Q is for Quaker Oats

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"Percyyyyyyy" the girl nudged the sleeping boy. His raven hair fell in his face as he  turned away from her. Percy must've bed really tired, because on weekends he's never asleep until five in the morning. Annabeth went to ruffle his hair, but her hand wavered over his forhead. He was burning up.

She went into the bathroom, pulling the thermometer out of the cabinet. She went back to Percy's room and stuck it in his mouth. Annabeth waited for it to go ding, signifing it was done.


"103!!!" Annabeth shrieked, dropping the device. Percy had seemed normal the whole day, besides the few times he complained about a migraine.

Percy stirred and barely opened his eyes. "What's going on?" his speech was slurred, like he was drunk. Annabeth showed him his temp., and Percy raised his eyebrows.

"You, stay here. I'm going to get you some medicine." Annabeth searched the house, hoping to find fever medicine or something. Nothing. She walked into the living room, picking up the phone. Dialing in Sally's number, Annabeth prayed she'd answer.

"Hi, you've reached Sally! I'm currently unavailable right now, so leave a message and I'll get back to you. Bye!" Just her luck. Annabeth hung up, going back into the room. Percy wasn't there, so she checked the bathroom.

Percy was hunched over the tiolet, hacking. "Oh my gods, Percy!" Percy stopped and wiped his mouth. Annabeth flushed the tiolet and ordered him to bed. 'I'm getting you some blankets and pillows. She plucked them out of the closet and brought them back to Percy.

"Annabeth?" Percy croaked. She propped the pillow under his head, asking him what he wanted. "can you make me some oatmeal?"

"We don't have any...." she stepped back, admiring her handiwork.

".....Then can you go get me some?" Annabeth stared at Percy. He pulled his puppy face on her, and she couldn't say no. "Fine... but if I get back and you're not laying right here or on the couch, I'll kill you."

Percy smiled at her as she left his room. Not even bothering to put her regular clothes back on, Annabeth walked out the door.  It was a warm August day, and the breeze felt nice on he skin.

About halfway to the store, Annabeth realized what she was doing. She had let Percy talk her into a twenty minute walk -there and back- to the store. Just for a small box of quaker oats.

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