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Dedicated to vpsisthename20

She wakes up in an unfamiliar room. But the place she's in is not silent. There is loud chatter going on outside her room, and probably that woke her up. She attempted to sit up, only for her movements to halt as she feels something caging her down.

She looks beside her to see a shirtless Pearl, sleeping with his lips curled, and hair covering his forehead. He's lying on his stomach, one hand under the pillow, another circling her waist.

Millions of thoughts run in her mind, and she remembers how she was asked to wait for him. But she was so tired, she slept wearing the very red saree, that Anita decorated her in. For him.

She remembered blushing all things Anita said to her about dealing with her husband. But now she thinks that her head will be chopped for sleeping on her husband, on their wedding night.

Millions of thoughts swam in her mind. Did he expect something!? May be he was angry because she slept? And why is he lying shirtless?

As if a temptation her eyes again went to his exposed back. And then on the hand that still was on her.

She carefully held his hand and lifted it and then kept it slowly in the empty space between them. Getting up slowly, she gathered the saree that seemed to have a brain of its own, and untying itself from her body, because of her reckless sleeping.

If somebody saw them right now, they would expect kids. Little do they know.

She goes to the washroom after fetching a pain of clothes and passing a last glance to the sleeping husband. Her sleeping husband.

He never slept this peacefully, especially after his father's death. When he felt slight movement under his left arm, he opened his eyes to see her wiggling and opening her eyes.

He would've retreated his hand back as soon as he got his senses, but then it would look like he was intentionally touching her. Which he was not. Damn the pillows that he's habitual to hug while sleeping!

He hated himself for not knowing when he removed his shirt even when he promised himself he won't. Now he had a partner in his room for god sake.

After she went inside the bathroom, he sat up and picked up his discarded shirt from the floor beside his bed. He cursed himself and then quietly left the room.


Awkward would be an understatement. When she served him food after her first Rasoi, he didn't have enough guts to look up and say the food tastes delicious. His family and few relatives that stayed over for the reception this evening. His friends were already all over him teasing him with all the bullshit they could think.

And what solutions did he have for that!?
Just that he won't share his bedroom secrets.

After breakfast, he went inside his room, to see her standing near the window, staring at the scenery of the busy street across their humble abode. She liked the place. That was definitely true.

"Ah..uhm Surbhi!?"

She snapped her head in his direction, "Yes Pearl?"

The way she said his name was surreal...he felt tingles all over but again suppressing it deep, he maintained a stoic face. Not to forget her bright yellow anarkali, with all her new accessories, were already causing a havoc in him.

He wanted to say that he wants to talk to her. About how they will settle this equation between them.

But instead uttered, "Uhm...Can you make a coffee for me?"

She nodded, simultaneously glad that he doesn't look mad, otherwise why he will ask her to make a coffee.


The reception was grand and solely planned by him. Something between the lines of him wanting to flaunt his beautiful wife.
All his family, friends and acquaintances were here, including the one Surbhi doesn't really like.

In a family function, she wore clothes like she's in a pool party, wanting all the attention on her. Surbhi wondered how she became friends with Pearl, when all other friends of his are so good.

Though, what made her feel better was his hand, that either held her hand, or rested over the small of back, or around her waist. He took a self proclaimed liberty to keep his hand there, and he didn't waver even once as they interacted to several people.
And her!? She loved how it made her feel. At home. His wife. And a lot more she couldn't interpret.

"C'mon Pearl! Have a drink with me!", The vile woman suggested making Surbhi scowl internally.

Why the fact that right now he's more of her husband than her friends doesn't get into that thick head?

She wanted to stake her claim on him, but well, are they near enough to claim things?

"No Karishma! I don't want to drink. Last time I had a vodka by mistake. I'd rather stay away.", Her declaration put her heart at peace.

"Oh C'mon Pearrrlll!", That woman purred again making Surbhi tighten her hold on his hand.

He felt it. He felt how she clutched his hand. He briefly looked at his wife who had a stoic face but he doubted she's as calm inside as she looks outside.

Not to forget, something he did has given her a impression of him being interested in Karishma? And no matter how ridiculous her assumption was, he wouldn't want to add to her insecurities.

He took out his hand of her hold, almost making her worry he's going with his 'friend', but when his hand reached to her other side, holding her waist, she sighed contended.

"I don't want to leave Surbhi alone...!", He said with finality in his voice and then briefly smiled at her.

The woman, who woke up today with a cheap hope of still having a chance was slapped tightly. She only hoped the arrange marriage would be easier to break. Little did she know.


It was decided that they would spend some days in his native home even after all the guests were gone. This place was close to his father's heart, and she had no problems in living here. Even her own family left and now all she had here was Pearl, his mother and Newton.

She was glad for the peace it brought to the otherwise chattery home. The rush of the wedding is too much to handle.

But sleep didn't come to her easily.
She was restless. She didn't know what to do now. Will things remain this stagnant between them always?

They had wordlessly made an agreement to share a bed, but there was so much to worry.

Not that it bothered the man sleeping beside her. Her was sleeping on his stomach facing the other side. And she couldn't help but notice everything about him.

He would sleep with his clothes on. But she guessed he didn't had the habit to do so and was only doing this for her sake. At about past midnight, he would start sweating under the blanket, and get irritated. Then in his sleep, he would remove the t-shirt he is wearing and throw it to the farthest corner of the room. Then he would face her side, grabbing her pillow in the process.

At about one, he would throw the duvet from over him. She tried to cover him, only to fail as he shrugged it away again.

She would sigh and try to sleep, only after sometime to feel a hand on her waist, pulling her to him. Soon enough, his face would come to the crook of her neck, breathing evenly while making hers erratic.

