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Author's Note: In the end**


"Taehyung ah, we have been standing here for the past ten minutes. I am scared about our fans recognizing us", Jimin mouthed, looking at his nervous friend who was walking back and forth across the same place for the past ten minutes.

"Taehyung ah, it was your choice of coming here. You can't back off now. If you can't face it, then let's just go", Jin spat, tired of his brother's cowardly attitude.

"I am nervous hyung. It's not that easy for my heart. It still pains and I don't think I can face her. I don't think I can ever see her with another man", Taehyung blurted, looking at the house in front of them, their faces covered in black caps and masks to avoid any kind of attention.

"I am sorry for being rude", Jin apologized, understanding him and the younger shook his head in negation.

"Don't be, it was my fault. It was my fault to not catch her at the right time", Taehyung remembered how many chances he had back then to keep her with him and smiled, painfully. Had fate presented him the slightest hint, he wouldn't think twice to protect his love in every he could

"Shall we go back then? If you can't, don't. Don't hurt yourself more", Jimin spoke, concerned for his best friend and Taehyung stayed silent.

"I want to see her. I don't know if I would get this chance again. I don't know if we would come to Saudi again", he uttered and the two men nodded in agreement. It was terribly onerous for him to forget the heartbreak, to forget his dear love with whom he wanted to cherish all his life. Yet, he wanted to see her for one last time. He wanted to see her smile and satisfy his lonely heart.

"Let's go then", Jimin took his hand and pulled him before he could have a change in his thoughts. 

Taehyung's hand trembled as he raised his hand to ring the bell. Before he could refrain from pressing it, Jin did the work. Taehyung's mind was a mess would be an understatement at the moment.

Before he could speak anything or curse at the elder without an ounce of fear, the door creaked open resulting in Taehyung's heart beating faster than a cheetah. 

"Yes?", the man opened the door and Taehyung presumed him to be her husband. He removed the mask and the man widened his eyes. Their arrival was so unexpected and it was a mistake on the three members' part to assume they wouldn't be recognized so easily.

"Kim Taehyung", he blurted on recognizing him and Jin, Jimin did the same, making him bolt out of blue.

"Honey, who is it?", a woman came behind him and Taehyung looked at him, confused. He looked at Jin and Jimin and they were in equal surprise.

"Hyung, did we come to the wrong address", he asked and Jin opened his phone to check if it was the same one.

"You came to the right address, sir", the man spoke and none of them understood what was happening.

"Nazeera?", Taehyung asked with a little hope and the man nodded.

"Please come in", the man invited them and the trio entered their house. Taehyung scanned the house and smiled that she is under a good abode. He knew she hails from a rich family but still he is concerned if she was living well or not.

"I am Faiz, Nazeera's husband", he spoke and the trio looked at the woman standing behind the man.

Is he cheating on my Nazeera, Taehyung thought.

"Ex-husband to be precise", he completed and Taehyung looked at him to continue.

"We are not together anymore but I knew about you from her. I was expecting you but not so soon", he mouthed and Taehyung nodded. He was not the one to butt in and bug him about why they were divorced so he just stayed quiet. If Nazeera is single, he could still have a chance. His heart leaped in joy with the thought of getting back to his love again.

"What will you take? Is juice okay?", he asked and Taehyung shook his head. He wants to know where Nazeera is and wants to meet her as soon as possible. He is more excited about that and is even happier that she might be single. He would not lose this chance to court her.

"Can we see her first? Where is she now?", Taehyung asked with his eyes gleaming in delight, and Faiz's expression changed. He looked at the woman and she walked inside.

"Can I take you guys to her? I hope you don't mind", he asked and the trio agreed happily. After all, they are going to see her after five long years.

"Honey, I will go outside for a moment, okay?", he shouted and walked outside the house with the excited men behind him.

"I can't believe I am meeting her", Taehyung pressed his fists and shook them, letting squeals of excitement. Jin and Jimin stared at the younger member with glee. It's been years since they saw him like that. 

Taehyung went through an awful phase when Nazeera left Seoul. He was shattered and couldn't accept the fact that she was no longer in his vicinity. He cried, isolated himself, and even stopped eating food, forcing him to be admitted to the hospital.

