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I sighed impatiently, tapping my foot against the concrete pavement as I waited for Percy to arrive. Glancing at my watch, I became even more agitated upon realising that he was 11 and a half minutes late, and I had plans for later.

It soon disappeared, however, as I spotted a mop of messy black hair making its way towards me. I quickly (and as subtlely as possible) gave myself a quick once-over in the reflection of the chip-shop window.

My blonde hair (which I despised due to the reputation it gave me) was in neat waves, and my grey eyes were outlined in a light amount of eyeliner. I usually wouldn't wear make-up when I was younger, but after saving the world twice, I decided that perhaps I could relax a bit more - a feat that turned out to be harder than some parts of the quests, as being ADHD made it hard for one to "relax".

Reflection-me wore a T-shirt which had a sea-green trident on it. It was a bit baggy, due to it being Percy's, but it was comfortable. I also wore a pir of black skinny jeans, red converse, and my Camp Half-Blood necklace.

Soon enough, Percy managed to fight through the crowds and get to me, grinning.

"I didn't think you'd actually wear that T-shirt." He told me, smirking.

"And why is that, Seaweed-Brain?"

"Because it was a joke Christmas present from Leo, to me. And it's slightly baggy on you." In reply, I shrugged.

"It's comfy. And by the way, how come you're so late?"

"Because I was making sure it was all ready."

"What was all ready?" I asked, hoping to catch him off guard.

"You'll find out in a bit. Nice try though." He'd planned this date a while ago, yet refused to tell me anything about it, other than that I'd like it, to meet him by the Fish 'n' Chips on the corner, and the time to do so.

"It was worth a shot."

"Sure, sure. Now, if you'd be so kind, follow me." He held out his hand, which I immediately took, then began to lead me through the stream of people, separating them as though they were nothing but waves.

Eventually, we neared the local park. We reached the entrance and Percy stopped, turned around and gave that small, cute smile that increased my heart rate.

"Turn around." He told me. Confused, I did so, before everything went black.

"Percy." I warned as the blindfold was tied up. "What in the name of Athens are you doing?" I could practically hear his smirk,

"I'm blindfolding you. What does it look like? Oh, right."

I glared at him, before remembering that he couldn't see me. Why can I never think when he's around?

"Anyway Annie. This is the tricky bit. Do you think you can do it?"

"Yeah. Percy, we've literally been to Hell. What can be worse than the T-place?"

"You say that now, but are you sure? There's no backing out."

"Yes, I'm sure. Now, what am I doing?"

"You're going to trust me."


"Whilst I lead you through the hedge maze."

"Fine. Can't be worse than the Labyrinth."

"And then to the surprise."

"Let's get going." I began to walk, before he laughed and his hand slipped into mine.

"Wrong way, Wise Girl."

"I knew that."


So we began walking. Every now and again I'd be pulled to his side because of a bin. Or five.

Then - true to his word - I was guided through what must have been the maze, due to the many twists, turns, close walls and feeling of one being confined in a space.

Suddenly, we stopped. The sound of traffic had long since faded, and was now replaced by the sound of water gushing, as though we were by a steady stream, river, or fountain.

The black was slipped away, replaced by a contrasting bright light. My eyes soon adjusted, however, to find a wondwrous sight before me.

I was stabding on a small, square clearing, which had a beautiful fountain standing tall in the centre.

It was decorated with lions that spat out water from each of the four sides, and had an owl at the top, the cold grey colour matching the eyes of my mother and I. It was perched on the heads of the lions, standing proudly as my mother's sacred animal.

The water all flowed into the circle of stone that surrounded it, which was decorated with flowers - carved and real alike.

"This is- this is beautiful Percy."

"Well, I would be all "nah, no trouble", but this was actually made on Olympus itself. I kinda figures that I was owed at least one favour, and decided a fountain was alright."

"It's more than alright. Its perfect!"

"Well, that's... That's not all. I have a couple other things in store too. First and foremost though, I think I owed you a meal. Is a picninc okay?"

"A picnic is great."

"Brilliant. If you'd like to come to this side of the fountain then, you'll be able to actually see the food." I followed him, smiling widely to myself. The smile was broken, however, by a gasp.

Upon a neatly set-out blanket lay a mini-feast. Piles of grapes alongside plates of ham, pizza, burgers, chips - you name it. It was, however, predominantly vegetarian.

"How come-" but Percy knew what I was going to ask.

"I didn't want to offend any gods or goddesses. Sacred animals and all that. Given that Artemis' sacred animal is every animal, I figured it was best not to have an overload on the meat."

"How thoughtful."

"Well, I've been know to think occasionally."

"Occasionally being the keyword here. We all know that the doctor deemed it unwise for you to do to much of that. You might hurt yourself." I teased.

"Oi! I'm not that stupid." I didn't reply. "Okay, I am. Not my fault though." Again, no reply but a shake of my head. "Let's eat."

"Good idea."

We enjoyed ourselves, just sitting there, laughing, joking, eating and - a couple of times - kissing.

Soon enough, Percy stood up. He offered a hand and pulled me up so that I was standing beside him.

"Now or never." He muttered to himself.

Then, Percy dropped down onto one knee, and pulled a box from the basket. He opened it up to reveal an apple. Then, he threw it to me.

Instinctively, I caught it, slightly confused.
"In ancient Greece, throwing an apple to a girl was-"

"Was a... A proposal. Percy...?"

"Here it goes then. The real box."

He pulled a smaller, but otherwise identical, box from his pocket and smiled nervously. He opened it to reveal a ring with a sea-green-swirled-with-grey gem in the middle. On one side was a small owl, the other a trident.

"Annabeth Chase. I love you. I know that, you know that, Piper's mum certainly knows that, and I'm pretty sure most of the Titans do by now too. I know I'm not the most danger-free guy out there. I know I'm no where near what you deserve. I know that my dad and your mom hate each other, but I said that rival ends. Annabeth, I've know I since we were eleven, and I've not just fallen in love with a smart, beautiful girl. I've fallen in love with my best friend. This is getting really long-winded. But the thing is that I turned down immortality for you. In order that I could live with you for the rest of my life. So... Will you do me the houners of becoming my wife?"

"You big fool! Of course I will Seaweed Brain!"

He laughed, sighing in relief. He slipped the ring on to my finger, as I admired it, watching the gem glint in the sunlight.

"I love you Percy." I told him, with complete sincerity.

"Good. I love you too, my Wise Girl."

So, end of this one. Hope you enjoyed it!

I know I said I wasn't going to be updating any of my stories, but technically this isn't an update, nor a story so...

I posted this today as it's the Summer Solstice.


Loved? Liked? Disliked? Hated?

Polite constructive criticism is welcome :)

-Alice xoxox

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