Chapter 33

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A/N: So this one was pretty fun to write for me, and I don't know why lol :)

Chapter 33

5:49 pm
2 hours and 11 minutes remaining.

Esther had decided to take the group out for a meal before the show, so she could get to know her brothers new friends, and maybe calm them down a little because all five of them were starting to show some major nerves.
     Kevin wasn't really talking to Esther, which was not because of the nerves, but she thought it was. Scott kept going to bite his nails, Kirstie was scratching her arms, Mitch kept rubbing his face and Avi was constantly playing with the top of his pants loops, button and zip for anyone watching on it just looked odd. Kevin was maybe sweating a bit too much, but weren't they all.
     Scott, with a strain pulls his hand away from his mouth to speak, "I'm not looking forward to pulling on those long sleeves, I mean I've already got pants on but chancing them is still gonna be hot," he starts fanning himself with the menu.
     Esther whacks her brothers hands before she speaks up, "You could sit in front of the air con in your room until you cool down enough to put the shirt on?" she suggests, then has to hit Avi's hands away again. "Oi, stop that, don't you know what it looks like out the corner of my eye, it would only look worse across the room," she tells her brother in a hushed tone.
      Avi's face goes bright red and he sits up straighter in his seat and clasps his hands together and sets them on the table, watching them closely.
     "That's an alright idea, I mean it's the thought now," Scott tells her.
      "No I understand, but you guys are just nervous, but I'm sure you'll do fine," she offers the group a reassuring smile then turns to Darrien to get him to say something too.
      "I haven't seen you guys perform yet, but I've heard great things, so I really can't wait, I'm sure you'll ace it too. And if you don't win it's not the end of the world right?"
      "No it's not," Mitch comments, "We've had fun, as great as winning is, we've had fun," he nods once, then running his hand down his face he looks back to the menu.
     "I'm not even hungry," Kirstie says with a sigh, placing the menu down in front of her, then slowly traces her hands up and down her arms before one hand starts scratching and leaves red streaks on her skin.
      "Careful Kirst, you're gonna break the skin," Avi tells her calmly and reaches to take her hand in his to stop her scratching.
       "Aw," Esther smiles, "Now that's two bird one stone, you stop her from scratching and in turn she stops you from playing with yourself."
      Avi's face immediately turns red again, and he lets go of Kirstie's hands, then whispers at his sister through clenched teeth, "I am not playing with myself."
       "You know I might go to the bathroom," Kevin says suddenly, standing up.
       Avi stands up too, "I'll go with you. Oh and Es, if the waiter comes, you know what I want."
      Esther clicks  her fingers as they start to walk away, "Got it, Vegetarian," she smirks.
      He spins around practically sprinting back to the table, "Don't you even dare," he then turns to Kirstie, "You know what I want," he nods at her with a quick smile.
       "Oh she does, does she?" Scott bites his tongue and raises his eyebrows twice quickly.
       "Shut up Scott, he's talking about the barbeque ribs."
        "Oh right, yeah, yeah of course he is," Scott nods, trying his best not to laugh as he stares back down at his own menu.
        "Do you guys mind if I just play vulture? Cause I don't want a full meal but if I don't eat anything I run the risk of getting sick-hungry on stage and that's worse," she frowns as she looks over the menu once more then up at Scott and Mitch.
        "Sure honey, I'll share," Mitch smiles.
       Scott nods, "Me too, I'm sure Kev and Avi will too."
     "Oh no," Esther shakes her head quickly, "My brother doesn't share food, he's the nicest guy you'll meet and he'll share anything, but not food," she chuckles.
     "I bet he'll share with Kirstie," Scott shrugs.
     "Shut up," Kirstie lightly shoves Scott's shoulder as she starts to turn a shade of red.
     "Oh... I see, while that may be the case I still think I know my brother well enough that I'm willing to put money on it. Because have you ever seen him with barbeque?" she raises an eyebrow.
      Kirstie, Scott and Mitch all shake their heads.
      Esther breaks into a smile, "So are you willing to bet on it?"
       "You know what... I am," Scott nods. "If Kirstie asks Avi for some of his food he'll say yes, it doesn't matter what it is," he states surely.
      "Barbeque is his favourite Scott," Kirstie tells him quietly.
      "Doesn't matter, I'm putting five bucks on it," he pulls out his wallet and then a five from it, right as the waiter walks up to the table.
     "Hey did Kev say what he wanted?" Mitch suddenly asks.

6:21 pm
1 hour and 39 minutes remaining.

With the meals ordered and Kevin and Avi back at the table, completely unaware of what was going on, it was quiet, the small talk had all but stopped, seriously confusing Kevin and Avi.
Kevin kept taking sips on his water, and Avi went back to absentmindedly playing with the top of his pants. The other three members started getting back into their habits too, scratching, biting and face rubbing.
     "You all need to stop now, the food's coming and so help me Avriel I will cut those hands off!"
     Avi quickly puts his hands up like he's surrendering and Scott and Mitch break in giggles.
      "No, you are not laughing at his name," Kirstie tells them, pointing a finger at them each in turn.
     "Oh no," Mitch shakes his head as his pasta dish gets placed in front of him.
      "Nope," Scott giggles as he receives his meal.
     Avi, Esther, Darrien and Kevin all receive their meals too. Everyone starts eating except Avi and Kevin who both sort of frown at each other across the table.
      "Aren't we waiting for Kirstie's?" Kevin asks.
      "Oh no, I didn't order anything," she tells them quickly.
      "Wait, what?" Avi asks, "Why not?"
      Kirstie shrugs, "I wasn't really that hungry." She reaches over to Scott's place and takes a hot chip as she talks. "Planning on playing a vulture," she chuckles.
     "Don't they go for leftovers though?" Kevin asks, "You'd be playing more a seagull?" he suggests.
      Avi slides his plate towards Kirstie, "Well you can have some of mine too."
      From beside him Esther starts coughing, slightly choking on what's in her mouth, swallowing it though and taking a mouthful of her drink as Darrien lightly pats her back. "Who are you," she wheezes out.
      "Kirstie doesn't have food, I'm being nice, but you still can't have any," he points at his sister.
      "Wow, you must really like her," Esther says, finally having caught her breath.
       Avi shrugs, "And so what if I do?"

A/N: Eeeeeeepppppppp! He admitted it, finally, finally!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO :D :D With two more chapters to go!!!

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