Chapter 10

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"Harry, those few words I spoke back in '94 have become a cautionary tale for InGen. Life finds a way." Ian rolled his eyes.

Nearby, eight-year-old Kelly was diligently taking notes as thirteen-year-old Tim inspected the nest and used infra-red thermometers to monitor the eggs.

"Is that what you said to Monica when she told you she was pregnant?" Harry asked dryly, referring to Kelly's mother.

Ian just glared at him.

"It's not just that there are going to be more raptors walking around, what are the expectations of the wild raptors? You saw how they responded to their missing baby in '94. Will they be demanding the babies live with them?"

"Babies are mine." Came the computerised translation of Scar's declaration. "Part of our pack."

"I'm going to have to eat so many raptors." Harry sighed.

Around fifty days later and there were a lot of humans and two excited raptors. One of Scar's eggs was about to hatch.

"Did you know I was there when you hatched?" John asked the mother-to-be. "It was just as amazing as this."

"I was never that small." Despite the translation, everyone could hear the indignation in the barks and growls from Scar.

"Looks like she's making her exit." Sarah Harding was the new dinosaur medic. Her father was her predecessor back in '94. She was a red-headed woman with a kind face and the ability to snark Ian into silence.

Which was probably why Ian appeared to be falling in love.

The egg was shaking, rocking slightly.

"What do I do? What do I do?" Scar asked worriedly.

"Whatever you think you should." Harry patted her back.

Scar stepped forward and sniffed the egg, growling softly. "You're my baby. You can make it."

Ian discretely stepped back and turned off the translator. They didn't need this moment spoilt by a digitised voice.

"Harry, be sure nobody but Scar touches her first." John said quietly. "Not even Doctor Harding."

"Not to worry, Mister Hammond, I know my place." Sarah assured him.

Soon the sharp little beak broke through the egg and the little raptor made her debut.

Scar began peeling back the shell and snuffling her hatchling. "I made this." She declared with pride and emotion.

"And you made it very well." Harry assured her.

A few hours later a second egg began to hatch. Thirty minutes after that one of Jelly's started.

By the next day all of the eggs except one of Jelly's had hatched.

"Why won't it come out?" Jelly asked mournfully.

"Patience. Maybe it's not ready." Harry said softly.

"Harry, Jelly, everything I've read on dinosaur eggs in InGen's files says this one may not have survived." Sarah said softly.

She waited for Harry to translate, they weren't going to let a machine handle something this sensitive and personal.

"Are you positive?" Harry asked as Jelly let out a heart-wrenching moan.

"No. But... there is nothing I can do."

Harry was seventeen and he had a earned a lot of trust from people like John.

Which was why he sent a message to the man that he needed to get to London as soon as possible and was using a portkey.

Lex was never going to let him go alone and Sirius certainly had little trust in magical Britain.

And then there were his team mates. Mullins would kill him if he didn't take back up.

So the portkey flung the seven of them across the ocean to land in the portkey receiving area in the former Ministry of Magic, now the Ministry for Magical Affairs.

A quick phone call and MI5 knew he was in the country and on a mission. They also had the information he needed.

So a second portkey whisked them away to Dorset and the home of one Newton and Porpentina Scamander.

"The man's a bloody legend, Harry." Sirius grimaced as his godson banged on the door violently. "He's more than likely to curse the piss out of you for disturbing him like this."

The door opened and a tall, thin, elderly man glared down at Harry. "What?"

"I have an unhatched velociraptor egg. The mother is distraught and I need your expertise to see if the hatchling will survive or if we can do anything."

Scamander eyed the four men in black with poorly concealed pistols. "And if I refuse? You'll force me?"

"They are here to force me... from doing something stupid." Harry shrugged. "Look, I'm sorry for being abrupt but this is my friend's first hatching. I need your help."

Scamander leaned towards Harry and peered at him closely. "You seem familiar. Have you been in the papers?"

"Harry Potter. Accused of defeating Voldemort as a baby and being part of Jurassic World."

Scamander's eyebrows rose comically. "The dinosaurs? Why didn't you say?" He turned back to the open door. "Tina! Get my suitcase!"

'Tina' turned out to be Porpentina Scamander, Newt's wife.

She was neither pleased to be yelled at through the house nor to be dragged across the world.

But she loved her husband and was used to indulging him.

Which was why she was now sitting at a table on a tropical island surrounded by no-majs.

