Chapter 11

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AN: Heeeey :) Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I don't really have an excuse but it's here now :)

Chapter 11

"So there's a campus comp this weekend and I signed us up!" Scott announces.
The other members of the group turn to look at him, with looks of complete shock on their faces.
Kirstie stands up, "You what?!"
"I signe..."
"We don't even have a name!" Mitch says with wide eyes.
"I came up with someth..."
"Who cares about a name we are nowhere near ready!" Avi sighs, flopping back in his seat.
"No guys, this is gonna be fine, we've practiced and we're good enough for a first go, none of the teams are going to have a performance that's a 1000 per cent ready by this weekend."
"They all will Scott, they've been practicing a hell of a lot longer than we have!" Kirstie argues.
"We will practice our hearts out all week if we have to, Pentatonix will be ready."
"We do have class... but that name sure is something special."
"Thank you Kevin, see our newest member has faith in us," Scott smiles.
"Oh no, we're going to tank, we're not ready. Good name, but we're not ready."
"Well do you guys want the good news or the bad news then?"
Kirstie rolls her eyes, "It's the same news isn't it?"
Scott nods with a cheerful, "Yep. Once you're signed up you can't drop out."
A collective of four groans and sighing fills the room.


"So it's two days until the competition and this is the first time we've all met up since I told about it," Scott glances across the four people squished onto one couch. "I feel like you've all been avoiding me."
Avi Kevin, Kirstie and Mitch all shake their heads. Kirstie slips forward on the couch slightly, giving Mitch and Avi, that were either side of her, a little more room.
"We've all been busy, we have classes too Scott," she sighs. "We're not going to be ready, not unless we just had Kevin and Avi add onto Telephone, but..."
Scott claps once, a huge smile spreading across his face, "Kirstie that is the most genius idea ever!"
"It could work," Mitch shrugs nonchalantly. "Have you guys seen our cover of Telephone?" he turns to Kevin who was on the other side of him.
"Heck yeah, it was really good, Avi watched it soooo many times," Kevin laughs.
Avi leans around Kirstie and Mitch to point at Kevin, "Shut up... just now," he zips across his lips as Kevin bursts out laughing.
"What's so funny?" Kirstie asks with a slight frown.
"Oh nothing," Kevin says in a sing song voice with a knowing smirk plastered on his face.

Avi and Kevin are walking across the quad on their way back to their dorm room.
"He..." Kevin starts but Avi cuts him off.
"I said don't talk to me."
"And I said not a chance. It was an accident Avi, you can't be mad at me forever."
"Yes I can."
"Well you try that then. Not that you have anything to worry about because Kirstie didn't hear me okay,"
Avi stops, his eyes wide, "This is not about Kirstie!"
Kevin laughs, turning around to face his best friend, "Yes it is, that's why you told me to shut up, it's also why you went bizarro at my joke that only you heard, so really man you just looked full crazy."
"I don't like Kirstie."
"And I never said you did, but you said that just now, about not liking her, how do you know that I wasn't just teasing you because you hate her? It's because you do in fact like her," Kevin smirks and folds his arms across his chest.
"I don't!"
"Yes you do, and if you admit it now I won't ever make any more jokes when she is around."
"Or Scott and Mitch," Avi points at him, a serious look on his face.
"That's all I needed to hear!" he breaks into a grin and turns around to start walking again.
"But I didn't say it!"
"No you more than said it," he laughs aver his shoulder.


"You've got to be kidding me!" Scott shouts through cupped hands, across the carpark at Kevin and Avi.
Avi and Kevin spin around to face the band-mate.
"What's wrong?" Kevin asks as Scott, and his two passengers, Kirstie and Mitch reach them.
"How is that all five of us ended up in different colours," he sighs, face palming himself.
"We were supposed to match," Kirstie adds with a pout.
Avi and Kevin exchange looks before they turn back to the Trio.
Avi hesitantly talks, "We're all wearing blue, just like Scott told us to."
"Can you not see this," Mitch pinches at the fabric of his t-shirt, and the sleeve of Scott's, nodding towards Avi and Kevin, "Five different shades of blue," he almost hisses.
"Ohhhh," Avi and Kevin say together.
"Let's just go, Scott sighs, and starts moving towards the venue again, Kirstie and Mitch follow him closely.
Kevin lightly hits Avi in the stomach then gives him a 'what the hell' look.
Avi shrugs, extremely gesturing with his hands, the two them having a silent conversation without really saying anything, just confusion to add to what was is already there until they get called over or yelled at by Kirstie to get moving.

An hour and a half later.

"HE'S SO GOD DAMN SMUG!! I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM!!" Kirstie screams as they leave the venue.
The boys all hover near her, but not close enough to get hit if she decides that yelling isn't enough. They follow her across the carpark, keeping their distance and listening to her rant.
"I TOLD YOU WE WEREN'T READY!!!" she spins around storming back towards Scott.
Avi, Kevin and Mitch practically dive out of the way. Scott's eyes widen and he holds his hands up in surrender, quickly stepping backwards
"It's not that we weren't ready..." Scott rushes.
"SHUT UP! We are never, ever going to talk about this again. You hear me," she points up at him, then round at the other three, "No one speaks a word of it ever again."

A/N: Am I cruel? Because just saying but it might be a while before you guys find out happened in that performance muwhahaha >:D

Also not sure if you guys know that my new story is up now too, and I try to update every Tuesday. It's Kavi, so if you ship that check out 'Our Little Secret' :)

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