Though he recovered, things were never the same with him. He lost his childish personality and became depressed with each passing day. The members tried their best to cheer him but the loss he had is not something that could be replaced.

He loved her with all his heart and losing her is the most heart-rending thing that happened in his life. No pain could match the emptiness of his separation from her. No agony rivaled the unreality of not being with her.

She was the one who caused a blaze to his heart and keeping up in her absence was a gut-wrenching job. When he slowly started accepting the truth and decided to live on, his grandmother passed away making his life even more miserable. 

He was heartbroken to an extent that no repair could get him back to his normal self. He was tormented in the loss of his dearest loved ones and the hole remained like that in his heart, even now. 

He tried to show that he was fine, pretended to be happy, and did everything to make sure their fans don't get the slightest clue. He didn't want anyone to be bothered because of his life's gloom. He adapted to the darkness and solitude and just started walking in the direction of flow.

"I have attended your concert yesterday and you were all amazing.", Faiz spoke with his hands on the steering wheel. 

"That was great. We are glad that you enjoyed it", Jin thanked and Jimin smiled along. Notifications kept popping up in his phone and all of them were from Jungkook. He wanted to know about his noona too. He couldn't come since he got stuck up in some work.

"I came with my family and they were cheering so loud. You guys work so hard", he praised them and they felt happy at his words.

"Are we near?", Taehyung asked with his boxy smile while rubbing his hands and Faiz smiled faintly.

"We almost reached", he spoke and Taehyung's heart did backflips in eagerness. 

The car halted and Taehyung looked at Faiz in bewilderment. Jin and Jimin rolled down the window to see the place. Taehyung was still processing it and he looked at Faiz, shaking his head. The air in the car fell into grim silence, none of them ready to decipher the obvious. Taehyung's skin turned cold as he fixed his stare at the entrance, not a single flutter, not a single blink.

No, no, this can't be it. 

No, no, she isn't.

"Please don't tell me. Please", Taehyung begged, his eyes already getting glistened.

"I am sorry but she...", Faiz stopped and looked at the arch label. He sighed and turned to Taehyung was letting out his tears. He didn't expect this. He was not excited for his. Jimin's heart clenched looking at the entrance of the cremation site. Jin was completely clueless about the happening. When Faiz said that he would take them to her, they got excited about seeing the cute and innocent girl they missed for years.

"You told me you will take to her, right? Why did you bring me here? Drive me to her place, not here. My Nazeera can't be gone. She can't leave me too", Taehyung buried his head in his palms and bawled while Faiz looked at him, helpless. He knew the truth had to be out one day and he didn't want to bury it just to satisfy him, the man who came all the way to his house to know about her wellbeing. 

"I am so sorry sir but she is no more", Faiz sputtered, his eyes glistened remembering her, his ex-wife, his best friend.


"I mean how? Why is she gone? Why should she leave?", Taehyung cried holding his hair. He was not ready to take in the truth. He was feeling dead inside, unable to think of anything except her memories. Her sweet smile, soft giggles, cherry blush cheeks, peach butter scent, everything memory of hers hit him harder than an ocean tide in the new moon.

It was more than the feeling of being stupefied. He was horribly terrified after knowing that his love is no more. His body went numb and little shivers arouse, causing goosebumps on his skin. Jin opened the door immediately to reach the side of Taehyung.

"Hyung", Taehyung immediately clung to the eldest, unable to bear the heaviness of grief in his heart. Jimin looked at Faiz and both of them got down the car as well.

"Jimin ah, she left me too. She left me just like haelmoni", he bellowed as agony crumbled heart into a million pieces. It is devastating news to him, making him powerless on being bereaved. His heart sank into his shoes as he realized she can't be in his life anymore

"Can you take us to her?", Jin asked as Jimin came to support his friend who was crippled with the lamenting grief. 

"Will he be alright?", Faiz asked and Jimin nodded on Taehyung's behalf. He was tormented on hearing the news of her death but he has to stand strong to support his traumatized friend. 

Faiz walked them to the grave and Jimin supported Taehyung who was just looking lifeless. His tears were semi-dried with the wind and he has no expression on his face. Jin couldn't speak anything. He knew that grief could not be overcome, at least not at the moment.

