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The Hogwarts Express was especially full today. Between new students and returning or year retaking students, there was almost no room. Annabeth and Percy were still searching for a place to sit, even while the train was moving. Annabeth peers into a compartment and smiles seeing as there is just enough room to sit. There were three students that Annabeth guessed were 7th years. She knocks and opens the door. The three students look at her and Annabeth's eyes linger on a boy's lightning bolt shaped scar for a moment. "Um, do you mind if we sit in here? Everywhere else is full." The girl nods and the boy with the scar gets up and sits on the other side with his two friends. Percy puts her and Annabeth's bags above, then finally takes her seat and pales. These were the kids from her dream. Annabeth notices and leans closer to her. "Είσαι καλά?" Annabeth asks in Greek, careful so the kids in front of them won't understand. Percy swallows hard and smiles at Annabeth, shaking off the fear that centered itself in her chest. "Ναι, θα σας πω αργότερα." Percy assures and Annabeth nods.

"I don't recognise you too. Did you attend Hogwarts?" Percy almost laughs at the name again, but Annabeth elbows her in the stomach to shut her up. Annabeth looks at Hermione. "No, I'm Annabeth Chase and this is Percy Jackson." Hermione creases her eyebrows, she knows who they are now, and she was not expecting this. "We are the new teachers." Ron and Harry's mouth fall open. "You? But you're no older than us!" Hermione elbows Ron in the stomach then starts to scold him. Percy and Annabeth smile at each other. Ron and Hermione reminded them of themselves. "Experience doesn't count on age." Percy pulls her classic smirk. "And we probably are older. Just turned 21." Ron's eyes widened. Everything about these two girls was shocking to him.

Near the end of the train ride Harry had wandered off to find a girl named Ginny who Percy had guessed was his girlfriend. "Earlier," Percy and Annabeth turned to Hermione. "You were speaking in a language. What was it?" The train pulled to a stop and everyone started grabbing their luggage. "Ancient Greek." Annabeth answers, then heads out of the compartment with Percy. Hermione stares after them. "But- Ancient Greek is a dead language." Ron looks at Hermione. "What, like ghosts?" Hermione rolls her eyes. "Ron..."

Annabeth and Percy met up with the several other teachers, who were also shocked by their age. Mcgonagall was almost tempted to send them home, but decided to trust Aberforth's judgment. "And here is the Great Hall." Mcgonagall leads them into the giant room. Percy whistles at the ceiling. It was by far the coolest thing she'd ever seen. Annabeth whispered facts about the castle to Percy during the duration of the tour. "The students will be arriving shortly, so we'd best take our seats." Percy and Annabeth take the two remaining seats at the end of the table. Students fill the room and Percy and Annabeth watch interest through the sorting ceremony and start gossiping about the houses and which one their friends would be in. Percy gave no second thought on saying that Annabeth was a Ravenclaw. She went on about the statistics and possibilities of that happening. Percy smiled at her until she finished, only to say. "You prove my point." Annabeth punched her lightly.

Apparently, their debate went through most of Mcgonagall's speech. "And taking over the position for Defense against the Dark Arts is Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson." The two stood and Percy was glad Mcgonagall took to heart calling her Percy, instead of Persephone. She hated her full name.

Then what Mcgonagal does next shocks them. She gestures to come up to speak. "What?" Percy asks as Annabeth pushes her toward the podium. "I didn't know I was supposed to do a speech!" Percy says in a hushed tone. "Yes you did! I told you before we got on the plane." Percy makes a face of anger. "You drugged me! How was I supposed to comprehend anything!" Annabeth smiles and shoves Percy so she is in front of everyone. "Uh, okay then." A few laughs go through the crowd. She glances back at Annabeth who gives her a nod. "All I have to say is, if you encounter any of these monsters to stay as far away from them as you can. They will not hesitate to attack. If you or your friends run into one, immediately come find me or Annabeth." Percy looks across the room to see if her message was received then steps back and returns to her seat with Annabeth. Percy told Annabeth that she would get her back for that.

After dinner Percy and Annabeth were finally able to look at the room they would be working in. They were amazed to find it stocked to the brim with greek weapons of all kinds. Percy picked up a watch that was placed on the table and read the note attached to it. The handwriting was messy and huge

Big sister!

I made you a new shield. I hope these weapons serve you good


Percy smiles and puts the watch on her wrist. She clicks the button on the side and a shield erupts from the small device. Several images were depicted across it. The battle of New York, Percy and Poseidon fighting Otis and Ephialtes, Percy and Annabeth reuniting at Camp Jupiter, and several adventures. Annabeth picks up a sword and observes the small design on the hilt. "Tyson." She smiles fondly, then Percy notices a white sword against the wall. "Annabeth, it looks like he got you something too." Annabeth looks and smiles brightly at her drakon bone sword. Tyson had taken it not so long ago to upgrade it. There were now intricate designs in the bone blade that eventually swirled around into the shape of an owl. "I love it." Percy hugs Annabeth and kisses her. "I'll IM him later and tell him."

Annabeth fell asleep while Percy decided to stay up later to IM Tyson and her mom. Tyson was working in the underwater forges. He was happy Annabeth liked the sword and that Percy found the watch. They talked for a bit, but Tyson had to go so Percy IM her mom.

The mist shimmered and revealed the image of Sally's apartment. It looked about midday. "Mom?" Sally looked up from where she sat, feeding Estelle a bottle. "Percy." She greets warmly. "Did you get there okay?" She asks. "Yeah, the flight was..." Percy glares at Annabeth. "Interesting. Anyway, classes start tomorrow." Sally smiles. "That good. You can always IM Paul for advice on how to deal with a class." Percy smirks. "Dealing with rowdy students will be a breeze for me. I used to be one after all." Sally laughs. "That is true." They talked for a bit more until the clock hit 10:00 and Percy decided to go to bed.

She snuggled in next to Annabeth and fell fast asleep.


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