Theyna meets Dinis Gold

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but Dinis and the plot. As always, sending love and hugs. Also shameless self promotion: go check out my Spotify playlist, it's called: Riptide version 772. Also, I realise that Thalia sorta comes off as a bitch in this, that was not the idea, she's just a girlfriend who's slightly annoyed that the place where she met the love of her life has bad memories for said love.

Thalia P.O.V

I have had enough! I understand that Reyna has bad memories with Sao Paulo, but that's where we met! I refuse to avoid it like the plague. I'm planning on proposing there, but that only works if she's not looking around in fear.

I walked over to cabin 8, to talk to Artemis about what would happen if Reyna said yes.

 "Hey Artemis. I need to talk to you about something." I started

 "Hello Thalia, what's wrong? "

 "You know how me and Reyna are dating? Well, I was thinking about proposing. But first, me and Reyna would like to go to Sao Paulo for a weekend, do we have your permission?"

 "Of course you do, I hope you have fun. "

 "Thank you, now I was planning on proposing there, but first, if she says yes, we may want to leave the Hunters and settle down. Would that be alright?"

 "Of course! And, as a thank you for all the work you have done as my Lieutenant, and for the gods, when and if you want kids, you won't have to adopt, I can let one of you get pregnant, without a donor, so it will be completely yours. "

 "Wow, thank you so much! That would be amazing! Also, do you know if I need to ask Bellona or you for her hand in marriage?"

 "You have my blessing, but I would also get Bellona's"

 "Ok, thanks, I will go iris message her now!"

 "Good luck!" She called as I ran off to cabin 1 to IM Bellona.

I ran in, all the way to the back of cabin 1, where there was a mini iris message station, a hose, flashlight and drachmas.

I turned on the hose, angling it perfectly, then setting up the flashlight, throwing a drachma in and saying "Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering, show me Bellona on Olympus "

The image shimered, then Bellona appeared. "Ah, hello Thalia, how are you? Is my daughter alright?"

 "Hello Lady Bellona, I am good and so is Reyna. I actually have something to ask you. May I please have your blessing to marry Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano?"

 "Why of course, she's happier than she's ever been with you. One thing, if she says yes, I gave you my blessing, but if she says no, I did not condone this. Ok?"

 "Sure?" I agreed hesitantly

 "Good, I will see you when you tell me if she said yes or not. Bye!" She hung up

 "Tschüssies I guess?" 

 "Hey babe, who was that?" My favourite person in the world said

 "Hey RA-RA, don't worry about it, Leo wanted to tell me a stupid joke before he forgot it." I said

 "Ah, typical Leo"

 "Oh, that reminds me, do you want to go to Sao Paulo for a weekend? Like a romantic getaway, but also helping with the bad memories of that place? "

"Sure I guess? But the minute I say so we go home?"

"Deal! Also, I already asked Artemis, so get packing!" I exclaimed

 She ran off and I figured the best way to help her get over the bad memories, was to replace them with good ones. So, I'll kiss her a lot, and propose where we met.

Time skip to when they're in Sao Paulo called Kinzie

Reyna's P.O.V

So, here I am, Sao Paulo, the place where I dispersed the mania of my dad, and got a bunch of Hunters and Amazons killed. But it's also where I met the love of my life, Thalia.

So mixed memories.

But, I'll try to not think about the bad, for Thalia.

We walked around town, stopping a lot, so Thalia could kiss me. I'm not complaining though, her lips taste amazing, how do I explain it? You know petrichor? The smell of rain hitting dry soil, her lips taste like that smell. I don't know how else to explain it.

Eventually we got to Barrachina, the place where Thalia shot me with a tranquilizer dart and kidnapped me. Ah, good times.

Thalia turned to me, "RA-RA, I have loved you since you first held a knife to my throat, and I will never stop, infact, everyday, my love for you grows, every time I hear your laugh, or when you truly smile." She got down on one knee and pulled out a velvet box "I love the way you exist, you have been, are, and will always be, my favourite person ever, my true love, my soulmate. Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano would you do me the honour of marrying me?" She opened the box, and I gasped, the band was electric blue and purple marbled, and the gem was a gold coloured diamond.

 "So?" I realised I had been staring and hadn't answered "Oh shit, Yes, YES a million times yes!!" 

 She sighed in relief, and I pulled something out of my pocket, it was another velvet box "So I guess I don't need to give you this?" She squealed. Thalia Grace, squealed. What?

 "Of course I want it! Let me see!!" I passed her the box. The band was black and blue marbled, and the gem was half my eye colour, and half hers. "Wow. Just wow. This is so beautiful, almost as beautiful as you!" I blushed.

We kissed passionately, then I noticed a small boy. "Hola, pequeño amigo. ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? ¿Dónde están tus padres?" (Hey little dude. What are you doing here? Where are your parents?) I asked. He looked sad "Nunca conocí a mi papá ni a mi mamá. Ella, ella me dijo que corriera o los monstruos me atraparían. Ella se quedó a luchar contra ellos. ¿Dónde está ella? " (I never knew my dad, and my mum. She, she told me to run or the monsters would catch me. She stayed to fight them. Where is she?)

 "Hey, Pinecone Face, I think we've got a half blood, he never knew his dad, then his mum told him to run, or the monsters would catch him. "Oye, pequeño amigo, ¿cómo te llamas? Soy Reyna, y ella es mi prometida, Thalía." (Hey, little dude, what's your name? I'm Reyna, and this is my fiancee, Thalia.)

 "Hola Reyna, mi nombre es Dinis Gold" (Hello Reyna, my name is Dinis Gold)

 "Lets take him to camp"

Time skip to when they're back at camp

 Once we brought Dinis in, a ---- appeared above his head

 Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals, this was getting kinda long, and it's 1:21 am, and I'm bored of my glitchy wifi, I will make part 2 tomorrow though

T-7 days till I go to Greece

Love, that one weird kid who has interesting plots, but is a terrible writer.

Hey Zoë, Bob says hello 👋

Words 1186

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