Leuthar Sommer meets Frazel

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Disclaimer : My name is not Rick, so unfortunately I own nothing but Leuthar Sommer and the plot.

Sending love and hugs

Hello, my name is Leuthar Sommer and I am best friends with Hazel Levesque.

I have blue eyes and brown hair. I am 19, and in my second to last year of college, I'm studying to be a geologist. Hazel is also 19 and studying to be a geologist, but she is also studying zoology.

Today, we have an army general visiting us, to talk about enlisting.

I don't want to, and I don't think Hazel does either.

At 9 am, Hazel and I walked to our first class of the day, phys ed, now I know what you're thinking, P.E. first? What demon designed your schedule!? But don't worry, in high school, I might have dreaded PE, but don't worry: college PE doesn't resemble the stuff of my nightmares in the least. In college, I can choose from fun activities like yoga, archery, rowing, and many more.

Also, this was the class where the general was talking to us, apparently he would talk to us class by class, then, at the end of the day, he would see who wanted to enlist.

When we walked into the gymnasium, I saw a 6'6 teenage guy of Chinese descent with a large and stocky frame. He had a babyish face with brown eyes and close-cropped black hair. His face didn't really work with his burly build and his military haircut, and the contrast made him look like a toddler who'd taken steroids and joined the Marines. He looks a bit like a cross between a Koala bear with muscles and a baby sumo wrestler. His left forearm had a tattoo composed of an image of two crossed spears above SPQR and four bar lines beneath.

When Hazel saw the guy, she gasped and said something I didn't understand under her breath "Frank?! Sed putavi eum non esse factum cum itinere suo usque ad nativitatem domini!" (Frank?! But i thought he wasn't done with his tour until christmas!)

We sat in the back, as if Hazel was hiding from him. Our normal gym teacher wasn't there, instead we had a guy wearing a baseball cap, a bright orange polo shirt, nylon workout pants, white Nikes and a whistle around his neck. He had a megaphone. He was 5'0, had beady eyes, was really buff, and had a wispy goatee.

"Hello cupcakes! The cow says moo! My name is coach Hedge, this here is General Zhang, and I am here as your substitute teacher for the rest of term! Attention ducklings! Your usual coach is on maternity leave! Valdez, I'm going to kill you!"

Hazel's eyes twinkled with amusement when he said that last part.

"Now, I'll do roll call: Leuthar Sommer, Silvinus Martins, Euthemia Knowles, Gallcobar Beake ...... and Hazel Levesque, the cow says moo! VALDEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!"

General Zhang looked up at her name, and Hazel winked at him, he turned redder than a tomato.

"R-right, as Coach said, my name is General Frank Zhang, I am 21, and I joined at 18, my mother was a war hero, and my father.... Let's not talk about him. Firstly, does anyone have any questions about being in the army?"

Hazel's hand shot up to my surprise.

"Yes, Miss metal detector?" What?

She just rolled her eyes " Firstly, why did you adopt that nickname from Leo? It's really annoying! Secondly, why was I not informed of you coming, Mr Chinese Canadian baby man ?" She glared at him, and at the last bit he glared back at her.

Then, to everyone's surprise, she walked over to the army general, and hugged him, and he hugged her back.

"I missed you so much" She whispered and he replied "I missed you too"

Coach hedge looked amused and said smiling as he did so, "PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!" Which was met with a "COACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We both have clothes on, we're just hugging, we haven't seen each other since he left on tour, 8 months ago!" But they broke apart anyway, still holding hands.

"So, does anyone have any questions now?" Frank said

Everyone's hand shot up, and Frank sighed and pointed to Silvinus "You"

"Hazel, how do you know General Zhang and Coach Hedge?" Every single hand dropped.

"When I was fifteen, Frank, 7 other people, Coach and I, went on a cruise through the Mediterranean for 3 months, so we all became close friends, and I had known Frank for a month and a bit before then, and just before we left, we started dating" (The 7, Reyna and Nico)

The boys who had a crush on her looked crestfallen knowing they had no chance.

