The attack pt 3

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Third person POV

PENI and SP//dr tried working on ways to stop Hydro man but had to distract him long enough to make a plan only problem was if they attack SP//dr could short circuit so they had to attack from a distance.

Easier said than done.

Anytime they threw a attack Hydro man threw a wave of water at them until they were hit from blasts from both of Hydro mans hands. Y/N was watching this and knew he had to do something but WHAT? He looked around and saw a advertisement for a soda and saw the giant bottle and got a idea. It was a long shot but just might work! As Hydro man flooded the  SP//dr armor and PENI with it a voice called out " HEY big, mean and wet UP HERE"!

Hydro man turned and saw Y/N up on The averting billboard ( how do you think you got up there?) Hydro man charged at Y/N as PENI tried to wake up SP//dr as she thought to herself "WHAT'S HE DOING" until she saw where he was and realized what he was doing.

"Oh I hope this works" Y/N thought to himself as Hydro man charged at him. Y/N jumped to the lid of the display soda and prayed the robotic spider will come soon. In a split second Hydro man threw one of his watery fists at Y/N but his plan was working but he was drowning. Then like a miracle SP//dr appeared and shoved Hydro man in, saved Y/N and sealed the lid.

"Hey, you ok" PENI said as Y/N slowly snapped out of the impact of the water. "Ya ya ya I'm (coughs up water) fine. Thank you"!

PENI/ SP//dr: No problem now let's get you home!

Time skip.

Y/N just finished drying off in the bathroom. On his way down the hall he bumped into a girl.

Both just started at each other until Y/N broke the silence.

Y/N: Uuuuuuu hi?


Y/N noticed that she was so soaked that one would think she fell in the ocean.

Y/N: What happened?

PENI: Oh I I I I just took a ........ SHOWER!

Y/N: In your clothes???

PENI: Yes?

Y/N: Ok I'm not one to judge ones habits.

Y/N left the hall as PENI signed in relief. "That was close".

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