When she would calm herself while staring at his closed eyes, sleep would engulf her.

In the early hours of the morning, she would hear some shuffling and then him gently pulling himself away from her. He would go, pick up his shirt, wear it, and then lie back again beside her.

But after all this effort, they would still wake up in a compromising position. The one who woke up first would do their best to save the other from embarrassment, oblivious to the fact that both of them were well aware of this sleepy escapades.


"Why did you refuse for the honeymoon?"

His mother asked them both in a stern voice. Their friends had jointly planned a honeymoon trip to the Bahamas, only for them to refuse with petty excuses.

"Uhm...mumma we can always plan one later on..", he said getting over interested in the food suddenly.

That had the worried mother glancing at Surbhi, who herself was contemplating for an answer.
"Mummy...I think once we settle properly, the idea would sound better."

The lame excuses worried her more if possible. And in the night, in her room, she called her daughter. She shared how the two of them look so aloof. It's been a week since their wedding and the most she has seen them interacting is her asking if he needs more food, coffee, or may be something else. He would spend his hours playing with Newton, taking him on walk, doing his own gym activities. She was a scared the situation would worsen when they go back to their works. They look nothing like a couple in love should. Not that she forgot it's an arrange marriage, but she herself has been in an arranged marriage.

Ideally, they should atleast try to get to know each other. Trying is must.

Her daughter contemplated and suggested something which she immediately decided to implement.


"Pearl! I need to go and live with your aunt for a while. Raghav's wedding is round the corner...and since I got you married in such a short time, she believes I can help her. Raghav is her first child."

The sudden plan put him off guard. His mother wants to go and live with his aunt. Is something wrong here!? Something he didn't notice.

Pummy aunty wanted to make sure they try towards each other. And her daughter suggested that if there would be no one else in the home, except them, they will have to spend time with each other.
Newton is no worry as he cannot act as a medium of communication between them.

"What do you say Surbhi?", She asked her daughter in law.

Surbhi thought for a while. Without her mother in law, she'd be bored beyond limits. But that doesn't mean she can stop her from going. She shouldn't be selfish.

"Whatever you want mumma...!", She said in a low voice.

She wouldn't admit how much she wants her to stay here.

The answer ticked off something in Pearl. Why in the world is she not stopping his mother?

"Okay! Then I will leave tomorrow. Take care of each other."

Pearl waited for the dinner to finish, and his mother to walk towards the portico where they everyday had their coffee together.
He followed his mother immediately, and settled across her.

"Mom!? Why do you want to leave?", He asked skeptically.

Oblivious to what is going on in his brain, she said, "I told you Pearl...Your aunt..."

He shook his head, "No mumma! You had no such plan before! Did Surbhi say something!? Like wanting you to leav..."

"Shut up Pearl!!", She glared at him, "From where did you get that idea!"

While the two were having their heated conversation, the subject of the conversation stood at the entrance to the portico with three mugs of coffee in her hand.

"You don't seem to think clearly what you say Pearl! She is such a gre...!", Pummy aunty's words died in her mouth when she spotted her daughter in law standing there clutching the tray tight in her hand.

It was clear she heard everything. And it was even more clear she didn't like it a bit.

Pearl followed his mother's line of vision to see his wife.

Feeling the attention on her, she calmed herself and walked to them. She placed the coffees on the table and sat beside her mother in law.
"Mumma! Place you legs here, I'll massage them."

Since the rush of the wedding and all day night work, Pummy aunty's knees took all the load, and now when things settled they started paining like hell. But this time it wasn't as painful because she doesn't have to go to some physiotherapy clinic but her own daughter in law knew the skill. She was glad and grateful.

"Uh...Surbhi..! Beta..he didn't mean it that way...okay..", she tried to say, though everyone knew what way he meant. He outrightly accused Surbhi that she doesn't like his mother's presence and so forced her to go. Something she wouldn't do in her dreams.

She didn't respond to that and did her work, as a uncomfortable silence fell in the room. Pummy aunty was constantly glaring at her son, and well, the son was already sulking over the cold facade he saw his wife in, for the first time in life.


He waited for her to enter their room. Other days, he would just sleep or pretend sleeping so he could hear her humming to herself as she got ready for bed.
Today, he knew he messed up. And he wanted to apologize and explain himself.

Though there are maids in the house, she must be cleaning the dishes like everyday. Or may be feeding Newton his last meal of the day. Sometimes, she's even watering the plants or probably watching some movie with his mother.

If his misery and guilt was any less, his mother has not spoken a single word to him since then.

He paced to and fro, in their bedroom, looking once in a while at the wall clock. It was 11:30. By now, they are already deep in sleep.

Having enough of waiting, he went out of his room. The kitchen had no one. May be she's with mumma.-he thought.
He went towards his mother's room, that had the door ajar and lights off. He went in and saw his mother sleeping peacefully.

He slowly went out of the room, but then worry clouded him. Where is she?

He went to the dining room, the portico, the guest room, and checked everywhere in the house but in vain. His heart started beating loud, and breaths erratic.

Where can she go at this hour of night!?

Surbhi, on the other hand, shed some tears when she was finally alone. All her life, she has been very certain about everything. But one decision of her life, and now she's completely directionless.

She forgot life is not all unicorns and roses, and that her expecting him to trust her should have been the last thing to do.
She hated how much his opinion bothered her. Not that they love each other. Then why she is so hurt right now.

She embraced herself feeling the cold air rush past her. The terrace of this three storey house attracted her the most. The boundaries were covered with hundreds of flower pots, and then there was this concrete shed in the centre that had a swinging chair, with loads of cushions in it. It was huge enough for her. But it wouldn't protect her from the cold.

He must be fast asleep by now. -She thought to herself.

