Little Kids

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Sorry I haven't been able update for a while, it was finals week(s) and I had a ton of stuff piled up on my shoulders. Luckily, I'm on summer break now so I should be able to update more! Hopefully I can navigate my way around my soccer schedule as well. Btw, this is Percabeth as kids. Titles pretty self explanatory. Enjoy!

3rd Person

     Annabeth struggled to steady her breathing as she hid behind a thick bush, concealing herself from Percy's view. He snuck by, calling out her name with a crooked grin played out on his face. Despite his evil smile, a cheerful gleam twinkled in his eyes. For a brief moment the blonde was enchanted by the boys large eyes, letting a small sigh escape her lips. The moment she realized her mistake her hands shot up to cover her mouth, but it was too late. Percy jumped though the bushes, pinning Annabeth down by her wrists.

"Ha!" He cheered, still on top of her. "I found you."

"Seaweed Brain, you're crushing me," she complained. Percy instantly got off of her and apologized, though he didn't seem too sorry seeing that he was giggling madly as he spoke. Annabeth simply rolled her eyes. "It's hot out here, do you want to get some ice cream?" Once again, the boys eyes brightened as he nodded his head vigorously. Annabeth placed both of her hands on the sides of his head, stopping his head from moving. "If you keep doing that, your heads gonna fall off."

"No it's not!" He argued.

"You don't know that for sure." Percy shut his mouth and an expression of fear grew on his face. He walked with his head perfectly still all the way to the ice cream shop.

     Once they arrived at their destination, Percy opened the door for the little lady, entering in after her. Annabeth asked for a chocolate dipped sugar cone with two scoops of cookie dough ice cream after greeting the man at the counter. Percy, on the other hand, had his face plastered up against the glass, eyeing the blue super man flavored treat. They paid the man and exited through the doors with their ice cream cones in hand.

     "Wanna go to the pond?" Percy jumped excitedly, somehow managing not to spill his ice cream. The blonde sighed, but went along nonetheless. Half way there, Annabeth tugged on Percy's sleeve. He turned his head towards her only to lay eyes on a white van just a little ways behind them. As they walked, the two had a silent argument debating about how they were going to asses the situation at hand. Once they finally came to an agreement, they quickly dipped their heads and went their separate ways down two different ally's. Oblivious to their plan, the white van turned in pursuit of Annabeth, for she was the smaller out of the pair.

The chase carried on for a good ten minutes before the blonde was finally backed into a dead end. From out of the car came a burly man and a larger than average women, both wearing black masks and leather jackets. As the two backed the girl with a glint of horror flickering in her gray eyes, they pulled out knifes with fancy inscriptions on the hilts. Even without seeing their faces, Annabeth could tell that the two wore smiles that even death would shy away from. Luckily, the girl the duo was facing had already had a few run-ins with death, meaning she wasn't as intimidated as she appeared to be. Discarding the frightened look, a smile spread across Annabeth's face. This confused the kidnappers to the point where they didn't hear the mischievous boy sneaking up behind them, suppressing himself in the shadow of a trash can. Inside, he felt like Robin, Batman's sidekick.

     Despite the new expression Annabeth conveyed on her face the duo kept inching forward until they were only inches away from her smaller body. Seizing the golden opportunity, Annabeth shoved her ice cream in the women's face and kicked the other in a place where the sun does not shine. The man instantly crumpled to the ground, dropping his knife as well. Sadly, the women was only left stunned. They had planned for it to work out this way so Percy already knew what to do. He jumped on her back and pulled her mask over her eyes. She ran around furiously, making attempts to detach the younger boy from her shoulders by slamming him into the brick walls surrounding them. It only left Percy laughing because he would always shift his weight to one side or the other, causing the women to spin around and run face forward into every wall.

After a while, the women finally fell to the floor along side her comrade, unconscious. Percy approached her and tugged the ski mask off of her face. Gasp escaped both of their lips as the face in front of them lay uncovered.

"Is that Mrs. Gilup, our teacher from last year?" Annabeth questioned.

"I always knew there was something wrong with her!" Percy exclaimed with his pointer finger in the air as if to prove a point. "All those times she took away my blue crayons are gonna come back and bite her in the butt now."

"Percy!" Annabeth scowled, hitting on the head. "Where not supposed to say the b word."

"What, butt?" Annabeth gave him a stare to tell him that he was right. "Oh, Smelly Gabe says it all the time, but he uses a different word. I think it's pronounced as-"

"I don't want to hear it! Let's just go find a phone so we can call the police," Annabeth huffed. Percy nodded in agreement and followed the blonde out of the ally. The police arrived to take the two bodies away, but failed to identify the callers due to the fact that little couple had already left for home.

._*._*._*._*._*._*._*._*._*._*._*._*Small Time Skip to Bedtime._*._*._*._*._*._*._*._*._*._*._*

"So what did you do with Annabeth today?" Sally asked once she had tucked Percy in to get him ready for bed.

"We played hide and go seek and I found her! Then we went to get ice cream, but on our way home Annabeth spilled her ice cream so we had to get her a new one. The ice cream scooper man was nice though and gave her a second one free of charge!" The gentle women let out an airy laugh that was soon echoed by Percy's own high pitched giggle and she softly tickled him. Once his eyes finally shut, she left the room with the door cracked just in the slightest to make sure her little boy was safe.

Even as the odd couple grew up, they never told anyone of the event that took place on that day. Especially not Sally for the sake of her sanity. Percy didn't want his mother to worry anymore than she already did considering she was the only person who could've possibly loved him even more than Annabeth did.

Thought I'd throw in some mother and son sweetness there in the end. Hope you liked it! Also, I have a really short one piece story called A Grey Angel that I published, if anyone wants to go and read that then it's there for your pleasure. It's not about Percabeth, but I'm thinking about turning it into a Oneshots. If you do end up reading it, plz let me know if you think I should!

One more thing......thank you guys so much for over 400 views! It's incredible XD Bye now!

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