8/10/17 (Nighttime)

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 Dear Diary,

I don't know what to do anymore... I'm conflicted between leaving this letter somewhere he'll find it and not sending it at all...

I kept it short and simple, of course, but my heart aches. I wish I could've said more. I doubt I said enough in the first place, but I'm very conflicted with myself. Am I going to come off as a creepy stalker?

But then I think of him... And how gorgeous he is... And how adorable he acts... And how his smile can always make me smile...

I must send it. Let me copy down what it says.

"Dear Anthony,

You don't know me, but I know you. I just wanted to tell you that I'm always here for you, to keep you safe.


I think I'm going to slip it under his front door. Of course, I'll be wearing a hoodie and keeping my face hidden, but it'll be worth it. Maybe he'll even contact me back in some way?

I'm hopeless.


Tobilyn J. 

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