They looked at the headstone engraved with her name.



"She never unloved you, Mr. Kim. We got married but our relationship never escalated to something more than friendship. She revealed about everything you had and I came to accept her love. She never referred to herself as my wife, she always claimed that her heart belonged to someone else", Faiz stuttered and a lone tear dropped down his eyes.

"I am sorry that I couldn't be an ideal wife. But I can never consider myself as someone else's girl. I promised him I am his and my heart could never accept the otherwise"

Her words rung in his mind and he wiped his tears. It was hard for him to lose a friend like her. He understood her difficulties and supported her in every way possible.

"She wanted to meet you but didn't have a chance. All the time she was with me, she cried for leaving you. She was guilty and concerned about how you were living. She cheered for all your performances, slept admiring your picture at night, and always prayed for your happiness. She loved you so much, Mr. Kim. And that made me engrave her name like this.", he revealed and Taehyung crashed onto the ground, completely shattered.

"What happened to her?", Jin asked.

 "Can you guys leave me alone for some time?", Taehyung interjected in his broken voice and the three men nodded, walking away slowly, giving one last glance to his dejected figure. 

He laid his head on her grave and let out his tears, flowing down continuously like a broken stream. He came to see her and before he could satiate himself with her smile, he already lost her. He was not ready to take in the reality but he needs to accept it. Though he is grief-struck, he has no other option.

He remembered how their journey started with the stupid bickering and teasing, how her eyes attracted all his senses, how she drew him effortlessly into love, how she played the acoustic version of their songs, how nervous she was around him, how he loved the long evening walks with her, her habit of getting lost, everything, just everything swirled in his mind making him sob in impeccable anguish.

"I never know you would leave me by the time I come for you. Why is it paining so much, Nazeera? Why did you go away so early?", he mewled in the misery of the loss of his love, his dear munchkin.

"I wish I could pamper you like I did back then. I wish I could tease you and see you blushing all red. I wish I could touch you and enjoy seeing the effect I have on you. I wish I could do everything I did back then but you aren't there here, Nazeera. You didn't stay. You left me too", he wept on her grave.

Little did he know, neither a thousand words nor a thousand years could get her back to life. She is gone but didn't forget to leave her footprints in his heart. No matter how much he tries, he knows he can never get over the grief of losing her.

"I miss the way you look at me with love, my dear. I miss you so much that I feel like giving up now. Can I?", he asked and let out a faint smile.

"I know you would not like that. But you didn't leave anything for me to hold on, love. I am scared to live with the despair filled in my heart all my life.", he caressed her grave gently with his long fingers and closed his eyes.

I will not stop loving you, Nazeera. You have taken my heart away and it's beyond my reach now. Please keep it with you and I will have your heart with me. I will love you till the end of my last breath and I promise to love you even after reaching you. I know it's hard but still, I am ready to go through anything for you, even the tormenting grief. You have my soul, love. You will forever be my only lady and remember, I love you so much, my love, my Nazeera

• • •

"Hyung, did you meet noona? How is she? Is V hyung okay? Did she ask about me?", Jungkook was flooding with questions as Jimin finally answered his call. He tried to call Jin but Jin didn't answer at all. 

"Jungkook ah, we will talk to you later about this, okay?", Jimin replied, his heart aching to wither away the excitement of the younger one.

"Hyung, is everything alright? Where are you? My work is done. Can I join you guys?", he asked and a tear escaped Jimin's orbs. He didn't want to break down but he can't control them anymore.

"Hyung, tell me. Where are you? Text me your address, I will be there. She will be happier to see me than you and don't be jealous that I am cuter than you. Text me the address or I will ask Jin hyung", Jungkook was just blabbering and Jimin covered his mouth to cover the sniffs.

"Nazeera is no more, Jungkook ah. We will talk later", he revealed and the other side went silent.

"Don't joke hyung. This is a very bad one. Where is noona?", the maknae asked in a very serious tone and Jimin let out sobs.

"She is no more Jungkook ah. She died", Jimin uttered and he couldn't hear anything on the other side.

"Jungkook ah? Jungkook ah?", Jimin called him but he didn't answer. After a few seconds, the line was cut.