"Coach, could you deal with the rest of the class, me and Hazel would like to spar"

Hazel looked exited at that, even though he was a taller, stronger guy with more training. "Hallelujah, I haven't sparred someone good in so long. I was missing it. Hand to hand only, and no potestates (powers)." She said "Deal" they got into position and started sparing.

Coach just sat and watched them

Frank and Hazel spared playfully, exchanging quick punches and dodges. Hazel landed a powerful kick that caught Frank off guard. Frank retaliated with a flurry of jabs, testing Hazel's defense. Hazel expertly blocked Frank's attacks, countering with precise strikes. Frank and Hazel spared fiercely, each trying to outmaneuver the other. Hazel ducked under Frank's swinging fist, seizing the opportunity to strike back. Frank and Hazel engaged in a fast-paced sparring match, showcasing their skills. Hazel's speed impressed Frank as she evaded his every move. Frank manoeuvered around Hazel, looking for an opening to land a hit. Eventually, Hazel knocked Frank off balance, pinning him to the ground.

"Dic mihi, quare non dixisti mihi venturus es? Et quid me vincis." (Tell me, why didn't you tell me you were coming? And why you let me win). Hazel said, not even out of breath.

"Dicam tibi quare non dixi tibi hic in fine classis eram. Vos vicit, et non esset auxiliator." (I'll tell you why i didn't tell you i was here at the end of class. You won, I didn't help you) he replied.

(I don't speak Latin, so if I got anything wrong, please correct me)

At this point all our jaws had dropped. "Close your mouths, you'll catch flies" Hazel said.

We finished the class, and Hazel went to talk to Frank.

"So, will you tell me now?" Hazel asked accusatorially.

Frank thought for a moment, then said "Nah, I'll give you a hint though." And he threw her an apple, she caught it and looked confused for a second, then something dawned on her.

"Wait. Frank?" But he had disappeared. She looked stunned.

I walked up to her "Hey Hazel, what was that?"

"I think Frank just proposed" she said looking at the apple.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Well, our summer camp is Roman themed and some of our friends go to a Greek themed camp. And in ancient Greece, if you throw an apple at a girl, it's proposing, and if the catch it, they say yes." She explained

"Ah, I guess that makes sense"

Time skip to the end of the day because I'm lazy called Scipio.

The rest of the day wasn't that interesting, and Hazel wasn't even paying attention, just stating at the apple.

In free period, I saw her write something on a piece of paper, then tape it on.

We were all in the auditorium, sitting down, when Frank walked in.

Suddenly, Hazel whistled, "Hey, Fai! Catch! "

And she threw the apple at him, he caught it and looked at what was taped on it. I saw his face light up. "Is that a yes?"

" No duh!" She replied.

"Come in up then, Despondenda" (Fiancée)

She walked up on stage, "Hello fellow students, I am Hazel Levesque soon to be Zhang, and this is my fiance, General Frank Zhang."

"Oh, that reminds me, here's the ring" said Frank as he pulled out a velvet box.

Hazel opened it and gasped "Its beautiful! Did you get Meg's siblings to make this?"

He nodded "And it will never wilt, or get damaged"

The head teacher cleared his throat. "As touching as this is, you were seeing if anyone wanted to enlist..."

" Ah, yes. Would anyone like to enlist, if so, raise your hand " about 10 hands raised.

"Oh good, ten recruits. Please come up here." Frank said calmly.

Hazel came and sat back down next to me.

"Can I see the ring?" I asked quietly

She showed me her hand, instead of a diamond there was a beautiful flower, with black, purple and red petals, on a twisting vine.

"My dad could by me lots of jewellery, so this is more meaningful." She explained.

Ah, that explains it. "Its beautiful" I exclaimed quietly .

Long story short I got invited to their wedding and it was beautiful.

Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals, I don't really enjoy stories where they get engaged young, but I figure with Frank in the army, and them having dated since they were 15-17, and now they are 19-21, plus them being demigods, I can see it happening. What did you think?

T- 9 days till I go to Greece!

Lots of love and hugs, Laza (new nickname)

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