Little did she know that he was freaking out downstairs.

Newton stood up from his bed in the dining room, when he saw his dadda fumbling from room to room. He went behind him.

"Oh my god! Why am I so stupid!!??", He mumbled to himself searching in the extra washroom across the dining room.

When he felt some motion, he turned hastily to see Newton following him.

He scooted to his level, and held his face, "Newton! Baby? Did you see Su..mumma?"
Pearl was aware that Newton was probably closer to Surbhi than him. And when he was this near to a person, he wouldn't respond to their name, but the endearment used for them.

Newton looked around and backed away. In one swift motion, he ran towards the direction study room, that had the door to the terrace adjacent to it.

Pearl followed him, and realized he didn't check the terrace. He followed Newton as he swifty climbed the stairs, and as soon as he entered the terrace, he saw her blue dupatta shining in the moonlight.

Newton walked faster and reached her. She was seated in his favourite swing, with her head on her knees staring above. It felt as if life breathed back in him. One glance of her, and he was a puddle of ice.

"Newtie!? Baby? I thought you were sleeping!", She said as Newton kept his forepaws on her palms.

At that moment, seeing her safe and sound, he realised one thing. She is much more in his life, than a person who he was asked to marry. She's so soft, and yet he doubted her.

He mentally prepared himself and went forward, grabbing the attention of the two.

Surbhi was taken aback seeing him here, but she didn't show it on her face. She shouldn't let him get under her skin and then do something to hurt her. She looked away.

Her not acknowledging him pulled a certain chord inside him, and though he hated to admit it to himself but if she has decided to ignore him, then he will end up crying.

In a blink of an eye, he sat on the same chair, beside her. It was big, but not big enough to occupy two people. But if it was for a couple in love, this place was best.

He ignored the gentlemanly instincts that have been overpowering him since his wedding and didn't give her a chance to leave. When she tried that, he held her wrist tight and brought her back, such that she was halfway on him.

She shrieked at how spontaneous he was. And she was agitated on what he wants now!

He pinned her on the seat and turned to Newton, "Go and sleep like a good boy!"

Like always, he heard his father's command and retreated back but stopped the moment he heard his mother's words, "Stop Newton...I will tug you to bed.."

Newton was conflicted. Both of them looking at him expectantly to follow their command.

Pearl understood that, "Surbhi...I want to talk to you...that will take time..."

She snapped her head in his direction, furious, "And I don't want to talk to it won't take any time..!"

He was glad that she was atleast showing how angry she is. He didn't loosen his hold on her...and turned to Newton, "Pleaaaaasssseee!", he said with a cry baby innocent face.

And well, like every other person out their, his son also melted, and retreated back. Surbhi watched this with her jaw dropped.

Though Newton didn't abandon her fully, and settled on another seat across them looking away from them.

Agitated, Surbhi tried to stand up again only to be pulled back again. Her face came insanely close to his and she backed in a breath, afraid of stepping in unknown realms.

"I am sorry..I ..I don't have a justification for not trusting you...but I was only scared for my worry for her, I forgot I am accusing you without any reason...I don't want to spoil this thing between us...I like th..."

She looked up and glared at him, "What is there between us!? I don't see anything.."

His eyes widened at that. What is she saying?

"Speechless! I see. Let me tell you this Pearl! You and me have been stagnant Your mother and your dog have been more near to me that even my husband! So if I have so send someone out, it'd be you not mumma!", She huffed in anger looking away from him.

She can be harsh when she wants..
He sighed to himself, "I am sorry... I'd do anything you want. Just don't be angry on me."

Ugh! Surbhi hated how her resolve was breaking with his words and sweet voice. His concern for mumma is no hidden. But he should have trusted her now that they are already married.

"I know I am being too paranoid and suspicious about everything after Papa...but I can't help it Surbhi... Please pardon me this time and try to understand me.", He kept his forehead on her shoulder facing her side.

His words softened her. Somehow, she was aware that she will have to understand. She can't expect him to be perfect in all ways. He too has flaws. Flaws that she is to mend.

They sat there for a while drowning in the comfortable silence between them.

"It's late. Let's go inside..", she mumbled under her breath, but since he was so near, she was sure he heard her.

He looked up at her and nodded, his hand loosening it's hold. She stood up and beckoned Newton, who obediently followed her.

Once inside the room, he blocked her way to the bathroom, because ofcourse he had something else to say, "Just because I didn't say it loudly, doesn't mean there's nothing between us. It's late today...but tomorrow we'll about us.."

She didn't know how to respond to that, and so as soon as he moved out of way she went inside.

On the bed, she saw he was wide awake by the time she changed into her night clothes. The more she wants to avoid him today!

She laid on her side, and mumbled a good night. He turned on his side and smiled at her, "Good night wife!"

He was waiting for her to fall asleep so he can finally spoon her in his arms, and fall into his dream world.


"C'mon Newton! Finish your food!", Pearl said adding more dogfood in Newton's bowl, and then turned back to his plate.

She watched them interact, while herself having her food. Her heart was beating in anticipation.

They were to have 'the talk'.

Mumma left in the evening today, and she was fine after Surbhi said he apologized and she is no more upset now.

After the dinner, she went to get changed into something comfortable but when she came back out, she saw Newton already sleeping and him serving coffee for the two of them.

He noticed her before she could hide herself, "Oh Surbhi! You are here! It's drizzling outside...let's go upstairs, we'll sit in the verandah."

What could she say? He had it all figured out.

She nodded briefly and went upstairs to the verandah facing the terrace. It was cold here. She rubbed her palms together. She leaned on one of the pillars watching as small drops of rain fell on the concrete floor. She was only wearing her butterfly print night suit.