"No-Maj fashion seems to have a steady trend of using less and less fabric." She mused as she appraised the teen opposite her.

Lex, who was wearing a thin halter top and mini skirt just looked at the woman, completely unimpressed. "We don't have magic. How about you remove those cooling charms and see how long you last?" She challenged the old woman.

"Touché." Tina tipped her glass to the girl. "So how are you finding life with an animal crazed man?"

"I don't know what Mister Scamander was like, but Harry is definitely not animal crazed." Lex frowned. "Anyone who's met him says he's gifted with them, but he isn't focused on them."

Tina laughed. "He travelled half way around the world to demand my husband come and care for his pet raptors."

She jumped at the sudden barking behind her.

"Not pets. Pack." Then she jumped at the machine speaking on the table between her and Lex.

"What? What is going on?" She asked.

"Tina, meet Scar. Scar, meet Tina." Lex introduced them.

"Nice to meet you."

Tina was like a Wimbledon spectator as she looked between the machine and the raptor with its hand out.

"Manners, Mrs Scamander." Lex was enjoying this.

Tina gingerly shook the hand of the raptor.

"You can talk to the dinosaurs?"

Lex looked at the machine in amusement as it translated Tina's words to raptor. "So can you."

"Will Jelly's egg hatch?"

Lex took Scar's hand and pulled her to sit next to her so she could wrap her arm around her long neck. "I don't know. We just have to make sure she remembers she has all her other hatchlings to look after."

"I think you would be classed the same as mer-people." Tina mused. "You are physically different and can't speak human languages, but you certainly have human levels of intelligence.

"Do all dinosaurs have this level of intelligence?" She asked Lex.

"No. Well... Harry says they don't all communicate as well as raptors. He thinks it is because of how they coordinate when hunting."

"I'm going to hunt food for Jelly." Scar said as she rose.

Tina carefully observed Lex as the large creature left. "You actually think of them as family."

Lex smirked. "When I first encountered them, they didn't have names. They were to be part of my grandfather's zoo. Somebody sabotaged the park and all the dinosaurs got free.

"Scar and Jelly were led by their alpha as they tried to catch and eat us. I think they managed to kill two good men.

"But then they attacked Harry. He practically killed the alpha and commanded the two to leave and take the dying alpha with them.

"Then, as we were about to escape this compound, an adult t-rex found us.

"The raptors saw Harry disable it. He gave them his kill and we drove out of here.

"What we didn't realise was that the raptors had followed us to the docks. One of our fellow survivors tried to kill us all and take the boat. The adults were injured.

"The bastard held Harry at gunpoint. Harry disarmed him and fed the asshole to the raptors who were following their new alpha.

"Harry, and this was before he learnt to speak with raptors, he promised them he'd return. He did. Harry, Scar and Jelly have been family ever since."

"He communicated with them even before he could speak their language?" She asked with intrigue. "The only other person I have met with that ability is Newt. And he's never been able to speak their language."

"Apparently Harry is also a Parselmouth. He can't communicate with other animals, just dinosaurs and snakes."

"Well, I have never heard of someone being able to speak every language." Tina mused. "But, a Parselmouth? I wouldn't be surprised if Newt has a good sulk when he finds out. If he'd had someone like your boyfriend with him during his trips... " Tina chuckled.

"Alright my dears, we've stabilised the little one." Newt said as he and Harry came and sat at the table. "Miss Jelly is currently watching over her."

"She hatched?" Lex asked hopefully.

"No, the raptor was too weak. Instead we broke her out of her egg. It meant we could actually help her directly."

"How's Jelly?" Lex asked Harry.

"Relieved. The baby is still asleep, but it is warm and breathing, so... she has hope."

"The baby will be fine." Newt assured them. "Now, when can I see the mamenchisaurus?"

The mamenchisaurus was the largest dinosaur that Jurassic World had cloned. A member of the sauropod, like the diplodocus, it stood more than seventeen meters tall, twenty-one meters long and weighed seventy tons.

It was a herbivore and quite docile as long as it wasn't stressed.

"The biggest creature I ever saw was a blue whale." Newt said in awe as he stood with Harry and Tina just a few meters away from the grazing giant. "I was lucky enough to be able to dive in and swim with it."

"That wasn't luck." Tina grumbled. "That was an absolute disaster which nearly had Jacob doing an impression of Jonah."

"He was fine." Newt said absently, still transfixed. "Even the blue whale doesn't compare to this. A beast of this size, holding itself up."

