Chapter 2

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Brown pair of eyes stared at the blue seas with great interest, the twinkle in his eye could not be hidden as he walked on the creaking ship, approaching the ledge leisurely. A smirk played on his lips as his sight lands on a cruising ship.

"As expected." He muttered before a smile graced on his face. "They came rushing in."

He eyed the ship, watching at it with a mischievous look. It was a foreign ship called 'Blancé' from another kingdom, Firge. Back in the year XXX, 'Blancé' had been a war ship used to conquer other countries in order to collect resources. The first captain of the ship, the crown prince, led the assault and successfully captured the countries, turning Firge to what it was now. However, now that the conquest had ended because of the peace treaty, the ship was now famously known to transport the royal family from one kingdom to another. Even with the passing years, the ship was able uphold it's reputation and durability till the present time. Seeing how it headed towards the land near by, he already had plenty of ideas on what were on board.

His brown orbs sparkled.

Looks like he found a way to entertain himself for the day.

"Acacius, ride towards the port of Grengea." With a smile, he patted the ship cooly. "We're going to pay a certain ship a visit."


In the port of Grengea, the ship 'Blancé' had arrived. It's steely build and polished wood caught the eyes of those around, at the sight of it, many have gasped in amazement. Of course these were an average response, a lot of people had heard of it's story and had glorified it. Gaping at this war ship was something anyone would do.

However, they were amazed further when numerous of knights bearing the symbol of a raven on their armor, exited the ship in organized manner. They then lined up on the sides, facing each other with a salute then afterwards.

An attendant followed, his face bore no emotion as he announced. "His Royal Highness, Fang Bartram the Second Prince of Firge has arrived!"

Instantly, the people whispered amongst themselves, questioning why the young ruthless general had visited their land. Their whispers soon died out when a boy at the age of sixteen stepped out of the ship. The Red eyes stared at the people and immediately, they cowered. Although empty, his gaze released intimidation that even the knights were sweating under their armor.

Soon he looked away, causing the relief of many, to turn towards the attendant beside him. "Report."

"Your fiancée, Princess Y-"

His red eyes hardened as his voice grew cold. "Don't care." His gaze briefly turned to the ocean before returning to the attendant . "I'm asking about him."

A look of realization appeared on the attendant's face, he then coughed and said. "According to our troops, he had sunken another ship, this time it was Vel's 'Regaria'." He paused. "Until then, there has been no signs of him."

"...I see." His lip twitched slightly.

The attendant kept silent, he knew the prince was irritated once more by the mystery man. If he were to speak of something unnecessary, the prince would surely lash out his anger on him. His best choice? Just shut up.

On the other hand, the second prince, Fang Bartram, remained unfazed. That is, on the outside. Inside he was seeping with frustration, bubbles of rage grew in his chest as he remembered his longtime rival. His eyes flashed with an icy glare.

"One day, I'll drag you to prison."


Deafening silence echoed throughout the inn, the once lively atmosphere disappearing in just a flash. Everyone stared in dazed at the table piled up with their golden coins, their gaze then traveling to the boy beside it.

"Hmm? What's this? I win again? My, how surprising." The boy's mocking voice sounded, his brown eyes shimmering with mischief.

The man seated in front of him clenched his fists while his head hung low in shame. He, a gifted scholar of the king, had lost to a boy in his teens in just a matter of seconds. His thoughts ran wild, however, there was only one thought that stood out. Who was this boy?

Lifting his head, his blue eyes met with brown. A smile appeared on the boy's lips as his eyes blinked innocently.

"It was a good match."

Good match? You call that a match? It was one-sided slaughter! The people in the inn thought.

The mockery in this young one's tone was obvious, however the man let it be, instead he grasped the shoulders of the boy and began to ask. "Who are you? What kingdom are you from? Are you a noble?"

With the bursts of questions, the boy remained calm. "My name is Boboiboy Nenad, a son of a merchant. I'm from Aduris Empire in the east."

"...Aduris?" The man looked at the boy in disbelief. "You came from Aduris?"

Boboiboy nodded as an affirmation. This caused the man stagger back, a wide grin forming on his face. The man began to laugh, "Who would've thought! A real Adurian would appear right before my very eyes! A miracle!"

The people looked at Boboiboy from up to down, a complicated look showed on their faces. They had heard stories of the Aduris Empire, although few, it told them more than what they needed. The people of Aduris Empire were described as inhuman, not only because of their fighting prowess, but also because of their morals. In the past, the citizens of Aduris were incredibly bloodthirsty and sought to kill the kingdoms around them, which in the end, was a success. In about a hundred years, the whole eastern continent was taken over by the empire. This made the west fear them, in a desperation for peace, the kingdoms in the west offered Aduris' emperor jewels, brides, and even land. However, the emperor declined, and instead asked for the unbelievable. He wanted...

A son.

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