Midnight Kisses

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Hello my lovelies! This chapter is dedicated to the oh so awesome Yoda654321 for getting the challenge correct. Btw, the Japanese at the end of the last chapter, it meant bye. Sorry this took me so long but I originally was gonna do a reenactment of an Avatar the Last Airbender scene but it didn't work out so well. Hope you guys enjoy my backup plan!

Percy's POV

Annabeth and I snuck into the dark apartment, taking off our shoes and leaving them by the door. We had just gotten back from a fancy date night, during which we had gone to some exotic Chinese restaurant. Both of us were tired and ready to collapse where we stood, but warm, comfy PJ's seemed to be calling our names from my room.

I headed towards the bathroom to change with gray sweatpants and a blue t-shirt draped over my shoulder, while Annabeth got dressed in my room. When I returned, she was wearing a loose, light grey tank-top and black running shorts with her hair up in its usual messy ponytail. She looked absolutely stunning, even without trying.

My arms rapped around her stomach, pulling her closer to me. She let out a little yelp but relaxed once she realized it was me.

"Sorry," I whispered. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's ok," she sighed. I picked her up bridal style, carrying her over to the bed. We flopped down, facing each other, with our legs intertwined. I brought my forehead forward so it was barely resting against hers. Soft hands rubbed against my cheeks as her gentle lips met with mine. It was a nice, soft kiss that I would never get used to. Every time always felt like the first.

   We pulled apart after a while, Annabeth placing her light head on my chest. My fingers ran through her silky hair as she slowly fell into a deal sleep. I barely caught an 'I love you' before her eyes closed completely, breathes settling into a steady rhythm.

     "I love you too," I sighed as my own eyes closed, encasing me in darkness.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Time Skip To Midnight::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

     My eyes slowly opened as I felt something nudge against my arm. I blinked as I turned my head towards the source of movement. Annabeth was curled in a tight ball, covers thrown off of her shaking figure. I instantly sat up, pulling her into my lap so she was on her back, facing me.

    "Shh," I hushed, pushing her messy hair away from her face. My fingers traveled to her cheeks, wiping away the tears streaming down her face. Her beautiful grey eyes opened slowly, sparkling with fresh tears. Her eyes met mine and she burst into heavy sobs. I hugged her body even closer to mine, whispering 'it was just a dream' to her repetitively until her sobs finally softened.

     "Y-you saved me," she hiccuped into my shoulder. "But you died because of it. Demigods never have normal dreams. I don't want you to die! I can't live without you and your crooked smile and green, joyful eyes!"

     "Hey hey," I held her out so I could see her face. "I'm not gonna die on you. All that dream was telling you was that you mean the world to me and that I would do anything to keep you alive and happy, meaning I can't die. We're like yin and yang, not complete without the other."

     She smiled at that, wiping away the remaining tears. "Which one am I?" She asked.

     "I think you'd make a great Yin," I kissed her nose.

     "So you can be Yang and I'll be Yin," she continued as my lips trailed down to her jawline.

     "If that's what you want." She gave me a small smile, letting me know that that was what she wanted. I returned the grin.

     We went back to our previous position on the bed, except she was closer to me this time around. I hummed a soft tune as we attempted to fall back into our slumber. Hopefully it will be peaceful for the rest of the night.

     "Seaweed Brain," The blond mumbled. "Would you sing for me?"

     In response I softly started singing one of her favorite songs she loved to listen to when she was sad.

     You and I. We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky.

     With you, I'm alive. Like all the missing pieces of my heart they finally collide, so stop time right here in the moonlight cause I don't ever want to close my eyes.

     Without you, I feel broke, like I'm half if a whole. Without you, I've got no hand to hold. Without you, I feel torn, like a sail in a storm. Without you, I'm just a sad song, I'm just a sad song.

     With you I fall, it's like I'm leaving all my last silhouette up on a wall. With you, I'm a beautiful mess, it's like we're standing hand in hand with all out out fears up on the edge.

     So stop time right here in the moonlight cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes.

     Without you, I feel broke, like I'm half if a whole. Without you, I've got no hand to hold. Without you, I feel torn, like a sail in a storm. Without you, I'm just a sad song.

     You're my favorite part of me, with you standing next to me I've got nothing to fear.
     Without you, I feel broke, like I'm half if a whole. Without you, I've got no hand to hold. Without you, I feel torn, like a sail in a storm. Without you, I'm just a sad song. 

     Without you, I feel broke, like I'm half if a whole. Without you, I've got no hand to hold. Without you, I feel torn, like a sail in a storm. Without you, I'm just a sad song. I'm just a sad song.

     I held out the last note of the song as it gently came to an end. Annabeth's eyes were closed but I could tell that she was still awake.

     "I wish everyday could be like today," she said lightly. "Except for the nightmares."

     "Why is that?"

     "I got to spend so much time with you without a monster interfering. We got to go places and not have to worry about the Demigod world too much. I actually felt peaceful for a change."

     I chuckled. "I'm sure you felt peaceful when that guy spilled a bunch of rice and chicken onto you."

     "I don't understand why people don't watch where they're going! I was obviously right in front of him." We stayed silent and still for the remaining minutes we could stay awake. Annabeth's breathes evened out once more and she drifted off.

I kissed the top of her head. "I will always be here to protect you my Wise Girl. Don't you ever forget that."

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