"Can these ones communicate?" Tina asked.

"Alan says they are probably as intelligent as cows." Harry shrugged. "All I get from them is the equivalent of 'I am here', 'where are you' and... the usual." Harry blushed as Lex covered her mouth and giggled.

"The usual?" Newt asked, finally tearing himself from the sight.

Harry sighed. "'I wanna screw.' 'Come screw me.'"

"Ah, the universal usual." Tina smirked as Newt grinned sheepishly.

"Yes, but you don't have to put silencing charms on every wall and window so you can't hear it at night."

Harry invited Newt and Tina to stay in his apartment for a few days. What this actually meant was Tina slept in the apartment whilst Newt, Harry and Lex stayed to watch over the hatchling and keep Jelly company.

By morning Jelly was out cold. Her last hatchling had awoken and she had been ecstatic. And then the whole ordeal caught up to her and Harry had to levitate her to her nest. Fortunately Scar had taken responsibility for all the hatchlings. She had caught a goat and ripped it into smaller pieces for the ten baby raptors that had hatched normally.

Harry and Newt fed the weak one.

Lex left at that point. She was still an ardent vegetarian.

"Were you up all night?"

Lex jumped in fright. She'd forgotten that Tina was staying in Harry's apartment. "We were making sure the baby was alright. Jelly passed out from exhaustion."

"A word of advice, Alexis, don't stay up all night when your husband is working." Tina warned as she sat at the breakfast counter in the kitchen wearing a dressing gown. "He'll be wrung out by morning and it will be up to you to make sure the house is still standing and the kids aren't starting a war."

"We're not married." Lex laughed. "We're only seventeen."

"You sleep in his bed, don't you?" Tina raised an eyebrow.

"Yes... but-"

"But nothing. If you are going to share a home and a life together, you are as good as married. All that's left is signing some papers and holding a celebration."

Lex sighed. "I'm still trying to convince us both that we're still only teenagers. Harry has a full time job, he just doesn't realise it."

"And you have a full time Harry." Tina smirked. "I used to be law-enforcement, before I met Newt. Then I found myself dealing with the chaos he brought with him."

"Harry doesn't bring the chaos. It just follows him. He has spent most of his life trying to escape it."

"Aren't you in bed yet?"

The two women turned to see a very bleary eyed Harry and Newt stumbling towards them. Harry was frowning at Lex.

"I don't see you in bed." She retorted.

"I just got here."

"And Lex has only been here a few minutes." Tina said pointedly. "Considering she used the front door, I would say neither of you brought her home and she had to travel from Isla Nublar.

"She doesn't have magic."

Tina was glaring at Newt.

"My apologies, Miss Murphy. It completely slipped my mind."

"Are Jelly and the baby alright?" Lex asked, brushing it aside.

"Time will tell." Newt sighed. "I am unfamiliar with the physiology of dinosaurs, so I do not know how long the baby will need to sleep. The issue of it not receiving nutrition and dying in the egg are resolved though."

"Alexis, take your man to bed. I will handle my husband." Tina sighed.

"Harry, does my Dad know we are sleeping together?" Lex asked curiously the following morning as they lay in bed.

"I think everybody knows." Harry shrugged. "Danny seemed to expect it when we first started dating."


Harry shuffled so he was on his right side, facing her. "What?"

"I was just thinking about what Tina said last night. She called you my husband. She said the only thing left was to sign some papers and throw a celebration."

"Is that a problem?" Harry frowned.

Lex kissed him softly and smiled. She could sense his worry. "I was just wondering if we were going to get married. I'm not angling for a proposal... just... contemplating the future."

"We are still only seventeen."

"For a month."

"Does the future have a timeline?" Harry smirked.

Lex sighed and rested her head on his bare chest. "Getting married sounds nice. A great plan. But it also sounds stressful. Do we really want to add more stress onto everything else?"

"I've spent my life in stress. If you want your happiness, take it. Work for it.

"John had to deal with the stress of his business whilst raising your mum. He served in World War II.

"So tomorrow, why don't you follow him around and see if his happiness was worth the stress."


Harry squeaked as Lex blew a raspberry on his chest.

"You don't have to be such a sage." She smirked.

She squealed as Harry grabbed her.

Lex didn't bother with asking John or her family. Instead she had taken Harry to the bank to check her accounts. She knew she had an inheritance, but she preferred having her grandfather instead.