She jumped when she felt a blanket being placed on her shoulders. She turned to see him smiling at her and covered herself properly.

He pointed at the lounge chair kept there, which happened to be the only one here.

Like the last night, they settled side by side, almost touching with only the blanket separating them.

She quietly sipped her coffee, waiting for him to begin. He on the other hand, got comfortable leaning on the chair, and keeping his legs on the table. He had a lot of things in his mind, and he wanted to convey them properly.

"I want us to set some things don't remain 'stagnant' between us!", Pearl never knew he can hate one word in just the matter of a night.

She scoffed, "Yeah! Even I do!"

He was looking at the back of her head, while she was gazing at the rain, but the conversation was very loud and clear.

"I will kiss you good morning, and you will kiss me good night! Every day!", She choked on her coffee as she heard him say this.

Pearl would have laughed if it wasn't for her coughing furiously. He bent forward and rubbed her back to help her overcome.
Once fine, she turned to him, her mouth gaping open at his rule.

He smiled mischievously, "I am not asking for much. The kisses can be very innocent."

"Are you joking?", She asked skeptically.

"Do I look like I am?", He retorted, "I am very serious Surbhi! No matter we have fought or have a conflict or when we'd be finally closer than this, we wouldn't stop this practice. Never in a million year!"

Her heart skipped a beat at that.

"Next rule?", She asked to hide her warming face, looking away from him.

He smiled knowingly, "You will spend my money without a second thought."

That made her look at him, "Pearl! I have my own money...I ca.."

"I know. I know. And I am not saying your earnings are anyway less than mine. I want you to use your money for other things. Like for household expenses, or may be for our families...but your personal expense....all your needs...from a hairpin to a car, should be from my wallet...I am your husband! I am not trying to reduce your self dependency...I just...I only want to pamper you.."

She couldn't help the smile that formed on her face. She never knew their conversation will have this part too.

"Next rule?", She said discreetly giving him approval for the first two.

"People would say several things. Like one of my aunt's suggesting us to have kids, or our friends planning our honeymoon. But every decision in our relationship would be based on our own ideas and thinking. We will take as much time as needed to let this grow between us. And never let the faith of loving each other waver."

Somehow he was aware she's going to be the one he'll fall in love with..and for her, he wanted to be the same.

She looked at him oblivious on how to react. He looks so certain about everything, "What if we take a lot of time?"

"No one's going to question is our life...our relationship."

She nodded.

He sat up so he was directly facing her, "My last rule is no matter how angry you are at me, you are going to sleep in our room, in our bed!"

She looked at him amazed. He knows she was planning to sleep elsewhere last night. Her reason was simple. He looks so adorable while sleeping, she'll forget all her anger.

"Deal?", He smirked forwarding his hand.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "What if I don't want to sleep in our room?"

"Then you tell me where you want to...I'll give you company.."

She groaned softly making him chuckle.

She glared at him, "I also have rules!"

"Ofcourse my majesty!", He laughed.

"Rule one: You will not assume bad things about me unless I really do something outrageous. Rule two: I will sleep on the bed, but if I am angry and want to punish you, then you take the couch!..."

It baffled him, amused him and well, he loved how she dominates him, without a second thought.

He nodded, and beckoned her to continue, "Rule three: Your female friends except Anita must know their limits! I don't like anyone if them. Rule fou...."

She was interrupted, "Wait wait wait! Where's that coming from?"

She scoffed, "I am just being cautious!"

"Cautious.. huh! Okaayy finnnee... Continue..", He exaggerated trying to tease her.
The fact that he has only one female friend other than Anita, and his wife becomes a green eyed monster who's excessively possessive made him feel giddy.

"Rule four: We go out once in a month with your friends and once in a month with mine... though I have only helly and she has gotten well with your friends so we'd instead have to schedule only once."

He nodded his head like the obedient husband he is.

"Rule five: you will take me to see Taj Mahal every time we come to Agra!"

He wanted to slam his head for not thinking that she might want to go and see places especially Taj Mahal. And this is her first time in Agra. He made a mental note to take her there.

"Rule six:......"

He nodded his head at each and every rule, as she kept on speaking. He loved when she chatted. And well, while making rules, he didn't think he's about to contest with a professor.

"Rule forty one.....", Her voice wavered and then finally seized.

Confused, he checked on her only to chuckle in amusement as he found her sleeping. As he turned her slowly, her head fell over his heart and for a nth time, he felt his breath hitch.

He doesn't know if it love. But whatever it is, it is very beautiful.


Two months down the line, and the two of them were busy with their professional lives. Pummy aunty was back and they were back to Mumbai. It took her time but she was settled well in his room and in his house.

"Hey Surbhi! My colleague has got an emergency and I'd be staying at the hospital till around midnight. Don't wait up for me.", He dropped the text knowing she might be cooking dinner right now.

Around one in the night, he used his spare keys and went inside his apartment. Newton immediately had his head up, but relaxed back as soon as he saw Pearl. On the way to his bedroom he checked on his mother to find her sleeping soundly, and then went inside his own room expecting to find his sleeping wife.

But he was shocked and surprised to see her watching something on her laptop.

She felt him before she actually saw him, and turned her head to see him standing at the door already looking at her.

"Oh! You are here!", She turned to pause the movie and then turned back to him, "Freshen up fast, I'll heat up your food."

He stood there dazed as she walked past him to go to the kitchen.

She was waiting for me!?- he thought.

Something inside him bubbled, but he shook his head and went to the washroom after removing his shoes. When his mom came here, she often used to stay up late to wait for him and serve him dinner. But it was understandable. She loves him so much. He had to convince her alot to stop her from staying up this late and getting ill because of the lack of sleep.

When he came out changed, she already had two plates ready.