"We will talk to him once we reach the hotel. It's not easy for any of us to take in the information", Jin held Jimin's shoulder and consoled him. 

They pulled out on seeing Taehyung walking out of the cemetery and rushed to him. He didn't speak anything. He just walked to the car and opened the front door to get seated. Faiz looked at Jin and Jimin, and then the three got into the car.

"We will go to our house, and before that, I need to pick up someone.", Faiz informed and Jin agreed.

The whole drive, Taehyung was silent, though his two brothers knew his silence was louder than the loudest sobs. The lost man's fists were white and his blood turned cold, wondering if anything ever happens right to the people he loves the most. He didn't know it was so easy for someone to disappear from the world with death. 

What if they don't want to die?

Should fate be so merciless?

Faiz halted the car and Jin looked at him. He walked out and gestured the three to step out as well. Though the three weren't in a mood to do anything else but weep, they still stepped out, out of courtesy.

Faiz was searching the whole place and stopped, his lips turning into a hearty grin as he began waving in a direction. The three looked at the little girl waving her hand as she started running towards Faiz with a wide smile.

Taehyung looked at Jimin and then at Jin, carefully examining the little one as she paced towards them. As soon as she reached Faiz, he held her and lifted her air, swirling around for once and then, dropped her on the ground.

He held the little girl's hand and walked towards the three men who were still in a daze. The girl was quick enough to take a look at the three men and her eyes widened. 

"Uncle, This is dream. This is sleep", she mouthed and he chuckled at that. 

"They are here for real. This is not a dream", he told her and she covered her mouth in shock. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe her favorite BTS is in front of her.

Taehyung looked at her and walked to her. The dark eyes, the straight nose, and the tiny lips. She resembles her. Anyone could tell that, even Jimin and Jin. 

Faiz ushered her to the trio and she looked at the three dumbfounded figures in front of her. They were having consecutive shocks and it was hard to process everything. This day dropped a massive number of bombshells in their lives.

"Uncle, He come?", the little figure beamed in joy on seeing Taehyung so close. She gestured to Taehyung to bend down her height and he did. She traced her fingers on his face and her eyes widened. She was happy that he is real and it's not a dream. She clapped in glee and looked at her uncle.

"Dad come. This is no dream", she mouthed and Taehyung looked at Faiz for an answer, utterly dumbfounded.

"I forgot to take the contraception pill that day in all the mess. I will not abort this child, Faiz. The baby is a symbol of our love", Nazeera cried holding her stomach.

"Baba will kill me if he gets to know. He will ask to abort the child. I don't want that Faiz, please", she begged him and he hugged her.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't be scared. Let's tell them that it is our baby. He wouldn't ask you to abort the baby then", Faiz consoled her and she nodded. Her mind was frantically messed upon knowing that she is pregnant. She knew who the father is but her problem is her father.

"Faiz, will you be okay? I know I am just a pain in your neck since the day of our marriage. I am so sorry for being such a burden", she felt guilty but he shook his head in negation.

"Nazeera, it was not our fault that our marriage is forced. I can understand. But right now, you should take care of yourself. You have a baby inside you and must be very careful from now on. If you take stress, it might harm the baby", Faiz reminded her and she nodded.

They told their parents that it was their child and moved to another house, which is situated far from their parents'. Faiz promised to take care of the child and treated Nazeera with extreme delicacy. He bought her all the necessities, accompanied her to the hospital, and even helped her with the morning sickness.

Nazeera felt sorry as well as grateful for him. She didn't know what would have happened to her and the baby had Faiz not been adhering to their needs. She was happy, at least her sick-minded father got her an understanding guy. 

Time flew by and it was the time when they were waiting for the gender of the baby to be revealed and they both jumped in joy on knowing it's a baby girl.

"We will get a little version of Taehyung and Nazeera. We will have a celebrity baby in our house", Faiz cooed in delight.

"Taehyung wanted to name his first daughter as Taeha", she informed and he liked the name.

"Taeha, it is"

Faiz shopped all kinds of baby stuff and Nazeera had to scold him for a whole day for spending too much, even before the baby is born. But it didn't stop him, though. He tolerated her moods wings, prepared ice creams at midnight to satisfy his best friend's cravings.