"A thousand dollars." She sighed as they walked down the street in Washington D.C. "Not the best start."

"John started with less." Harry shrugged. "We could always go and see what I've got in my vault."

She nodded forlornly. "I was hoping to go to college. I want to work at Jurassic World, but I want to earn it."

"College first, wedding second." Harry decided. "We have a home. No need to commute to work. I'd like to wait a few years before we discuss kids."

"But you don't mind practicing the process to make them." Lex smirked at him.

Despite the magical world integrating into the non-magical world, not everything was so freely available.

Travel, for instance, was still accomplished by non-magical means. Not everyone had a floo and it would take decades to have them installed in every home and even then... it required a magical to use.

Portkeys also required magicals to use, but they also required a magical to make. They took a lot of magic. A magical couldn't sit at a desk and make them non-stop all day. They could make maybe five.

As a matter of security magical transportation was heavily restricted. You were not allowed to apparate between countries without special licenses. You needed to fly a broomstick or magic carpet through standard border and customs areas.

Jurassic World had access to international portkey and apparition licenses. Most of this was due to Harry and the team needing to be able to travel to the mainland at the drop of a hat in case more flying dinosaurs decided to escape.

Harry was also licensed to make his own portkeys... so it didn't take much to transport Lex, the team and Harry to Heathrow International Portkey Terminal and then a series of apparitions on Harry's part to Charring Cross Road and the Leaky Cauldron.

Mullins and the rest of the team were dressed in casual clothes. They felt naked without their weapons, but they weren't cleared to carry them in Britain. Cain and Tomas were carrying special backpacks though.

"Got your wand ready?" Mullins asked tersely as they looked around the dimly lit pub.

"Yeah... Hopefully no one recog-"

"Merlin's Beard! It's Harry Potter!"

"Let's move kid." Larkin scowled at the wizard who was now leading the other magicals in gawking at Harry.

"Where do you think you're going?" A wizard stepped in their path, his wand pointing at them. "You aren't welcome here you traitorous scum."

The wizard was stunned when Cain calmly stepped forward and, grabbed the wand and pointed it up.

Well... the front end.

"Threat neutralised, Sarge." He said as he calmly stepped back.

"Carry on kid."

They moved passed the wizard as he gazed at the broken wand in his hand. The other patrons wisely stayed silent.

"It's very narrow." Lex grimaced as they stood at the entrance of the alley.

"A lot of London is like this." Harry shrugged. "Well, a lot of the major cities.

"It looks like a complete mess on a map. Washington, New York, they look like they were carefully planned out. London looks like... someone dropped a box of Lego."

"There is a reason for that." Tomas said as he stepped up next to the pair. "All American cities were built after London. They were designed by people who knew that civilisations would grow to the size of London or bigger.

"London started off almost two thousand years ago. Just humans living in the area. There was recent findings of Bronze Age bridges, that's about six thousand years."

"But why the mess?" Harry asked.

"Because London wasn't planned as a city until the romans. People claimed ground and built a home. As time went by more people claimed land and built on it. But there wasn't a planning committee to say; 'You have this square.' There were just people who had sharper swords and spears and the skill to use them.

"Which is where the romans came in and conquered and started building."

"Jon's a history major." Larkin patted the tall man on the shoulder. "Ask him later. We should focus on our mission and bug out before some idiot decides to attack again."

"I thought there'd be more non-magicals." Harry said quietly as they walked. "The muggle-repelling wards are clearly down around the Leaky Cauldron."

"It hasn't even been a proper year yet, Harry." Mullins said. "Things certainly don't feel friendly."

"This is the summer. There should be all sorts of people here. Kids meet up here between school."

"Your friend is right Harry. There is a lot of resentment for non-magicals."

They turned to see a man walking up in auror robes.

"Cedric?" Harry frowned.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" The Hufflepuff Champion grinned.

"Yeah... sorry, the last time I saw you I wound up about to be eaten by a t-rex."

Cedric rubbed his neck sheepishly. "I wound in front of a half-naked goddess."

"Not Cho?"

"That relationship went down in flames pretty quick. She heard about Natasha and was instantly jealous. Sure, I saw her half-naked, but I was also fairly concussed... that's what the Mexican healers say.

"Still, I got myself a beautiful wife out of it."

"You're married? To a muggle?" Harry was wide-eyed.

Cedric found Harry's disbelief amusing. "Yes Harry James Potter, son of the Pure blood James Potter and the muggleborn Lily Evans. I married a muggle."

