8/11/17 (Nighttime)

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Dear Diary,

Gosh, that was close!! Jasmine and Anthony almost caught me... I must be more careful next time.

He can't know who I am.

I want him to know who I am, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to compete with Jasmine. I don't want my feelings to slip out. I can't mess this up.

I'll just have to be more careful next time. See, I'd slipped it under his door, but it's as if he and Jasmine were waiting for it. They opened the door almost immediately after, leaving me to dive into the bushes and then bolt when they weren't looking.

Good thing my party was a "causal clothes only" party.

The party I was invited to was amazingly fun and the most fun I've done in a while. It was an all-girls thing and it was absolutely amazing.

I had slipped the note under Anthony's door again. See, I don't want to be trespassing and technically the front door is on his property, but it's also a public thing, whereas a side window or back door would be kinda private, you know?

I hope he doesn't post the note online. It was a tad bit deeper and more affectionate. I hope he respects my wishes.

Gosh, I can't express how much I love him.


Tobilyn J. 

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