"Don't tell me you didn't eat Surbhi!?", He said exasperated.

She sighed, "I had fruits during dinner time and wasn't hungry I decided to eat with you.."

"No!! You eat your meals on the proper time. There can be gastral aches if you avoid that! You wouldn't want acids forming...!", He glared at her, "And yeah! Why waking up so late? I told you not to wait for me! Your sleeping pattern will be disturbed! That's not good.."

She, on the other hand, smiled widely, "Okay doctor!! Now come here and eat.."

"Surbhi you!!"

"Pearl me!!!", She said amused. It doesn't take him much time before the doctor in him comes out in front of her...

And this lecture on eating habits, she has gotten used to it.

He rolled his eyes and sat beside her.

When the two finished their food, and got ready for bed, Pearl still waited for the one thing he waits everyday. As she rounded the bed to go to her side, he looked at her expectantly. Surbhi knew this, but the more she tortured him, the more pleasure she felt.

She laid down, laughing inside at his baby face, and then covered herself with the duvet.

"This is not done Surbhi! You do this always! I hate you!", He huffed and laid himself on the bed.

He turned on his stomach and waited for the little minx to do her thing. Minutes later, he felt a hand on his neck, "Pearl??", she whispered.

He didn't respond.

And then seconds later, he felt a soft kiss being pressed on the side of his forehead, and a light whisper, "Good night!"

He grinned quietly but made sure to burst her bubble, "Wake me up tomorrow... I'll drop you.."

"You are awake!?", She said baffled.

"I wouldn't sleep or let you sleep before I get my daily dose!", He said smilingly now facing her.


"Thank you. Love you too."


Life was lovely. So much that he had to go for an ECG of his heart. It has started getting premature ventriculations every time she comes before her eyes or he hears her name. His friend and classmate only laughed it off claiming he is in love. And the science can prove it.

But was he really!?

He buttoned his shirt and then wore a blazer, she specifically selected for him. His mother strolled in, "Don't wear any tie Pearl! It looks good like this!"

"Won't you come Mumma?"

She shook her head, "No I won't. Firstly, I have my doctor's appointment online. And then it may take you both time. But make sure you take her for dinner after that!"

He smiled, "Okay okay! I will."

He was extra happy today.
Central University has completed seventy five years and they were rewarding the professors for their excellent work. His wife is going to be given two awards. And she is probably the youngest professor recieving such a recognition.

She was very happy with that and wanted him to be present there while she receives the award. She was already there, for some faculty processes. While he took an early off from the hospital to go there.

Driving to her university was an usual practice now. He dropped her here atleast thrice in a week and sometimes even picked her if his work was not too much.

When he entered the auditorium, he saw a table with his and her name. She was still not here, and the preparations were being done.

"I am here...come fast!", He dropped a text for her and then settled on his seat scrolling through his phone.

Behind the guest's tables were rows of students. And while being busy in replying to some of his unread texts, he heard few students talking about her.

"Do you know Surbhi ma'am is getting the Professor of the year?"
"I do. I do. And let me tell you, she deserved it!"
"Yeah! But today I am excited to see her in a saree...!", This one was a boy which made Pearl frown.
"Get over your crush Sid! It's high time!", Another boy laughed.
"No one can get over her! I mean she's so beautiful! She should also receive the award of 'Crush of the year'!", And all of them started giggling.

The announcements began, and just then the professors entered. He greeted Mrs. Sarna and Mr. Sarna, and looked impatiently.

She came towards him, moments later, walking carefully because of the saree she was wearing. It was a royal blue saree that had her looking so pleasantly beautiful.

But what disturbed him was the ten folds louder claps and cheers when she looked up.

She's indeed popular here. And well, as Crush of the year.

He went forward and took her hand in his, which earned him some whispers and glances  people recognized that he is 'the husband'.

To virtually slap on the faces of all those who are crushing on his wife, he wrapped his hand around her waist and kissed her forehead.

She looked at him mouth agape and wondered what happened. But he instead walked her to their table, silently smirking at the number of hearts his little kiss broke today.

And to top it all, he wasn't the least bit guilty.


He woke up today, with Anita and Darshan yelling on his head.

Pearl immediately looked for his shirt which was thankfully on his body. He would hate if they threaten him with his nudes.
He looked beside himself to find Surbhi gone.

"What!? We didn't kidnap her!! She's there!", Anita said pointing to the other side where Surbhi stood smilingly with a cake in her hand, a thirty two lighted up.

God! It is his birthday!

He soon saw his mother coming in with a bowl of his favourite sweet.

"Now cut the cake!", She said.

He smiled finally over the baffled state and blew the candles and cut the cake.

"Who planned this?"

"Your driver!", Anita said sarcastically, "Ofcourse us! Why would you question that you duffer!!??", She hit him on his head.

"Ow! God! You are becoming so violent.", He pointed at her big tummy, "And I asked you to take proper sleep."

She grinned sheepishly, "I can't sleep. At this hour, I usually search for all the food I could gather."

Surbhi loved their banters and laughed at most of the jokes they pulled.

Their talks though, are finally interrupted when his phone starts blaring loudly. His sister already talked to him, so he confusedly picked up his phone, "Oh Karishma!"

He received the call and began talking. And they continued talking. He was speaking animatedly about how his thesis topic was changed in the last minute after the birthday topic.

Darshan left while Anita was insisted to stay in the guest room.
When Surbhi came back he was still talking to her.

She was fuming that she didn't get a minute to properly wish him and that woman is taking all the time in the world. And well, he was too interested to hang up. She waited for few minutes, but then agitated, she wrote a note and kept the gift below his side of duvet.

She felt so bad she wanted to cry. But instead she dozed off.


"Yeah! Bye! See you later..", he said to Karishma.