Harry was still a bit bewildered.

"So what brings you back to London? I heard you were staying away."

"We're here to check if he has money for us to afford a wedding." Lex spoke up smugly as she looked at Harry. "I'm his muggle girlfriend."

"Hey! This is completely different!" Harry objected. "I was raised by non-magicals. Cedric had probably never seen a non-magical outside of a text book drawing."

Cedric chuckled. "You're not wrong."

"Kid, we're attracting attention again." Larkin said quietly.

Cedric looked around and frowned. He glared at a few of them and they scurried off. "I'll leave you to your business. I'd escort you, but things are clearly tense and I don't want to leave my post.

"Just keep your wand ready."

"Thanks." Harry said as he grabbed Lex's hand and led her off.

"Potter? Key." The goblin sneered at Harry. He graced his companions with a look of disgust.

Harry handed over his key and the goblin called a minion over.

"Take Potter to his vault."

The new goblin's eyes widened but quickly left. Harry and the others followed.

The non-magicals were all tense as they rode the cart down into the depths of the bank, the dragons could be seen in the distance.

Harry was worried as they went deeper. He was sure this wasn't how deep he had gone before. He sent a look to Mullins.

They came to a screeching stop... no vault, just a lot of goblins and several dragons with blinders on.

The humans hopped out quickly and Cain and Tomas took off their backpacks behind Mullins and Larkin.

"Explain. Very quickly." Harry addressed the goblins tersely.

A tiny armoured goblin stepped forward. "This is where you pay for the ruin you brought upon the Goblin Nation, human." It sneered. "You revealed the magical world to the non-magicals. Now they refuse to use the bank. They demand more human money for galleons. When we refused they took their galleons and never returned them.

"We want our gold back human. But we will settle for your torture and death."

Lex had been shuffled back behind Mullins and Larkin. They were all now sporting their assault rifles courtesy of the enchanted backpacks.

Sure it was against the law... but these men weren't stupid enough to comply with a law that meant a death sentence.

"Sarge... prepare for shock and awe."

Bobby dragged Lex to the ground and covered her ears. The others followed.

Harry transformed and filled the cavern with sound.

"B-Bobby? You ok?" Lex asked shakily as Harry's rex form stomped towards the goblins who were groaning on the floor and began tearing into them.

Cain looked up and grinned. He pulled on the chords in his ears. "I always carry these in case Harry gets pissed.

"I thought you were listening to music." She admitted.

Cain shrugged as he stood and helped her to her feet and handed her a silenced MP5. "They also help block out Danny's chatter."

Lex giggled at the glare from the red head.

Cain started to put a headset on Lex. "These are similar to my earbuds. They block noise from the outside but they also have a radio inside. We will be able to talk to each other with these induction mics." He indicated where the other three were putting them on with a strap tight around the throat.

"You just need to whisper, Lex." The girl jumped at the quiet voice of Mullins in her ear.

"What about Harry? Oh."

Lex and the others watched as Harry stood on the corpses of the goblins as he conversed with the dragons.

"Typical of the kid." Larkin snorted. "Already making new friends."

"And the goblins?" Tomas asked with a smirk.

"Time honoured tradition." He shrugged. "You always bring food as a gift."

"What's the plan, Sarge?" Cain asked.

"Depends on the kid."

The kid suddenly shrank and walked over to them. "They want out. They are willing to fight their way out." Harry sighed.

"Out? Out of the bank? Then where?" Mullins asked.

"Isla Manteceros." Harry shrugged. "John said I could use it for emergencies."

"How are you going to get them across the Atlantic?" Lex asked in disbelief.

"Either we take the long route across Europe, Russia, Canada, down through the US to Costa Rica and boat transports-"

"The hell you are." Lex glared at him.

"Or we use portkeys."

'Kid, lead with the easier solution next time." Danny grimaced as he and the others watched the future Mrs Potter build up a head of steam.

What followed was the Decimation of Gringotts. Harry removed the blinders from the dragons and then led them in rex form.

Anytime they encountered goblins he roared. The dragons feasted and they moved on.

They had to hike and fight for an hour before they made allied contact. "Sarge, I've managed to get the phone working." Cain called out.

"Call Hammond. Tell him we could use an exit." Mullins shouted over the screams of goblins. There were now fifty dragons shuffling along behind Harry.

Harry had gotten a bit pissed off with a few. Getting a flame up the butt was not on. Even if it was accidental.