It was during the middle of the second trimester, the doctor had revealed a piece of sad news unexpectedly.

"I am sorry to say this but her body is not strong enough to deliver a baby. She needs more care and more strength to deliver the baby. I am scared if we might lose the mother as well as the baby or we could only save one", she revealed and their faces dropped.

"We can avoid it with surgical abortion at the moment. You can plan babies in future without the risk of lives", the doctor further stated and Nazeera shook her head in negation.

"Could we save the baby? I would do anything to save the baby", she asked and Faiz held her hand, shaking his head.

"We can save either one of them with a higher probability. Saving both has a very less chance", the doctor informed and Nazeera nodded.

"Think about it carefully", the doctor mouthed ad the two of them walked out of her cabin.

"Are you stupid? You will lose your life. I am not going to let you do that", Faiz declared.

"I want the baby to be alive", she replied and he shook his head.

"Nazeera, you can't do that. Think about yourself. I will talk to the doctor about surgical abortion", he muttered and she stepped back.

"This is my baby Faiz and my life, you can't tell me what to do in this. I will do this. I want my baby to live", she declared in an angry tone and walked away from him. He sighed looking at her retreating figure and realized he doesn't have the right over her baby. 

It was until evening that they shared silent stares and avoided each other but Nazeera is not the kid to stay mad at someone for too long.

"I am sorry for yelling at you. You did so much for me and I was so mean to you", she apologized and he smiled.

"It's okay. What you said was true though", he smiled faintly and she felt sad for being rude.

"I am so sorry, Faiz. I was just angry at that moment. I was so brainless", she pouted and he smiled, ruffling her hair.

"Are you serious about that? Do you really want to sacrifice your life for her?", he asked and she nodded, smiling genuinely. She is sure about her decision. That life inside her stomach is not just hers, it's theirs. She would do anything to save her child.

"I am, but you have to promise me one thing", she asked and he looked at her to continue.

"When Taeha comes out of my womb, if anything happens to me, you should not blame her for that. You should take care of her and make her a strong girl. I believe you, Faiz but I want you to promise", she asked and he nodded.

"I am her Godfather, don't you know? Why would I blame her? I would never do that. I will grow her like my own child, play with her, feed her milk, buy chocolates, take her to school, and will even narrate stories before tucking her to bed", he mouthed and Nazeera's eyes filled with tears. She immediately hugged him and he brushed her hair.

"Don't cry, Nazeera. I already feel sorry for not being able to save you. I will not back off from taking care of you dear child.", he mumbled and she nodded.

"If there is any slightest chance, please take her to her father. Taehyung loves children and I don't think he will ignore her", she spoke as they pulled out of the hug and he nodded.

"Don't worry, I will tell her who her father is and will try to take her to her father once she grows up", he assured her and she felt overwhelmed. She didn't know how to pay him back for all that he has done to her and all that he is ready to do for her baby. 

"Does that mean you will leave me for real?", he asked with tears in his eyes and she just smiled.

He remembered her last words while being taken inside the operation room on the stretcher. Despite experiencing the painful contractions, she reminded the name of the baby to him and his promise of not hating the baby if in case, she dies. Tears escaped his eyes and Taehyung was thunderstruck at the revelation. He looked at his daughter and she was just smiling, oblivious to their conversation that was spoken in English. She was busy admiring Taehyung's bracelets and Jin's RJ phone case.

Taehyung dropped onto his knees and looked at her daughter, the small amount of time insufficient to admire how pretty she was. Holding her hands carefully, he placed his head on them, letting out tears of sorrow, happiness, and every feeling that is haunting his soul. He is heartbroken at the story of his love sacrificing her life for their daughter and happy for being able to see his daughter.

"Dad is sad", she mouthed looking at Faiz and he smiled.

Jin was sobbing holding Jimin and Jimin was doing the same. It was too much to handle in one single day. On hearing Nazeera's story, they couldn't stand still anymore. It was so heart-wrenching, so overwhelming.

"Dad smile, no crying please?", the girl spoke in a soft voice and Taehyung pulled her into a tiny hug.

"Dad no crying okay?", he spoke, between light sobs and she smiled. He smiled looking at her and held her close to his heart. He can't believe he is a father. He can't believe she is their child, the memory of their love.

