's killin' me;
I'm not so much used to things
Normally what people did-
It's like another myth for me,
Cited with some different league.
I love to be all by myself-
Bad dreams come, and I can't help;
Don't diss me for what I think,
Eating alone is not a sin.
That bitterness, I can't bear;
Strangers! Oh, why you care?

I'm just walking alone
Down the path, that no one follow.
Love is all 'bout getting hurt,
Treading parallel lines,
Always so far apart!

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