Apparently the dragons had been very sheepish and apologetic.

Half an hour later and they heard gun fire ahead.

"Potter! Hold position!" Mullins roared. He quickly pushed his way past the massive dragons. "We're gonna warn the humans ahead to cover their ears. When I give the order, you rush forward and let loose. We'll be hot on your tail. It's a figure of speech, kid." Mullins sighed at the worried look on the massive head.

"We are going to need a full report Mister Potter. You've just emerged from the centre of an international war that we didn't even know was occurring." The Prime Minister scowled as the Boy-Who-Lived, his fiancée and their bodyguards sat at the conference table in 10 Downing Street.

"They blamed me for humans not using their galleons. They wanted to torture and kill me... I objected." Harry defended himself a little snidely.

The Prime Minister seemed to fight the urge to verbally retaliate. He visibly calmed himself. "Mister Potter, I am not looking to blame you or anyone else.

"But I do need answers. The International Community is going to want to those answers and if we don't have them... well, you may not want to leave your islands for a long time."

"Mister Potter and his fiancée wanted to visit the Potter Vault." Tomas spoke up. "They wanted to see if there was enough there to fund their wedding and future or if they needed to wait until Miss Murphy had finished her education.

"We were lured into a trap. The goblins underestimated Mister Potter's Indominus Rex form and they paid the price."

"And the entourage of dragons?"

"Sentient slave labour." Larkin scowled.

"But we do not know if the goblins knew the dragons were sentient." Tomas interjected quickly.

The Prime Minister nodded. "We had no idea either. The Hammond Foundation is working with my government to expedite the transport of the dragons."

The Prime Minister leaned back in his chair and rubbed his forehead. "Mister Potter, do yourself and Miss Murphy a favour and have your nuptials at Jurassic World.

"I dread to think what fool might try to interfere if you have it amongst 'civilised' people."

Harry watched as Lex was engulfed by family as soon as they landed back on Isla Nublar. They had been watching the news of the goblins' treachery.

He was surprised when John broke from the cuddle huddle and pulled him into a hug. "There are days when I consider forbidding you from leaving the islands in anything less than a tank."

"I am a tank." Harry shrugged with a smile.

John gave a weak chuckle and patted his shoulder. "Now, are the reports right in that you were at Gringotts to check your finances for a wedding?"

"Wedding and life in general." Harry nodded. "Lex wants to finish her education. We need to be able to afford that, a home, food, taxes, and so on."

"Harry..." John shook his head with a sigh and continued. "Lex has been an integral part of Jurassic Park since '94. Jurassic Park has a fund set up for her education as we all know she wants to work here.

"As for the rest... she has an inheritance to fall back on. But you will be getting a massive starting bonus as soon as you take up the Chair of the Hammond Foundation."

"I will? But I won't have done anything."

"Son, you've done more work for Jurassic Park, InGen and the Hammond Foundation than anyone. That includes myself. The only reason you haven't been paid is because child labour is illegal."

"So we can afford a wedding and Lex's education?"

"Harry, you are family. My son. I would pay for your wedding and education regardless. The fact of the matter is, you have both managed to earn your way... apparently you just weren't told."

What followed was something that Harry hadn't seen in nearly three years. Lex having an anxiety attack.

He calmly pulled out his wand and cast a calming charm on her.

"I take it that is a lot of money?"

Despite the charm, Lex still looked at him incredulously. "Harry, we could buy our own island."

"Yes, but I wouldn't try anything like that for a long while." John chuckled. They were sitting in his office with David Bridges as John laid out their current finances. "Most of the money is being held in trust by me until you turn twenty-one. Until then you get an allowance and I can authorise major purchases for you.

"Like a wedding or house."

"We already have a home... just the wedding and Lex's education I guess." Harry mused.

"You are sure you don't want to try and take some courses?" David asked as he stood behind John.

"I don't really like school." Harry grimaced.

"I wonder why?" David muttered sarcastically. He hadn't just been told of his time in primary school and Hogwarts, but he'd had to personally deal with the altercation on his one day at Lex's old high school.

"If you ever see something you might like to learn, speak up, son. We'll work something out." John promised.

Over the following weeks, Lex was taken on a tour of the world's most prestigious centres of learning that focused on technology. Ian was her eager and happy guide.

Harry focused on the baby raptors. Scar and Jelly were thrilled that their pack was so big now. They were also quite insistent that Newt stay to keep them healthy.