She did leave something to hold on

• • •

"Do you like chocolates?", Jimin asked pulling her from Jin's lap for the seventh time till now. Jin and Jimin were fighting to have the girl in their hold and Taehyung just gave up, trying to convince them. They came back to Faiz's house now. All the time in the car, Taeha didn't leave her father, speaking all things that happened in her school. He listened to her every word and adored the little figure with all his heart. 

"How does she know I am her dad?", Taehyung asked Faiz and the latter smiled.

"I want Taeha to live in truth. For the first time, when she asked about her parents, I told her about Nazeera not being alive. She was just three then. She asked if Nazeera would come back after some time but I revealed that she was staying in a better place and would never be back. When she asked about dad, I showed your picture to her. She couldn't recognize you at first but as days passed by she kept watching your photo every day and from then, she could tell from any picture, that it was you who is her dad. She watched all of your music videos and even dances to them", he revealed and Taehyung smiled, looking at the sweet little figure in front of him.

"She is a brave girl who understands things fast. She accepted the fact that her mother would never come back and was ready to wait for you. She is stubborn about chocolates and toys but could never see someone being sad. Just like Nazeera. She is a scaredy cat too. Talk about ghost, she would cry for the next whole hour", he chuckled and Taehyung nodded, mentally noting down not to talk about ghosts anytime.

"Jessica is my wife and we took care of her till now. She was born premature and had complications at first. Jessica was her nurse and she helped me taking care of her. And we fell in love later", Faiz was slightly flustered and Jessica got the milk for the girl who is bragging about the Unicorn toys in her room to Jin and Jimin.

"What about Nazeera's parents?", Taehyung enquired.

"Her father got to know about it after her death and was angry at me. He as well as my parents didn't like me supporting Taeha, so I cut all my ties with them. Don't worry, it was better without them", Faiz mouthed, looking at his wife and Taeha.

"I don't know how to ask this but I want to take Taeha with me. I know you have taken care of her since her birth and it's absurd to take her away from you. But I want to take her responsibility from now on", Taehyung sputtered and Jimin and Jin averted their eyes to them, on listening to his words.

"Taeha is your child and I have expected this day to come but didn't know it would be so soon. You have already missed many things in her life, her first words, her crawling, her first day to school, a lot many. I can't take away the child from her father. You have every right over her, Mr. Kim. You don't need to ask about that", Faiz enounced and Taehyung smiled sincerely. Faiz was one of the most humble persons he has ever met.

"In return, I would like to ask just one thing", he voiced out and Taehyung nodded

"Can we both come once in a while and see her? We will miss her so much and I don't think I can control myself from visiting her", he asked looking at his adorable girl endearingly.

"You have every right to visit her, Faiz. You are the reason she has grown up so healthy and amazing. You don't need to ask or hesitate a bit to come and see her. You are her Godfather, after all", Taehyung got up and bowed to him. Faiz shook his head and pulled him for a hug.

"I have something else to give you too. Give me a moment", Faiz spoke and walked to his room. 

"Will Taeha come with her dad?", Taehyung bent down to his daughter's height and she nodded vigorously.

"Uncle, Jessica?", she asked and he looked at Jessica. Taehyung knew it would be hard for Taeha to leave Faiz and Jessica but didn't want to keep his daughter away from him anymore. Call him selfish, he doesn't care. He lost his love, he doesn't want to lose his daughter.

"They will come once in a while and see you", he spoke and she frowned.

"I want Uncle, Jessica", she pouted and he pulled her up, to carry her in his arms.

"I am so sorry, sweetheart. I live far from here and Uncle, Jessica can't come every day. But I promise, they will come once in a while", he tried to convince her and she thought for a moment.

"Pinky Promise?", she asked showing her little finger and Taehyung entwined his finger, smiling wide.

"Pinky Promise", he spoke, brushing his nose against the little girl's as the little one burst into giggles. He promised himself to treat her like a princess and shower him with all the love.

"Nazeera didn't leave you alone after all", Jimin got up, caressing the soft hairs of Taeha and the little girl let out soft giggles. 

