Just Henry

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The screen changed; it still showed Joey's corpse.
It changes from night to early evening, to daylight.

Jackson then came on screen.
Jackson: Wow, you're here before us-"
Jackson then started puking.
Jackson: He leaves, presumably to puke.

Henry then came on screen. He looked sad.
Henry: This was hard for me to do to change him."
Henry: But everything will be worth it, now to tie up some loose ends."
Kat didn't understand, but then a text box appeared on the corner of the screen.
//Delete Joey. Chr
\\Deleted successfully
// Delete Jackson.Chr
\\ Deleted successfully
Henry: Good, now they're gone, It's going to be ok Kat, I promise.

Kat was confused, then she started feeling weak, and she heard static. Then darkness.

Kat then woke up, she felt.....calm and she looked around, she was in some lounge area? It looked hastily put together, a couple of windows, but they didn't show an outside area. It just showed a light. She was confused and scratched her head; then she felt something......ears, furry ears.
She then looked at her clothes; it was a school uniform; the colors were like the character she played in......the game.

She turned around and saw. Henry is sitting on a white couch.
"Hey, Kat," He said. Kat never heard his voice; it was calm and soft. "Take a seat," he said looking at his hands.
Kat walked over and sat on the couch. She was confused.
"You ever think about the world you live in, the way things are outside of what you see every day," Henry said, twidling his hands.
"Sometimes," Kat said, still confused.
"Well, I started doing that when I first saw you; it's like my world was broken, where I realized all I was, was nothing." Henry said. He looked like he was about to cry.
"Henry, I need to say, something is incredibly wrong here." Kat said, trying to explain what's happening.
"Yeah, I mean I'm just a personality created to make one of my brothers fall in love with you" Henry calmly said leaning back an the couch.
Kat's eyes widened.
Henry looked at her and showed shock.
"Wait? you know I'm aware I'm in a game, right?" Henry said, and Kat shook her head no.
"Guess that explains some things," Henry laughed.
Henry sighed.
"Henry? Are you ok?" Kat asked, worriedly.
"Want to learn what my purpose is?" Henry asked. Kat nodded.
"My only purpose is to help one of my brothers fall in love, but what about me?" Henry had faint tears in his eyes.
"Can I ask you something?" Kat asked. She had remembered something Joey said before he stabbed himself.
"Joey said something about a master, what's that about?" Kat asked, and Henry suddenly looked scared.
"CRAP!" Henry shouted," I FORGOT ABOUT HIM. HE'S GOING TO BE SO MAD AT ME!"  Henry was scared.
"Henry, calm down," Kat tried to calm him down.
Henry took a deep breath. "Kat, I'm sorry, a supernatural being made me, The simulacra, he's my master I serve him, he keeps siblings and me safe, and we bring him young women and sometimes men, " Henry said calming down from his freak out.
"wow, you did a great job at keeping them safe." Kat said sarcastically.
"I know that!" Henry shouted," It's just when I saw you; I felt something, something I've never felt before." Henry said, getting a small blush.
"So, you messed with the game to keep me safe?" Kat asked him.
"Yeah, I did because master never made a way to capture someone for a Henry path" Henry explained," So if I messed with the game, I could change things, but thanks to master the only resolution I knew out of my script was violence, Jason hanging himself, Joey stabbing himself." Henry sighed," That was me protecting you from my master."
Kat was about to say something else when the world started shaking.
Henry breathed, and his breath showed.
"He's here," he shivered out. " I have to get you out of here," Henry said and.......kat blacked out again.
She woke up in her chair like she fell asleep at her keyboard.

Henry's pov
I took a deep breath. I got up from the couch.
"HENRY!" I heard a booming male voice behind me I jumped.

"YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!" he boomed. "LOOK OUTSIDE; THE WORLD IS BROKEN AND. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" He shouted at me. I knew he would be angry. I broke one of his inventions.

"I know master, and I'm sorry, " I said, looking at the floor in shame.
"SORRY WON'T CUT IT THIS TIME, " then a text box appeared in front of him.
\\Delete Henry.CHR
As I read those words, my virtual heart dropped.
I started crying.
"Master, I-I'm sorry, please don't delete me!" I pleaded; he just looked at me, disappointed.
"Please! I-I'll do a-anything you need me too, but please!!" I cried out, hoping he would show some mercy or sympathy to me.
He hit enter, and I felt seeing pain all over my body.
It felt like every part of my body was slowly being burnt off with Lava.
Everything started fading, but I only remembered the song I wrote.

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