Tina wasn't going to complain about frequent visits to a tropical island, but she insisted that they commute. They had several krups to care for.

John had Newt placed on the Hammond Foundation's official payroll. His expertise was also requested for helping the rescued Gringotts dragons.

Harry had his first official assignment as a paid employee of the Hammond Foundation. John wanted him to head to the Azore Islands in the Atlantic, several hundred miles off the coast of Portugal.

This was one of two locations for satellite parks for Jurassic World. John wanted Harry to investigate and determine if they were feasible.

It was just Harry and Mullins team that arrived via portkey at the port on the island of São Miguel. It was wet and muggy.

"Worse than London." Larkin grumbled as he pulled up his hood.

"London doesn't smell like nature." Harry countered. "It smells like exhaust fumes."

"Senhor Potter!"

The group turned to see a middle-aged man in a suit and long coat walk up with a younger woman in a business suit with skirt. The woman was holding an umbrella for them both.

"I am Pedro Chaves from our trade and tourism board. A pleasure to meet you." He smiled genially as he offered his hand, he had a clear accent but spoke perfect English.

Harry shook it. "Harry Potter, Andrew Mullins, Danny Larkin, John Tomas and Bobby Cain. Hopefully we won't take up too much of your time."

"As they say, time is money, but you are here with the potential for making the Azores a lot of money. Come, we will head inside and talk."

"What happened?" John asked Mullins and his team as Harry ignored everyone in his office in Washington D.C. and practically stormed out.

They had just arrived, some five hours after they had left.

"All they wanted was money for nothing." Mullins sighed. "Harry kept his calm but... those idiots are damned lucky he didn't run amuck.

"They started off nice enough. All smiles and tea, but then they tried to make an offer for a two square mile of land."

"Surprised the kid didn't cuss the fool out." Larkin scoffed.

"They didn't respect Harry." Tomas spoke up. "All they saw was a boy with unwarranted fame. A rich kid.

"They had a whole bunch of documents they wanted him to sign. Harry wouldn't even look at them."

"The problem..." Mullins took over. "The problem was when they took us out to the location they had chosen. It was barren. Clearly used as a scrap yard.

"Harry asked if he could walk around as the rex.

"They said yes and then, when he got back they tried to make him pay for ruining the roads."

"There were no fucking roads." Larkin snarled.

"We got the k- Harry out of there asap." Mullins sighed.

"Mister Cain? What were your impressions?"

Cain tilted his head thoughtfully. "The meeting was a farce. Harry did nothing wrong. But Harry isn't the one who should be in charge for these meetings. He can assess a potential area or location, but he's not made for talking and negotiating."

John looked concerned. "Do you think he will be able to handle the Hammond Foundation? I am getting old, there are already talks of having me forced out because of my age."

Mullins grimaced as Larkin sat down in the chair opposite John's desk. The man had little restraint.

"Look John, Harry is not a visionary like you." John just gave the impulsive man a dry look, but said nothing. "That said, the kid listens. He considers. He does not believe in the word 'impossible'.

"You can't chuck someone like Harry into the deep end. It's not that he's likely to drown, it's that he's likely to come across a shark and declare war on them when they attack."

"Daniel, you are going to have to explain that one." John sighed.

"Harry was an atom's breadth from cursing the moron we met today. Harry had no idea what he was supposed to say or do. It was only common sense that prevented him from signing anything or agreeing verbally.

"Of course, we all know he has experience with bad contracts." Danny referred to the Goblet of Fire.

"Anyway, today was Harry's deep end. And the moron was the shark. Bastard didn't seem to realise he was dealing with a megalodon."

"And do you have suggestions for how Harry can be helped to... 'learn to swim'?" John asked.

"Get him to make decisions. Start with something small. The next dino to clone. The next model figure to release.

"Don't tell him he is making the decisions. Ask him for his opinions. Once you have them and have discussed them, then state that that is what you will do. Eventually take him with you when you make your reports to the board and investors.

"Let him see you at work."

John nodded. "Thank you, Daniel. You have given me a lot to think about.

"Now get out of that chair."

Larkin grinned unrepentantly as he stood.

"Mister Mullins." John indicated for the man to sit. "What would your evaluation be for today's meeting? Do you think the Azores will be suitable?"

"Not at the moment. Not until Mister Chaves is gone and an apology is made. If Chaves is an indicator of the rest of the government then they will create ways to drain you of money. Taxes, fines, levies... there was a lot of greed.