Apparently, her topic was also changed at the last minute and she'd been struggling to complete it. Though, last time he remembers, he saw her pictures enjoying beaches of Maldives.

He sighed and went back to his room, only to see Surbhi already sleeping. She must be tired.

He smiled to himself and went to sleep beside her only to stop as he noticed a box peeping out of his duvet.

"I wanted to give it you and see your reaction as you open it but it seems your beloved friend will take your whole night.
Happy birthday!"

His eyes widened at that and he immediately turned to her, "Surbhi! Surbhi!"

But she didn't move.

"Oh god!", He mumbled to himself.

She clearly doesn't like Karishma a least bit. But it wasn't like Karishma has done something or shown interest in him that she's so bothered.

He didn't open the box because if she wants he'd only open it while she sees him.


When he woke up, she was nowhere in the room but he could hear the shower.
He sighed and looked at the box he kept on his study table before sleeping.

He was excited to see what she brought for him, but he will wait till she comes out.

She came out dressed in a pink suit, and needless to say, like all other times, she looked beautiful. She didn't say anything and started drying her hair.

He got up from the bed and went to her. He stared at her for a while and then leaned in to place a kiss on her cheek, "Good morning!"

She looked up, "Good morning!"

He didn't want to straight jump on the topic but he knew she's in her no bullshit mood.

"Why did you sleep last night? I was hoping to have some us-time!", He said it only to realize how wrong it was to blame her...

She looked at him, "Oh! I thought your friend will keep you busy till the morning. And may be she did. Didn't she!?"

He sighed, "Surbhi! What is wrong huh!? Karishma always calls me on my birthday at the midnight. It's nothing new. And I don't know what is the issue with her, when you are fine will all others."

"No nothing!", She shook her head, hating how his words sounded like she was the third person. Moreover, she didn't want to spoil his birthday, "Mumma is making chole for you..Anita is also here...get ready and come out.."

He knew she was evading the topic, and so didn't let her do that.
"Surbhi? Is it because she's my only female friend who's unmarried? Listen! Trust me! When I say she's just a friend, I mean it!! What if Anita was also not married? I am way closer to Anita than any other friend? Would you want me to break my friendship with her too!"

She looked at him skeptically, "What are you saying Pearl!? I don't like her for a reason! She's not over you!"

"Not over me!? Seriously!? We never had a thing Surbhi!", He yelled exasperated, "You don't trust me!!"

"I never said I don't trust you! First see what your beloved does while you are not present! I...I just don't want to talk about it...", And with that she left the room.

He went the other way, and slammed the bathroom door close!

Pummy aunty and Anita heard loud voices coming from their room, and soon saw Surbhi coming out of her room, picking up her bag and leaving the apartment.

"Surbhi!? Surbhi??", Pummy aunty called out but in vain.


"What happened Pearl?? She left without having her breakfast!", His mother glared at him.

Her not having breakfast made him feel guilty but he retreated the next moment, "Mom! I don't know what is wrong with her. She wants me to completely end my friendships. And she has special problems with Karishma. I don't know what she ever did to her!"

Anita glared at him, "You really think that she is all innocent while Surbhi is the culprit."

He shook his head, "I am not saying that! She just needs to understand that I had a life before her."

He was angry and so after getting ready, he too left, not caring of the breakfast or the lunch that is always packed for him.


A part of her felt she over reacted. A part of her didn't.

It was that woman who explicitly told her that Pearl is only marrying her for his mother's sake and the guilt of his father's death.

She knew it was an arranged marriage, but she would die in misery if those two were the only reasons he married her.

And now he claims that she should be fine with her, the one who if she heard properly, they wouldn't have married each other.

"Ma'am are you alright?", One of the students asked as they saw her pause between a numerical problem.

She shook her head, "I have a headache. Please cooperate everybody and try solving these problems on your own. I'll send you the solution by tomorrow."

She settled on her chair and held her head, taking out her phone from her bag, which she never does during her class.

No call or text from him. Great! She shouldn't die in longing here.


He came out of a delivery. The lady delivered twins but it got complicated at the end. Thankfully he managed with the help of his team.

He took a shower and his stomach growled because of hunger. That reminded him that she didn't have her breakfast and she's so great she wouldn't even realize she's hungry.

He took out his phone from his locker, to see some calls from his mother.

He called her, "Yes mom!"
"Pearl! Surbhi has not come back! It's way past her last class timing.."
"Mom may be she scheduled an extra class like she did last Friday..", he suggested.
"Did she text you that?", He checked his phone for nothing.

Yeah. Why will she call him now?

"No mother. She didn't."
"Pearl! I am getting worried..!"

"Don't worry mom... I'll just go to the university...and if she returns by the time, call me."


He reached the university constantly calling her, only to find the gates closed.

He ran towards the guard, "Hey! Did you see my wife here? Is someone still inside?"

"Your wife sir?"

"Professor Surbhi! Department of chemistry.."

They shook their head, "No sir! There's no one inside. And Professor Surbhi left way before.", One of them checked the register, "Sir! She left in the half time. She was not well today.."

'she was not well today.'- his world turned upside down as he heard that.

Where can she go?

It will be soon dark, and where should he go and find her.
He called his mother again only to get a negative response.

He didn't know where to go. He kept calling her only for her phone to come switched off. The city was not very kind, and he was afraid if someone did something to her.

On top of that, she wasn't well. Must be because she didn't eat in the morning and now it was almost 4 in the evening.

He was panicking and called everyone he knew might know her whereabouts.

Their fight kept resurfacing again and again in his mind. Why did he yell at her? She is his wife. He should have talked to her properly. And if she doesn't like someone, he must respect her opinion and act on it.

