C is for Castle of Glass

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This is all Percy's POV. Goes with the song Castle of Glass by Linkin Park.

Take me down to the river bend
I stood staring across the Little Tiber

Take me down to the fighting end
I could see all my friends in battle

Wash the poison from off my skin
I was being scratched by the Keres

Show me how to be whole again
Annabeth was kidnapped by Dr.Thorn

Fly me up on a silver wing
I'm being carried by the Fates

Past the black where the sirens sing
"I want to hear them sing" Annabeth had said.

Warm me up in a nova's glow
I'm jumping into Mount St. Helen's

And drop me down to the dream below
I'm with Mr.D at Bobby Earl's party

Cause I'm only a crack
A mistake. Never should've been born.

In this castle of glass
If it wasn't for me and that stupid prophecy, Silena, Beckendorf, Zoe, Bianca and the others would probably still be alive.

Hardly anything there for you to see
They can't see I'm not very heroic.

For you to seeNot very heroic at all.

Bring me home in a blinding dream
Starring at Annabeth after my talk with Mr.D

Through the secrets that I have seen
The sword of Hades....

Wash the sorrow from off my skin
It's all my fault

And show me how to be whole again
Annabeth's searching for the Athena Parthenon

Cause I'm only a crack
A failure. I couldn't save them....

In this castle of glass
If I could only change the past....

Hardly anything there for you to see
They can't see. They'll never see.

For you to see
I'm scared.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~awesome guitar solo~~~~~~~~

Cause I'm only a crack
I shouldn't be here

In this Castle of Glass
They don't need me

Hardly anything else I need to be
But this is my duty

Cause I'm only a crack
I tuned their world upside down

In this castle of glass
And I intend on turning it back

Hardly anything there for you to see
Then they'll see

For you to see
It's all my fault

For you to see.
My fault...


We all know Percy doesn't think very highly of himself. This is just a look at his dark thoughts. Sorry if this one sucks :( I know, it's not exactly percabeth. Deal with it.

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