"Taeha, you should be a good girl with dad, okay?", Jessica spoke and she nodded her head with a tiny smile, making the men in the room grin ear to ear at her cuteness. She is officially the first baby of Bangtan now and there is no need to mention how she will be taken care of, from now.

"Please take care of her well", she mouthed to Taehyung and he nodded.

"I will", he professed.

"She left this. I guess it would be better if it's with you than us", Faiz walked to then and forwarded a small box to Taehyung. 

"When will you leave for Korea?", he asked glancing at Taeha.

"Our flight is tomorrow in the evening. I know this is sudden but we have events scheduled in Seoul and we never expected this", Taehyung scratched his neck and Faiz waved his hands assuring that it will be okay.

"We will leave now and come tomorrow to take her, then", Jin got up and Taehyung looked at him with pleading eyes. He wanted to spend some more time with her.

"Taehyung ah, we have a lot of explanation to do to our members. And she will be with you always from tomorrow, spend all the time you want with her from tomorrow. But now, we need to go. Jungkook is worried like hell", Jimin explained and Taehyung nodded hesitatingly.

"Dad will come tomorrow, okay?", he dropped his little angel onto the ground and kissed her forehead. She smiled and nodded, like an obedient child.

"Bye", she waved her hand and he petted her head.

"We will prepare her by tomorrow and pack her things", Faiz mouthed, with a faint smile and the trio nodded. Though he agreed to send her with her dad, it was disheartening for him to leave a daughter-like being. He grew her and it was an arduous task to let go of his little girl.

Taehyung hugged Faiz and walked outside, not before taking a glance at his daughter. They wore their masks and caps and walked to their car. 

"Are you okay?", Jimin asked him and Taehyung nodded, faintly.

"At least I have someone to cherish now. She left me something to hold on to for life. I can never get over her loss but I don't want that to affect me while caring for my daughter. I want to be a responsible father. I want to treasure her and maybe, in that way, Nazeera's soul could rest in peace", he clutched the box in his hand.

"You will be a responsible dad, Taehyung ah. All of us will support you, she is the first in her generation after all. Everyone will take care of her with so much love, don't worry", Jin spoke, his hands on the steering wheel.

Taehyung smiled, closing his eyes, the love of his life flashing in his mind.

She was beautiful, one in a billion, not just by looks but more for her thoughts. If words could describe how much she means to me, I would have been the happiest man alive. But no, they could never be enough forcing me to satisfy the emotions in my heart. Her touch, her smile, her presence, and her soul, every single thing of hers entangled me into the black hole of love, so smoothly with warm elegance.

 I had one wish and that is to stay by your side for eternity. Love, death can't separate us. I will live with the love you left behind. I will wait for you, even if you appear a shadow or a dream. I will just keep loving you till the day I meet you again.

He opened the box and looked at the piece of jewelry inside. A smile crept over his face and he took a sigh in her remembrance.

Clutching onto his love's Pearl Green bracelet, he smiled looking at the road ahead, a path filled with a new responsibility. He is ready to face the life now for he could fight any hurdle to cosset their daughter.


Author's Note;

Firstly, I'd like to thank all my readers for showing their support and love towards this book. This was written in my early days of writing and I wasn't really satisfied with the writing style but I continued it since this one is very close to my heart. I really cried while writing this epilogue back then and while editing now. I can't beleive this is ending

There are many people whom I'd like to thank for supporting me since the beginning. Without you, this wouldn't have come this far. Thank you so much!!

Also, I know many people didn't like it that o didn't give a happy ending. But I think this is a rational ending since the conservative families I knew never really stayed quiet in such matters and there are instances where things turned worse. This is a fiction and anything could be possible but I want to show how far things could get at times, taking examples from real life examples in my place. And once again, it doesn't apply to everyone, just to the people I knew and observed.

I will try to write an alternate ending soon but then, that will not be applied for the rest of the rainbow series. Thank you for understanding!!

Finally this has come to an end

I will miss y'all and your comments

Jimin laughing at your emotional ass

Jungkook pouting that he still didn't get a girl

Jin mad at the above three for sneaking out again

The rap line watching the choas while preparing the lyrics for their next diss track

Finally I bless you with the beautiful pic of taehyung representing the dad's society for international peace

Bye now

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