By six, defeated he reached home, determined to start another round of search.

He went to his mother who was talking to someone, "But Beta! You should have atleast told us!"
"Okay! From tomorrow I'll take care your phone has full battery...yeah...okay okay! I'll be there.."

"Mom!? Who's there?", He asked already knowing who was it.
She hang up and then looked at him, "Surbhi!"

He sighed in relief, but the next second a question popped in his mind, "Where is she? Why didn't she call me?"

She looked at him, "She was organising a birthday party for you...and her phone got switched off while she was still in college!"

"Mom! Birthday party! Seriously!? I am dying here, thinking god knows what happened to her!", He said exasperated.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "You were not so worried in the morning! The thought of her disappearing from the earth can only awaken your feelings? Am I right?"

He gulped knowing his mother and asked quietly, "Where is she?"

"She's at Anita's farmhouse. Get ready. I will also get ready."

He felt as if he was back from the dead. And well, he needs to have a talk with Anita too, who simply told him she doesn't know shit when he asked if he knows about Surbhi's whereabouts.

She only wanted him to suffer. Traitor.


There were many people in the farmhouse and as soon as he entered, they started singing 'Happy birthday' to him.

He saw all his friends gathered here. Heck everyone was aware of this birthday party. Some of his colleagues were also there. Including Karishma.

He wondered why Surbhi invited her if she doesn't like her. He wouldn't give the credit to his other friends, because well, they too are not very fond of her.

People came and hugged him, wishing him. His mother went in to Anita. And his eyes followed her hoping to see his wife.

After long and exhuriatiating interactions from everybody, he went to Anita, "Where is she?"

She looked at him bored, "Somewhere on Earth! Why? Any problem?"

"Anita Please!!", He said but she shook her head. He searched for his mother but she looked pretty happy, probably already aware of her whereabouts.

But he didn't go there because she was standing among her friends and in simple words, her friends would only make him uncomfortable.

Defeated he again turned to Anita who had a smug look on her face, "Please Anita! I beg you! I haven't seen her since the morning and I was so worried for her.."

Rohit melted seeing him, and decided to side with him, "Yeah Ani! He is tortured enough...let him go to her.."

Darshan followed suit, making Pearl grin internally. They always won because of the majority.

"Okay okay!!! You all would have been billionaires if you begged these beautifully on roads. Pearl! She's in kitchen...getting the cake ready! But if you say anything to hurt her, I will smash your head!!"

He nodded and literally ran towards the kitchen.

Surbhi was there with Heli, getting the cake ready. She was wearing a dress, but her hair was done in a bun.

Heli left with the table not before passing him a glare and showing her fist.

God! He has never felt so threatened before.

She saw him as he walked in the kitchen. Not acknowledging him, she turned to the cabinet to arrange a tray with a knife and candle.

"You were not well...", He pointed out hoping she's fine now. But she looked comparatively pale.

She looked at him briefly, "I had a headache. And took a paracetamol."

"Paracetamol? Was it even recommended? Did you eat anything?", He fired questions at her.

Now he cares.- she thought.

"Don't worry about me. It's your birthday.", She said ready to walk past him.

Though he was quick enough to hold her back, "My birthday is already shit that I fought with you. And I am worried because I care for you.."

She breathed in and out, "Thankyou. Your friends are waiting outside."

Before he could say anything, she left.

He sighed to himself. They seriously need to talk.


His birthday went well but she remained low. He didn't like it one bit. On top of that, Karishma jumped to every other opportunity to be beside him.
For the first time, her nearness suffocated Pearl. He has always thought of her as a friend but now when he knew his wife doesn't like her for some secret reason, he only felt uncomfortable.

Surbhi had enough of it. Her fever was coming back. It is soon going to be six months of their marriage and she was still in doubts.

She stood outside alone. Her brother has already left. Her parents couldn't make it at such a short notice. Her mother in law and some other elder people were on the other side in the rooms resting as it was late.

The only ones left were his 'friends'.

"Oh god! I can't do this..", she mumbled to herself.

"I told you, you can't.", She got startled when she heard a familiar voice.

She looked at her and smiled, "Hope you had a good time! Do you want me to call a driver for you? A cab may be?"

The infuriating woman smirked, "You two don't look like a married couple. It looks more like a burden on him and you. He didn't even feed you cake first, instead went to his mother..."

Surbhi narrowed her eyes, "You say you know him for six years and you don't know a detail as important as that about him. He loves his mother way too much or anyone wouldn't replace her."

"Whatever you say Surbhi...his distaste towards the party was clearly visible. He appreciates efforts. I don't know how much he dislikes you to not be grateful for the party.", That got into Surbhi and hit where it was meant to.

And that pity excuse of a woman well recognised the effect of her words.

"I would advise you to let him be. He's not the man who will open up so easily to strangers. And you know each other for how long!? Barely six months!", She laughed, "I knew this wedding is a mistake on his part..."

Rejoicing her victory, she forgot to look around for who all were watching her.


Surbhi again disappeared from his sight.
He groaned to himself and searched for her again, "This time I find her, I will tie her to myself!"

He went in the kitchen again to see Anita munching her food hungrily while Darshan begging her for some. Heli was having ice cream.

If everyone is here, then where is she?

He went to the other side to see Ali and others sitting around the drinks table.

He went back to the kitchen, "Where is Surbhi?"

"What are we? Her babysitter?", Anita sassed.

"I swear Pearl! You are making us all angry!", Heli said.

He mentally rolled his eyes, "When are you all not angry?", he mumbled under his breath.

"What did you say?"

"Uhm nothing...let's go find her!"

Anita picked some fries and left her plate. The other two also followed.

They were looking everywhere, when his eyes fell on Karishma standing in the lawn. His eyes then focused to Surbhi who turned to face her just that moment.

