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tejo pov
the whole night i didn't sleep
anuj was not lifting his calls
and the woman who lifted the call said i was a wrong number and cut it
is anuj having an affair
no it can't be
anuj would never do that then who is that woman
as my suspicions were just rising
i got a call from anuj
anuj pov
i woke up with a bad hangover only to see almost a 100 missed calls from tejo
is she alright
i immediately called her
without wasting a second
*********phone conversation *************
anuj: tejo
is everything alright
why are you crying are the kids are fine
tejo: where were you
why didn't you lift my calls
anuj: i had a bad hangover
tejo: and who was that woman
anuj: woman?
which woman
tejo: she said i'm a wrong number
anuj: then you dialed a wrong number
tejo: no anuj
it was this number
anuj:  you can see me right
i'm still not up
see here do you find anyone on my bed?
here the bathroom
no tejo there is no one
if you want i will show you the whole house
tejo: i trust you anuj
it's just i had a weird feeling
anuj: you didn't sleep right
tejo: i ..
anuj: now stop imagining things and sleep tejo
you are really worried for nothing
there is no woman in my life other than you
tejo: i'm sorry
for a moment i thought
may be you found someone
i should stop watching tv
it really gives me doubts
anuj: now please sleep
i don't want you to get more tired
tejo: and you take rest
don't forget i will remember your drinking
you will have a lecture from me once i'm back
anuj: lecture ?
seriously tejo
you should have been a professor
with all the classes you are giving me
tejo: may be i was a professor
anuj: what did you say
tejo: nothing
i will sleep now
sorry for not trusting you
take care
***************end of phone conversation *****************
anuj pov
i only remembered that i danced
and fell on the ground
after that what happened
i should find out
as i was in my office recollecting yesterday's events
a guy approached me
fateh: hello sir
i'm fateh singh virk
khurana sir asked me to come here
anuj: yes
khurana is retiring
and i need someone trust worthy to protect my family and the business operations
so where did you work before
fateh: here sir
please check my resume
anuj: oh you were a national boxer
that's great
my shivaay also loves boxing
but he gets beaten up by his sister
fateh: just like my gauri
anuj: oh you have a kid
fateh: yes she is 5 years old
anuj: thats great
my shivaay is also 5 years old
and guddi she is 3
i guess our children will get along with each other
fateh: sure sir
when can i join
anuj: immediately
there is an outhouse in my property
you can stay there if you like
fateh : sure sir
thank you very much
anuj: thank you
fateh pov
i was about to ask him something but he suddenly got a video call
so i was hurriedly leaving the cabin
when i heard the voice
anuj: tejo
what happened
tejo: i miss you
anuj: pagli it's not been even 2 days
fateh pov
the voice shook me
was it really my tejo?
i wanted to check
but i couldn't do that
plus tejo is dead
without a second thought
i left the place
anupama pov
i was outside anujs cabin
i didn't want to come here
but after devikas pressure i reached here
only to see him working on something
devika : what are you doing here
we need to go inside
anupama: but he is busy
devika: not for you
so come in
anupama pov
we just barged into anujs cabin
devika: so how was your hangover mr dancer man
anuj: how did you know
devika: because it was me and anupama
who bought you home
actually i wanted to leave you on the dance floor
but anupama convinced me to get you to your house
anupama: stop it devika
anuj pov
it was just getting awkward
i tried to change the subject
anuj: regarding your business proposal
devika : please anuj think twice before you speak
anus husband just left her for a younger woman
and also she has 3 kids
you should feel how difficult it should be
i really hate men who fall for younger women
really they have no shame
and why are you making face like that
i know you have no family
nor kids
so you don't have any responsibilities
stop giving your loved one a hard time
and accept
anuj: what should i accept
loved one ??
devika pov
oh no what did i do
anu will not agree
i should change the topic
devika : i meant accept our business proposal
it's just money anyway
after all you have no one to take over after you
what will you do with all this
anuj: devika
you are my friend
but sometimes
please stay in your limits
anupama: devika we are here to talk business not criticize anuj or talk about his personal life
so please stop this
devika: fine
anuj pov
i thought everything will be alright
i will settle here
but after the conversation with devika
i don't want tejo and the kids to come here
i don't want their negativity to affect tejo
i will ask her not to come
as i went to my house
i was surprised to see it unlocked
and guddi walking out
guddi: papa ..
anuj: my guddi what are you doing here
anuj pov
i was so happy seeing guddi and shivaay in the house
gk: finally you have come home
is this the time to come
anuj: sorry gk i was busy with some work
but why are you guys here
gk: tejo bought us
after what all you did yesterday
she didn't think you could be trusted
tejo; chacha what are you saying
i trust him
it's just i missed you
that's why we came here
anuj: tejo coming here was a mistake
let's go back
tejo pov
i didn't know why anuj was saying this
but i remembered something in my mind
there was some conversation
and i blurted out the same
tejo; what
why are you changing decisions like this mr kapadia
i'm not a silly intern
i know what to do
anuj: tejo what did you say
mr kapadia??
author pov
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