"Not to mention that the general populace didn't seem too welcoming of strangers. Nothing bad, just that they are insular.

"The Five Deaths are uninhabited by humans, after all."

A rather unfortunate turn of events for Harry's bad day occurred when Lex came home bouncing around happily and espousing the virtues of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Lex didn't seem to realise that her joy was not being particularly returned.

Harry didn't want to be a wet blanket, but he didn't have it in him to fake it.

Tina came to the rescue when she insisted that the pair go out for a drink.

Fortunately the laws of Costa Rica were still in place so Lex could legally drink at one of the bars.

"Probably a good thing you didn't say anything." Newt sighed as he sat opposite Harry in one of the armchairs.

They were positioned so they could sit and peacefully watch the dinosaurs in the park.

"I thought couples were supposed to talk?" Harry asked quietly.

"When you are older, and have passed through the storms of young adulthood, you'll be able to speak your feelings without being offensive and you'll be able to be supportive of Lex, even if you are miserable.

"It won't be easy, but you'll manage better."

"She didn't even ask about my day." Harry said sadly. "Was I important at a-ow!" Harry rubbed his arm as Newt scowled at him, putting his wand away.

"I am not the most socially adjusted person, Harry. But there was one thing I saw today, it was that for all her excitement and blindness to your pain... you were the one she wanted to share her joy with.

"She wasn't looking or talking to me or Tina. She hadn't gone to John or her parents first. She came to you.

"You are everything to her.

"If you had been in a better mood and Tina and I weren't in the way... the pair of you would be in bed for the next three days."

Harry blushed. "You're not in the way." He muttered, trying to brush past the embarrassment.

Newt went to the guest room where he and Tina were staying, he came back with a vial. "Here dreamless sleep potion. Take that and I'll let Lex and Tina know what they need to."

Lex had been furious when Newt arrived at the bar. She had been happily sipping a fruity drink and laughing with Tina and then Newt arrives and tells her about Harry's day.

Tina nearly had to draw her wand and stick the young lady to her chair.

"First thing tomorrow I'm getting Grandpa to send me to the Azores. I'll teach those bastards not to mess with my family." She snarled.

Fruit was gone... bitter had arrived.

Tina was trying hard not to giggle at the foam moustache the girl had acquired.

"This stuff is disgusting." She glared at her pint glass... then drained it.

"It is also your last for the night." Tina smirked. "Harry's day was bad enough. He doesn't need you compounding it by being hungover in the morning."

"You'll come with me, right Tina? We can cook the asshole together."

Newt grimaced. The girl was slightly drunk. He would have to find out how much Tina had given her.


Newt stared at the blonde head now buried in the table top. "How much did she drink?"

"Just the beer and one other drink." Tina laughed. "This was her first time drinking for fun."

"She wasn't drinking that beer for fun." Newt scoffed. "That was anger and defiance."

Tina stood and drew her wand. She cast a discreet locomotive spell that allowed her to hook the girl's arm around her neck and walk her back to the apartment.

"Thank you for the help, Jason." She nodded to the bartender.

"No problem Missus S." The burly man smiled back. "Did you knock her out? That beer was nearly all water."

"It's her first time, dear." Tina scolded playfully. "And she really is a lightweight."

"Make sure Mister Potter knows. If she ever comes back I'll probably have to call him to collect."

Tina was surprised when Lex woke up and grabbed her, dragging her along to the portkey station and back to Washington D.C.

She had thought the girl would have forgotten her anger via inebriation. Fortunately John Hammond was used to headstrong women. Lex was merely the third of her line and she had nothing on her grandmother. Yet.

"I am having a press release drawn up that will indicate that the Azores were unsuitable and unwelcoming. I know the world sees me as a push over, but it took a hard edge to build up my little empire." John assured his granddaughter.

"I just want to go and yell at him." Lex pouted.

"And as much as your devotion to Harry makes me happy, perhaps you should spend your time with him. The fool from the Azores will be dealt with. Don't let him take anything more from Harry."

"Come on girl." Tina sighed as she pulled Lex to her feet. "Time to do what the British do best."

Lex blushed.

Tina rolled her eyes. "Queue, girl! Queue!"

She sent a dirty look at John who looked distinctively relieved.

So Tina dragged the blonde out of the office and to the portkey station to join the long line of people looking to travel.

Word count - 6768

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