Christmas Argument

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3rd Person

"You're such a moron Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth sighed, facing away from the green eyed boy and rolling her eyes.

"You don't mean that!" Percy cried, a shocked expression written on his face, complementing the hand pressed into his chest.

"Of course I do!" Annabeth spun around, her hands placed on her hips. "Only a moron thinks Die Hard is a Christmas movie. So I therefore come to the conclusion that you are a moron."

"How dare you! Take that back!"

"I'll take it back as soon as you take that hideous sweater off!" Annabeth pointed a fingers at him accusingly.

"My mom made this for me!"

"Sure, when you were ten! You barely fit into the thing anymore!" Annabeth was right, the sleeves ended just below his elbow and the rest of the fabric was left to tightly fit over his torso.

"I'm not taking it off." Percy stamped his foot on the ground, acting like a ten year old Annabeth had just told him of being.

"Fine then," Annabeth crosses her arms over her chest, sticking her nose in the air. "No cuddles while opening presents Christmas morning." Annaneth turned her head slightly away from the boy to hide the smirk she could no longer contain, knowing that she had won. Not even slightly to her surprised she was met with the sound of franticly rustled fabric and quickly enveloped in the strong arms of a shirtless Percy.

"Dearest," Annabeth hummed. "Go put a different shirt on before you freeze."

"What, you don't like this?" Percy raised an eyebrow knowingly.

"I didn't say that," Annabeth returned, accepting the warm embrace of the boy as he picked her up and lead her to the couch by the fire. It was then that Annabeth knew that this holiday season was going to full of content and joy. After all, she couldn't ask for anything better than to spend this time with her loving moron.

Small update since it's that time of year. Thanks for all the responses in the last update! <3

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