"There she is..."

"What is that girrafe doing there?", Said Darshan.

Heli chuckled at that, "May be asking Surbhi to serve her some leaves."

Anita laughed at that.

Pearl gave them a collective glare and they went outside. The two were involved in some intense conversation that they didn't notice everyone approaching.

".......distaste towards the party was clearly visible. He appreciates efforts. I don't know how much he dislikes you to not be grateful for the party.", were the words he heard distinctly.

Not only him, but the three behind him too heard everything.

"I would advise you to let him be. He's not the man who will open up so easily to strangers. And you know each other for how long!? Barely six months!", She laughed, "I knew this wedding is a mistake on his part..."

If looks could kill, she would have been buried six feet under the ground. And not just one, she was being glared by four people, all at once.

Probably sensing some presence she turned to find all of them standing there.

Anita spoke up first, "I said Surbhi wouldn't dislike a person unless there is a concrete reason! How shameless you can be!?"

"God Surbhi!", Heli went to Surbhi, "Why didn't you slap her right now? She's saying shit about your wedding!"

Surbhi looked away. Her sentences overpowering all her senses. Her fever only making her weaker.

"You really thought you'd do anything under our noses?", It was Darshan this time.

Pearl didn't say a word. But he was seething. Everything seems to fall in place as he remembered how Surbhi asked about her after their engagement. He was sure she did something similar which made Surbhi so doubtful.

"Uh...Pearl! Listen everybody!...", She started to speak only to jump when Pearl yelled at her, "Stop!!!"

He immediately went to Surbhi's side, "What did you think I was showing distaste? Because I didn't like the party? Seriously? Grow up Karishma! I have been in a low mood because she...", He pointed at Surbhi, "... wasn't talking to me. And well, for your information, I am always like this if she doesn't give me enough attention!"

He turned to Surbhi, "Why didn't you tell me all she was saying to you?"

She didn't have an answer to that. Somewhere she was afraid that she'd be right and Pearl would only agree breaking her heart. Though, she never realized when making and breaking of her heart became associated with this one single person, who happens to be her husband.

"And you! Karishma! I don't want to see your face again...and I am very serious when I say this! The next time you go around speaking shit about my wedding, please know that I may have known you for six years, but you never interested me even as much as me wanting to go on a dinner with you. So please accept this, and stop trying to ruin things for me. Anita! Can I ask her to leave your property right now?"

Anita looked at Pearl, "I'd rather enjoy if you throw her out...but well, you should instead focus on your wife. Now, miss! If you have a single ounce of self respect, leave!"


Watching her go away, he finally sighed turning to his wife.

"Surbhi you really...", He took her hand to take her inside, only for his eyes to widen when he felt her temperature, "Oh god! Surbhi! You have a temperature!!"

As if on cue, she simply slumped in his arms nodding.

"Oh no! Pearl! Take her inside!", Heli yelled and he immediately picked her up in his arms.

"Darshan go to my car! Bring my bag! Fast!"

He took her to one of the unoccupied rooms, and laid her on the bed. Darshan by the time, brought his bag.

Everyone except Heli left the room.

He put a thermometer in her mouth, and pulled out his stethoscope.
He opened two top buttons of her dress and checked on her.

Her temperature was 100°F. No wonder she's been looking so pale.

'Heli...please bring me a hand towel and some chilled water. And ask Anita to give me two tablets of the paracetamol I recommended her.", She nodded and left the room immediately.

He concluded it was because of changing weather, and the stress the elevated it.

He removed his own blazer and settled beside her.

Heli came in with everything, "There's nothing to worry no!?"

He shook his head, "No. And whatever it is, I'll take care..."

He prepared a cold compress and kept it on her forehead.

"Now go and rest Heli... tomorrow is Sunday, so we'll leave at about one in the afternoon. I'll drop you...okay!"

She nodded, "Okay! Take care of her.."

"I will."


She woke up in the middle of the night, and croaked, "W_Water.."

Soon she felt a glass being brought near her lips and familiar arms around her. She took a sip, and opened her eyes.

In an unfamiliar surrounding, the only familiar thing was him. And so she leaned in to the touch of him.

"You had to make yourself ill. Huh?"

She looked up slightly at him, "I wanted your attention.."

"You had it all since the day I saw your picture."
Her body was weak but her heart definitely jumped at that.

She took her hand wanting to wrap it around him only to find nothing but bare skin. That was when she noticed he's shirtless. And looked up at the time expecting it to be midnight. But it was two in the night..

"I couldn't wish you happy birthday..", she sighed.

He chuckled, "Everyone wishes me happy birthday. My wife is the only one who lashes at me. Don't you feel special?"

"I do. I do."

They stayed silent for a while before he decided to break it.

"When I married you, I knew we are expected to grow old and wrinkly together. But now I seriously want it. I've fallen hard since that day, and I can't get up."

Her breathing stopped at his words. Did he really say that?

She looked up at his face for some clue, only to find him already looking at her, "You..P_Pearl!"

"I love you Mrs. Puri!! And I hope the way you want to thrash every single soul who looks at me, you love me too!"

It was not a usual 'love you' they shared during their banters or as a friendly endearment. This one was something on a different level.

Sighing he laid back with her head on his shoulder, and her hand on his heart.

She was speechless and shy. She didn't know how to respond to that. It's true she wants to thrash every single soul looking at him, but he doesn't have to know.

"You didn't kiss me good night Surbhi! For the 6783965267th time."

She grinned at that. She loved to agitate him on that.

"Don't grin that wide!!I will compensate with two in the morning!", He warned.

What he didn't expect was, the very next moment, her lips meeting his.

They were arranged. But to love.


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